

中文摘要 本計畫自民國97年9月9日開始執行,至民國98年9月8日執行後共完成260場次巡查作業,其主要巡查內容包含養豬場管理方式、實際飼養規模、污染防治設施設置及操作情形等。有關豬舍彌臭相關設施之設置情形,由巡查結果可知,畜舍彌臭方面,使用噴灑臭味抑制劑之養豬戶數於計劃執行後增加6戶比例提高13%,以圍網減少臭味逸散之養豬戶計畫執行後增加1戶,設置比例提高2%,畜舍彌臭採用消毒方式之養豬戶計畫執行前後皆為5戶,並無提高之現象。排泄物脫臭部份,計劃執行後採用臭味抑制劑脫臭之養豬戶較計畫執行前增加2戶,比例提高4%,另外,以圍網或加蓋方式減少排泄物臭味逸散之養豬戶戶數於計畫執行後增加1戶,比例提高2%。斃死豬脫臭部分,使用加蓋方式減少臭味逸散之養豬戶於計劃執行後較計劃執行前增加2戶,比例提高4%,而使用殺菌劑之養豬戶則增加9戶,設置比例提高18%。污水廠採行彌臭措施比例並無增加。 檢測作業部分,本計畫共完成102場次檢測作業,其中86場次為例行性檢測作業,16場次為專案性檢測作業。彙整檢測作業結果,不合格者有9場養豬戶,檢測不合格之養豬戶除要求增加各項彌臭措施之施行頻率(如增加臭味抑制劑之噴灑頻率),亦已於98年1月、4月及6月進行複測,複測結果均符合標準。此外計畫期間共計有6場養豬場完成輔導改善作業,改善前後之整體異味檢測值已有降低之情形,顯示6場改善作業對於週遭環境有顯著的成效。
中文關鍵字 養豬場、臭味


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2985.7 千元
專案開始日期 2008/09/09 專案結束日期 2009/09/08 專案主持人 林永祥
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97屏東臭味期末-定稿(完整版).pdf 27MB

piggery in Pingtung County odour sampling and inspection plan

英文摘要 Between September 9, 2008 to September 8, 2009, 260 times comprehensive surveys of piggeries were completed. These surveys focused on piggery management, actual breeding capacity, and pollution prevention processes. During this period, improvements were made in feeding site odor management, manure odor control, and dead pig odor control. For feeding site odor management: 1) six piggeries (up by 13%) started using odor inhibitor to prevent odor, and 2) one piggery (up by 2%) started using nets to reduce odor. The number of piggeries (5) using the sterilization method to control the odor did not change. For manure odor control: 1) two piggeries (up by 4%) started using odor inhibitor, and 2) one piggery (up be 2%) started using nets or covers to reduce odor. For dead pig odor control: 1) two piggeries (up by 4%) started using covers, and 2) nine piggeries (up by 18%) started using bactericide to control odor. There was no change in the number of piggeries that neutralized odor in the sewage treatment facility. The project also finished 102 site examinations during the same time period. 86 of them were routine examinations and the remaining were auditing examinations. According to the examination results, nine piggeries did not pass the standard guidelines. These nine piggeries were requested to increase the frequency of odor prevention treatment (for example, increasing the spray frequency of the odor inhibitor). Three follow-up audits were conducted in January, April, and June, 2009, and all showed that these nine piggeries had met the standard. In addition to the improvements mentioned above, this project also helped 6 piggeries under the “enviromental improvement consulting” program. The test results showed that the program helped the piggeries to reduce odor and had a good impact on the surrounding area.
英文關鍵字 pig farm、smell