

中文摘要 本專案維護「環保報案中心公害陳情案件管理系統」,受理全國民眾有關於公害之陳情,透過網路、電子郵件、電話、傳真或書面等方式受理,並將案件即時地交辦至各級環保單位;環保單位列印管制單交由稽查人員到場處理後,將處理結果登錄回系統,並以民眾指定之方式回覆,同時辦理過程限於7日內。 合約期間受理31個環保單位藉由各項管道提出對本系統相關問題,客服人員作出回覆及協助解決操作上之困難,使系統成為各環保單位執行本業務時,依賴之重要工具。以96年度為例,每月各級環保單位之客服次數約為46次,對於各單位之建議修改需求亦即時反應予主辦單位。 本計畫提供各級環保單位良善的操作介面,對於陳情主機軟硬體調整、作業系統更新及維護、並在功能上強化,建置良好的流程控管及提示功能;目前系統儲存民眾陳情案件量共計105萬件以上,96年度截至12月中旬,已受理超過14萬件,各單位使用狀況良好。 本系統亦提供民眾及環保單位友善的操作介面,進行雙向溝通,提供線上滿意度調查及收集民眾對於所陳情之案件處理品質之意見,作為各單位加強服務或改進之參考。
中文關鍵字 公害,陳情,報案,環境污染,資料加密,橫向整合,年終考核


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-K103-02-201 經費年度 096 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2007/01/18 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 梁翊微
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 李奇樺 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫成果公開版.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

National Environmental protection Agencies Public Nuisance cases Accepting Center MIS Upgrade & Maintenance project of 2007

英文摘要 This project is responsible for the maintenance of 「EPA public nuisance appeal system」. The system is designed to fulfill the acceptance of nuisance cases via web, telephone, facsimile, letter, and any possible sources. All the cases will be delivered to the authorized EPBs through the web instantly. After EPBs receive the cases they will print out the case sheet to designated inspector to perform the on-site examination or collect evidence. The inspected result shall be responded to the reporter. The case from acceptance to the response shall be limited shorter than 7 days. The authorized EPBs and divisions are 31 units. They will suggest all the expectation or improvement on the system to help them a better decision making reference. This project dedicated user service which provides the assistance or improvement towards the suggestion. The customer Service takes 2007 as the spectrum; the EPBs provide approximately 46 requests per month. All the requests and suggestions from the EPBs have been reported to the client rapidly. Project provides a better interface to display system more friendly. Other than that, the mainframe software has been adjusted, o/s updated and maintained, the implementation of function was made to provide better data flow control and process hints, existing databank stores people appeals amounted to 1050,000 cases and above. In 2007 up to Dec. the accepted cases are accumulated to 140,000. All the users are comfortable on applying the system to do the daily jobs smoothly. This system also plays the role of the communication bridge between people and EPBs. The system provides on-line satisfaction inventory and people suggestion collection, which could be viewed as a very important reference to motivate this affair getting improvement.
英文關鍵字 environmental,pollution,state,and,plead,report,a,case,environmental,protection,Data,encryption,cross,epbs,integration,annual,evaluation