

中文摘要  本計畫已於計畫年度中建立基隆與高雄兩處無人飛機作業基地站,除輔助無人飛機進行作業外,並每天24小時持續接收海面船隻AIS資訊。目前運用南北二站所接收之船隻AIS 資料,與國際AIS 資料收集組織進行資料交換,取得整個台灣海峽之AIS 船隻定位資料,補足僅有兩座接收站涵蓋面不足問題,並可即時提供全台灣海峽之大型船隻動態予需求單位使用。 在另一方面,本案將接收之資料依據時間序列存入大型船隻航行資料庫中。資料庫可根據時間、地點進行查詢,可提供署內查詢於各時間點內通過台灣海峽之大型航行船隻歷史資訊。 在無人飛機海上監控任務方面,已完成30 次飛行任務,其中包含台灣澎湖跨海飛行、東西二圳監控飛行、海拋船監控飛行與其他海上、海岸、陸上監控任務,並將UAV即時影像監控距離由去年之25公里延伸至50公里。 在資料提供與整理上,本案彙整95年至98年度無人飛機飛行紀錄共170餘筆資料至署內多媒體資料庫中備查,並持續對署內提供相關之需求文件。並於99年7月舉辦無人飛機運用研討會,將相關的技術運用觀念推廣至各可能使用單位。 針對未來預備運用無人飛機進行全國海洋污染巡察作業,本計畫根據目前所需監控之海域,根據實際的需求與可能的設備能量,進行短中長期之規劃,以提供署內作為未來施政之參考。
中文關鍵字 無人飛機,海污監測,河川污染監測


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-G106-02-102 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1900 千元
專案開始日期 2009/09/25 專案結束日期 2010/09/24 專案主持人 吳昌暉教授
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 劉建華 執行單位 元智大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-98-G106-02-102 Public.pdf 45MB

UAV Marine and River Pollution Monitoring Network

英文摘要 In this project, the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) operation bases in Keelung and Kaohsiung has been established. These two operation bases support the operations of survey mission and receive Automatic Identification System (AIS) information 24 hours a day from ocean vessels. In order to obtain the positions of all the large vessels in the Taiwan, we not only use the data from those two bases, but also acquire AIS data from the National AIS Collection Organization. A web-based platform provides real time status of vessels in the Taiwan Strait to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). On the other hand, those AIS information will also be stored in the database based on time series. The history record let the EPA to check all vessels through the Taiwan Strait anytime. This project has complete 30 unmanned maritime surveillance missions this year, which include Taiwan to Penghu mission, river monitoring flight, and other maritime vessel monitoring tasks。The distance of real-time video monitoring is extended from 25 km to 50km with to the new radio communication technology. Today, more than 170 surveillance records are stored in the EPA’s multimedia database for future reference. In July this year, a seminar, which was organized by this project team, continued to promote the concept and technology related to the potential application of UAS. The project is now well-prepared for the further application of UAS in national marine pollution surveillance. According to the demands and resources, a master plan with short-term and long-term objectives was been presented.
英文關鍵字 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle、UAV、Marine Pollution 、 River Pollution