

中文摘要 為向全民廣為宣導二氧化碳減量之重要性,本計畫已於9月24日完成一場次之大型全民二氧化碳減量宣導活動,本次活動參與對象包含:住商部門行業及民間團體等十個單位。本計畫亦建置全民二氧化碳減量資訊網站,提供二氧化碳減量相關資訊、活動,供產業、消費者、教師、學生等不同對象之需求搜尋資訊,並有二氧化碳貢獻計算程式,供民眾試算,讓民眾了解節省電費也能減少溫室氣體排放。本計畫於5月底即開始辦理口號徵選活動與全民二氧化碳減量生活小撇步票選活動,參與口號徵選投稿件數達344件,生活小撇步票選活動累積票數更高達152,888票,活動期間透過台北捷運車廂廣告、公車車體廣告、台鐵電聯車車廂廣告、與全台各大型賣場張貼海報、發送酷卡等、「科學人」雜誌及「大家說英語」雜誌廣告、中時電子報入口網站宣導等多元化傳媒方式廣泛宣傳,提高活動之曝光度,增加民眾對於二氧化碳減量之認知度與認同感。文宣品製作部分包含:1. 生活小撇步宣導手冊,至目前為止共發行16,000份,廣發於民眾以達推廣目的。2.發行各3期之「中英文二氧化碳減量活動」電子報以及口號徵選及生活小撇步票選電子報各1期,廣發活動消息於民眾,提高民眾參與度。3. 為配合口號徵選活動與全民二氧化碳減量生活小撇步票選活動,製作海報及酷卡,提高活動能見度,並灌輸民眾二氧化碳減量觀念。 本計畫蒐集研析各主要國家對於住商/交通部門之溫室氣體統計、減量策略及推動相關減量活動,蒐集的國家包括美國、加拿大、歐盟、英國、德國、日本、新加坡等。蒐集管道來自UNFCCC網站各國家所提最近一次的國家通訊、各國相關網站、研討會相關資料等。本計畫也蒐集OECD國家住商部門減量措施與策略的減量技術、Pew Center、UNDP 的能源相關課題等資訊。本計畫蒐集第二次全國能源會議、行政院推行全民二氧化碳減量暨節約能源運動專案、溫室氣體減量法(草案)等資訊,分析執行成果後建議各部會應持續推動提升全民溫室氣體認知之相關宣導活動。 本計畫亦分析不同建物溫室氣體排放量資料與推估效能標準,調查的對象包括22家政府機關(縣市政府)、9家辦公大樓、350家學校(台北縣市國小)、60家知名旅館、59家大型賣場(包括百貨公司/量販店/健身房)等共計500家。問卷回收率為48%,最高者為旅館業者(30%)。18家旅館的溫室氣體排放量佔最大宗(佔47%),240家國小次之,佔20%。但這18家旅館的溫室氣體排放量,佔我國2005年商業部門溫室氣體排放量不到1%。計算單位樓地板面積之用電量(EUI值)與溫室氣體效能標準,旅館業分別為219kWh/ m2.Year與177 kgCO2/ m2.Year。可是,國小則約僅有十分之一,分別為26kWh/ m2.Year與17 kgCO2/ m2.Year,可見商業部門各種不同建築物的使用狀況差異性很大。 我國能源之星標章申請案件至2006年12月止,計有28家台灣國內廠商之產品獲得能源之星標章,產品項目包含液晶螢幕監視器、多功能產品、掃瞄器、多功能事務機等,共計326件產品獲得能源之星標章,其中電腦8項、監視器216、多功能裝置38項、掃瞄器64項,其效益為每年約可節省853萬度(kWh)的電力,相當於省下1,765萬新台幣的費用,每年相對可減少5,292噸二氧化碳排放。在能源之星標章追蹤考核作業方面,共查核市場上100件產品,發現華碩電腦三件電腦顯示器產品,未經申請違規使用能源之星標章,目前追蹤情況為華碩電腦已經向美國能源之星標章提出申請,並獲通過部份型號之電腦顯示器產品。本計畫舉辦兩場次之推廣合作說明會,與標章產品廠商、大型賣場及民間團體等單位建立合作機制,廣發能源之星標章相關訊息於其內部之電子報及公告,強化員工溫室氣體減量教育訓練。另外能源之星標章網站依據產業及消費者等不同對象之資訊需求情況,設計廠商與民眾兩種不同對象版型頁面,以滿足不同對象之需求,並針對不同對象進行宣導。在能源之星標章電子報方面,發行三期中英文電子季報與製作能源之星標章宣導摺頁與中英文成果專刊。
中文關鍵字 二氧化碳;能源之星標章;溫室氣體;辦公室設備方案


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-FA11-03-A151 經費年度 095 計畫經費 7720 千元
專案開始日期 2006/04/19 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 于寧
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 吳奕霖 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99977392-1.pdf 20MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Citizens’ Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Campaign and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Planning Project

英文摘要 In order to convey to the consumers the importance of carbon dioxide emissions reduction, this project has held a large scale carbon dioxide emissions reduction promotional event on September 24, 2006, which was jointly organized by 10 residential, commercial and civil organizations. In addition, the citizens’ carbon dioxide emissions reduction information website was established to serve as a portal to provide the industry, consumers, teachers and students with information related to carbon dioxide emissions reduction activities. Also provided on this website is an equation to calculate the contributions to carbon dioxide reduction, so that through simple calculation the consumers may know how much electricity is saved through their emissions reduction actions. Beginning in May 2006, the project initiated the Internet Voting for the Best Daily Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Tips and the Best Emissions Reduction Slogans Contest, and has received 344 submissions of slogans contest and accumulated over 152,888 votes for the tips voting. During this voting event, promotional posters were posted on the cars/buses of Taipei Rapid Transit, city buses, Taiwan Railway commuter cars and major large-scale retail stores throughout Taiwan. Advertisements were also placed on journals and magazines, such as Scientific Americans, Studio Classroom, and the online edition of China Times newspaper. The objective of such multimedia promotional activities is to raise the citizens’ awareness to the importance of carbon dioxide emissions reduction actions. In terms of promotional materials, the following were produced by the project: 1. Over 16,000 copies of Daily Emissions Reduction Tips were distributed to the consumers; 2. Three issues of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Newsletters were published in both Chinese and English, and one issue of newsletter on Best Slogan Contest and Best Daily Tips Voting was also published; 3. In order to increase the participation in the aforementioned contest and voting, cool cards and promotional posters were also distributed around the island. This project collected and analyzed information related to major countries’ residential, commercial and transportation sectors’ greenhouse gas emission statistics, emissions reduction strategies, and relevant promotional activities. The countries in which information were collected included US, Canada, European Union, UK, Germany, Japan and Singapore, and the information was collected from national communications posted on the UNFCCC website, and each countries’ relevant websites, as well as conferences proceedings and meeting materials. The project also collected information related to OECD member countries’ emissions reduction measures, strategies and technologies for commercial and residential sector, and energy related information from the Pew Center and UNDP. For this part of the task, the project collected information related to the Second National Energy Meeting, the Citizens’ Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction and Energy Saving Campaign Project, and draft Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act. In order to analyze the greenhouse gas emissions from various building types and estimate and establish the energy efficiency standards, over 500 organizations were surveyed for their energy consumption, which included 60 famous hotels, 59 department stores/wholesale-clubs/gyms, 350 Taipei city/county elementary schools, 22 government agencies and 9 office buildings. Of the organizations surveyed, 48% responded to the survey, including 18 hotels. The 18 hotels take up the greatest portion (47%) of all respondents’ emissions, while the 240 elementary schools only take up 20%. Yet the surveyed hotels emissions are less than 1% of total commercial sector emissions in 2005. The calculated unit electricity consumption per floor area (EUI value) and GHG emissions efficiency standard for the hotel business in Taiwan in 2005 are 219kWh/ m2.year and 177 kgCO2/ m2.year respectively; while the corresponding values for elementary schools are only 26kWh/ m2.year and 17 kgCO2/ m2.year respectively. These results show that great differences exist between different building types even within the commercial sector in terms of energy efficiency. As of December 2006, 326 products from 28 Taiwan domestic manufacturers are qualified to use the ENERGY STAR mark under the ENERGY STAR program in Taiwan. These products include 8 computers, 216 monitors, 38 multifunction devices, and 64 scanners. The environmental benefits achieved through these products are 8.53 million kWh in electricity saving, which is equivalent to savings of 17.65 million NT dollars in energy costs and reducing 5292 metric tons in carbon dioxide emissions.For the after-market surveillance of ENERGY STAR products, a total of 100 products were sampled from the market in 2006, and only 3 computer monitors from Asus were found to be using ENERGY STAR mark without application. Asus has since applied for use of the mark to the ENERGY STAR program in US and has qualified to use the mark on some of its monitor models. The project also held two promotional seminars, in order to establish cooperation mechanism with the qualified product manufacturers, large scale retailers and civil organization, to spread ENERGY STAR information in their internal newsletters and announcements, and strengthen their employee training on greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Furthermore, in order to meet the different demands of consumers and manufacturers, the information on the ENERGY STAR website was divided into two parts for consumers and manufacturers respectively, and provides different sets of information. As for the ENERGY STAR newsletter, three issues were issued in both Chinese and English language; in addition, ENERGY STAR promotional pamphlet and a special booklet on results and achievements of ENERGY STAR was also published.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Dioxide, ENERGYSTAR, Greenhouse Gases, Office Equipment