

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容係針對縣內固定空氣污染源持續進行管制,及縣內特殊行業別管制工作之管制成效,如協辦空氣污染物稽查檢測作業、特殊行業別及相關法規及定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業等,以奠定各項空氣污染物管理制度及措施之基礎,藉以掌握臺中縣各項污染物減量空間及減量規劃。 本計畫自97年3月15日至98年2月28日止,量化進度平均達100%,各項工作進度及結果說明如下: ㄧ、協辦空氣污染物稽查檢測作業:配合執行環保署及環保局其他計畫檢測作業,本項作業為配合執行,共協辦117場次稽查檢測作業,共6場不合格,已協助環保局進行告發及輔導改善。本計畫執行煙道或周界稽查檢測作業,本項作業預計執行8根(場)次皆已完成。 二、加油站實施「污染泡」管制方式:完成加油站氣油比稽查檢測共60站次;查核603支汽油加油槍,合格率為85%;完成加油站氣漏檢測為15站次,合格率為80%,要求不合格之業者依法令限期改善,已進行後續追蹤改善;加油站油氣回收法規查核,共執行60站次,查核站次均符合規定無違法之情事。共執行加油站空氣污染行為查核208站次,查核站次皆無違法之情事。進行「不強迫加油」之問卷調查共回收1,014份,製作及發送宣導貼紙共加油站(加油機)貼紙2,000張及民眾車輛(加油蓋)之禁止「強迫加油」貼紙10,000張。共受理3站次新設加油站申請案件, 2式新設申請案之已完成第三階段之審查,1申請案件第二階段審核完畢,油氣回收設施設置計畫書審核完畢。 三、特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核:特定行業別及相關法規查核共執行40家次,查核不符之公私場所共3家,已要求工廠確實改善。臺中縣「電力設施空氣污染物排放標準」修正加嚴草案已於7月31日發文,並於後續辦理1場次專家學者諮詢會及2場次公廳會。 四、定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業:共協助599件次/583件之審查,不合格之案件專案小組以電子郵件及電話方式通知業者進行修正,並進行複審。固定污染源煙道無預警監督檢測,共執行88根(場)次。 五、逸散源及堆置場相關管制作業:共執行法規符合度查核99家次,堆置場法規符合度達81%以上,並輔導5家次業者完成污染防制工作。共執行電弧爐煉鋼業廢鐵堆置場、港區逸散污染源查核26家次,21家業者法規符合度達70%以上。 六、露天燃燒巡查作業:共執行一般露天燃燒巡查作業103件及稻作收割季節稻草露天燃燒巡查作業161件,共264件;協助告發露天燃燒行為11件。並於露天燃燒好發地點設置告示牌共20點。 七、餐飲業清查管制作業:共執行107家次,其中主要以中式居多,已裝設油煙氣罩之防制設備家數達86.9%。 八、固定污染源減量輔導及地下工廠管制作業:共執行19家次歷年重大污染源公私場所之減量協談追蹤輔導;8家業者已完成減量改善;3家業者尚在評估或仍在進行改善措施;4家業者考量成本及場地等因素,無法進行減量改善;2家業者已取得許可證,並按許可證進行操作;另有2家業者已停業。持續普查非法(地下)工廠普查資料建立及更新,共執行107家次,已查核家次中以組裝或物理壓延等作業之小工廠為主。 九、本計畫共辦理2場次公私場所現場減量管制協商會,分別為7月14日辦理99號碼頭減量協商會,針對99號碼頭物料裝卸作業造成粉塵逸散問題辦理減量協商會,並請臺中港務局提出改善書;另一為12月25日辦理港區西碼頭儲槽業者減量協商會,對於臺中港西碼頭之VOCs防制設備之操作進行協商建議。 十、臺中港西碼頭儲槽業管制作業進:行污染物排放量推估,污染防制設備有效查核並提出有效之改善方案,該項管制方案於6月11日召開港區西碼頭「空氣污染防制技術專家學者諮詢會議」,後續依委員意見辦理。進行3廠次之設備元件稽查檢測,其中2廠次之檢測結果顯示防制設備效果不佳,並邀請專家學者及臺中港西碼頭地區之儲槽業者召開減量協商會針對儲槽後之防制設備進行討論。 十一、辦理空氣污染防制稽查、處分管制資料建檔及陳情案追蹤輔導:對被ㄧ再陳情或環保局指定之公私場所進行稽巡查或追蹤輔導共完成61家次,未查獲污染行為之公私場所專案小組將持續追蹤,有發現污染行為之公私場所,進行改善輔導。 十二、各工作應達減量成效:本計畫本年度各工作減量成效總量共為372.95公噸。 十三、舉辦有關固定源之各類會議:本計畫共執行3場次,分別為加油站油氣回收既法規說明會、餐飲業油煙污染防制宣導說明會及VOCs處理技術概論說明會各1場。 十四、新聞稿:本計畫應每月提供2則新聞稿,每2個月需有1則見報,共需30則﹙包含見報6則﹚,共提供新聞稿25則,見報則數為15則,總則數為40則。 九、計畫本期完成比率: 100%
中文關鍵字 固定源,固定污染源,空氣污染物,稽查,稽查管制,減量,減量輔導,減量輔導計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 8489 千元
專案開始日期 2008/03/15 專案結束日期 2009/02/28 專案主持人 呂進榮
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 衛宇科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97年臺中縣固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫期末正式報告.rar 23MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Taichung county「Stationary sources air pollutant inspection, control and emission reduction guidance plan」 of Year 2008.

英文摘要 This project focus on air pollutants patrol and inspection in stationary sources and the performance of special industrial regulation check within Taichung county, for example, air pollutants annual testing examination and regulation check testing etc. The goal is to control the emission reduction potential for every industrial in Taichung County. Main results of this project are below: (1). The compliance check of air pollutant in factories by inspection testing: we help 117 times of inspection testing, and 6 of them are fined. And we also perform 8 times of inspection testing. (2). ”Gas station bubble control” policy enforcement: we perform gas-air ratio test in 60 stations, station tank leak test in 15 stations, and 208 times forced fuel action inspection. We also finished 1014 questionnaires about no forced fuel. We also review 3 new gas stations application, 2 of them were passed. (3). Special industrial regulation check: 40 times patrols were performed, 3 of them were asking to improve. We also bring up with “Emission standards of air pollutants in power plant” regulation draft, which consulted experts and was held public hearing for twice. (4). Annual testing system management: we examined 599 reports. For those who had minor mistake were asked to fix them and report to the bureau again. We also gave 88 time in-situ no alarm inspection when stationary sources were performing their annual testing. (5). Fugitive sources control patrol: we examined 99 times of regulation compliance, the compliance ratio were above 81%. 5 sources were guided to improve their control devices. We patrolled 26 times of steel factories and bay area fugitive sources, the compliance ratio were above 70%. (6). Open fire control: 103 times open fire patrol were taken for business day as usual, 161 times open fire patrol were taken during rice harvest seasons. 20 spots of no open fire warming were set up. (7). Restaurant air pollution control: 107 times were performed, most of them were Chinese restaurants, 86.9% of them had set up air pollution control devices. (8). Emission reduction of Stationary sources: We followed 19 factories of their emission reduction plan; 8 ones were finished. (9). Tanks control in Western Pier of Taichung Bay area: 3 times of device testing were performed, 2 of them showed that the efficiency of air pollution control wasn’t enough, so we provided experts opinions to improve them. (10). We held 2 emission reduction meetings and 3 regulation meetings, and also helped database input of air pollution inspection and fine. A total of 372.950 tons emission reduction were achieved in the project. 9、Ration of Completion: 100%
英文關鍵字 Stationary sources,Stationary sources air pollutant inspection,control and emission reduction ,guidance plan