

中文摘要 隨著環境品質資料整合工作日趨完善,與環保局之垂直整合與外機關之橫向聯繫,成為環境品質資料倉儲系統功能與範圍提升之限制,囿於未建立環境資料標準格式與管理規範,生產環境資料之單位資料品質與資料完整性備受質疑,不僅不利資料流通與維護,亦無法滿足民眾度對環境資訊關切之需求。鑒此,遂成立本評估案,期透過環境資訊管理規範之建立,讓中央及地方環保機關有統一規範遵循,亦俾利未來整合環境資料之工作推動。 本建議書徵求說明書文件之目的,係針對「環境資訊管理規範」制定之評估作業,說明計畫需求與期望,作為委託發展之基準,俾利投標承商據以提出符合需求之服務建議書參與評選,並提供得標後之後續計畫執行之要求,承商所提之服務建議書需涵蓋本案工作需求及時程規劃。
中文關鍵字 環境資訊;規範;評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-L103-02-203 經費年度 098 計畫經費 800 千元
專案開始日期 2009/05/05 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 許芳銘
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 葉麗雲 執行單位 國立東華大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 epa-L0-XZASLHTWBO-03-08.pdf 1MB

Evaluation on Environmental Information Management Regulation

英文摘要 Fact finding is one of the hallmarks of a democratic society especially in an era of heightening awareness of environmental protectionism. It is further evidenced by increasing interests among the public and related interest groups over ascertaining relevant environmental information. Toward this end, the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) of Republic of China has embarked upon numerous projects with an aim of collecting environmental data through which a meaningful data warehouse has been established. The advantages of an effective environmental information management can be explained by using both managerial and technical perspectives. First, from managerial perspective, setting up standard policy and procedures over environmental management for government departments and agencies will enhance environmental data quality and maintain data integrity. Second, from technical perspective, using effective data mining technique into the established data warehouse resides within the EPA can further streamline environmental management system and allow much better integration between actual applications and feasible analyses. Besides, this project is also designed to analyze current regulations regarding environmental information and understand the relationship among them. Furthermore, this project suggests that some rules regarding environmental information management have to be developed for providing a foundation for future management and information disclosure. Lastly, this project proposes amendment to the existing guideline for collecting environmental information resources.
英文關鍵字 environmental information;regulation;evaluation