

中文摘要 摘 要 本計畫執行期程係自95年3月15日至96年3月14日止,共計12個月。本次期末報告中所列各項作業進度及成果分析之統計期間係自95年3月15日至96年3月14日止(以下簡稱本階段),其中主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理專責人員在職訓練及各類宣導說明會等工作項目;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求。 截至本階段,本縣列管固定污染源共計2,029家,較上年度減少209家,列管行業以橡/塑膠製品相關行業、金屬製品製造及加工業、木竹製品相關行業為最多。本縣現階段空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物由原先4829.451噸/年增加至6,517.851公噸;硫氧化物由16310.208噸/年減少為16,046.008公噸、氮氧化物由26307.82噸/年略增為26426.66公噸,揮發性有機物由7431.981噸/年減為7,077.171公噸,而台灣電力股份有限公司台中電廠仍為本縣固定污染源最主要之排放源。 本計畫有鑑於揮發性有機污染物即將收費以及列管工廠數有多數皆已多年未更新資料,其於資料庫的可信度已偏低,因此,在資料庫維護更新的清查作業上主要以揮發性有機物排放量大者及三年以上未清查過之工廠為作業重點,另外,配合簡政便民理念及環保署考評(特色及創新作法),規劃執行許可ISO制度並協談台電簽署自願減量協議及公告堆置場洗車平台設置規範,希冀藉此能突顯計畫執行效益。 在許可作業方面,完成許可ISO9001認證,計畫執行期間共核發273件設置及操作許可證,許可申請案件審查期程均能符合環保署法定期程,非屬重大申請案及第一類許可案件之審查期程平均縮短在10日之內。另爲確保公私場所污染源與許可申請文件內容一致及合理,本年度操作許可審查作業程序新增了許可前查及核證前協商確認制度,計畫執行期間共完成152廠次煙道之監督檢測作業,262個製程之操作許可證核發前現場查核作業,及344件次之核證前協商確認作業。另外,完成287個製程之許可證核發後現場查核,查核結果不符合許可內容 者,有108個製程,查核不符合率達37.63%(其中環保署委託單位審查機關核證者查核15張,不符合8張,不符合率達53.33%)。 在空污費相關作業上,掌握申報名單648家,完成219家次工廠空污費查核作業並查得應補繳1,000元以上者共42家次,另針對每一季別未如期完成申報之工廠進行131家催補繳作業,共催得679,787元,催繳後到繳率為93.89%,總申繳率為99.2%。 在資料庫維護管理作業,本年度維護更新名單來源為原EPA97資料庫中已列管之工廠,篩選條件為VOCS前100大之公私場所、CO2排放量前100大之公私場所、三年內未曾清查,及配合環保署資料庫相關清查作業名單執行本年度之維護更新作業,比較分析94年度及95年度列管固定污染源各污染物年排放量變化,發現於95年共新增列管8家工廠,新增完成設置2家,刪除列管60家,暫時停工5家,目前列管工廠為2029家,較計畫執行前列管數減少31家,而較去年度減少了209家。在製程污染源狀況部份94年至95年本縣列管工廠總製程數減少44個、污染源減少104個、防制設備減少29個及煙道管制數減少41根次,主要減少原因為28家工廠停工或遷移。 其他具體成果包括掌握更新應申報名單176家、輔導521家次應申報排放量公私場所完成95年度第一、二、三季網路申報作業,並完成434件第1~3季申報排放量審核作業及查核問題之現場查核;完成查核廠家之空污費、排放量比對、掌握確認許可第8批公告名單101家、.辦理5場次專責人員複訓、1場次法規宣導及許可填表說明會、1場次許可公告第八批法規及填表說明會、1場次排放量網路申報說明會、更新列管污染源之二氧化碳排放量資料、協助規劃因應臭氧三級防制區之固定污染源管制策略及管制措施、配合環保局交辦事項等,其相關作業內容及詳細成果,分述於本報告各章節中。
中文關鍵字 資料庫維護更新與管理,執行許可制度,辦理空污費催補繳及查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 095 計畫經費 12600 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/15 專案結束日期 2007/03/14 專案主持人 金凱怡
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 康維開發科技(股)公司


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期末報告 95.rar 11MB [期末報告]公開完整版
英文摘要 Abstract The duration of the project was from 3/15/2006 to 3/14/2007, totaling 12 months. The statistics of all operation progresses and analysis results included in the final report were for the period from 3/15/2006 to 3/14/2007 (herein refer to as this stage). The main operations included database maintenance/renewal/management, execution of the permit system, conduct air pollution charge collection and auditing, online emission volume application review, and conduct personnel on job training and various promotion seminars; all operations and progresses were completed according to the original plan and in compliance with the content of the contract. Up until this stage, there are 2029 listed county controlled fixed pollution sources, a reduction of 209 sources compared to last year. Majority of the listed control pollution sources were rubber\plastic related industries, metallic product manufacturers\ processors, and wood\bamboo related product manufacturers. The current annual air pollution emission volumes in the county were: particle pollution increased from 4829.451 tons/year to 6517.851 tons/ year, oxysulfide reduced from 16310.208 tons/year to 16046.008 tons/year, NOx slightly increased from 26307.82 tons/year to 26426.66 tons/year, and volatile organic compound reduced from 7431.981 tons/year to 7077.171 tons/year; Taiwan Power Company, Taichung Plant was still the major fixed pollution source in the county. Because new volatile organic compound pollution charges are ready to start and many of the listed control factories haven’t been renewed for years; the creditability of the database has decreased a great deal. Hence the focus of this database renewal operations were placed on major volatile organic compound pollution sources and factories that miss out renewal check ups for over three years. Additionally, in conjunction with the policy of simplified and convenient government operation procedures and evaluation by the Environmental Protection Agency (features and innovations), we planned to initiate the ISO permit system, negotiate the signing of the voluntary reduction agreement with the Taiwan Power Company, and publicize the establishment regulations for the storage yard car wash platform; we hope these actions can help highlight the performance of the project. In the permit operation, the ISO9001 certification had been accomplished; a total of 273 establishment and operation permits were issued during the project execution period; the applications had all been reviewed according to the regulated time frame by the environmental protection agency; the review period for the non-major applications and the first category permit applications had been decreased to be within 10 days. In addition, to confirm the public/private places pollution sources and the content of the applications are consistent, we added the pre-permit inspection system prior to issuing the permit. During the project execution, 152 factory chimney inspections were completed along with 262 pre-permit on site inspections and 344 pre-permit negotiations. In addition, 287 certified production processes’ on site inspections were completed, which 108 processes were found incompliance to the content of their permits; the incompliance ratio was 37.63% (among which 15 permits were inspected by the EPA entrusted agencies, which included 8 incompliance; the incompliance ratio was 53.33%) In the air pollution charge operation, the declaration list had a total of 648 companies, we completed 219 air pollution charge inspection and found 42 companies with unpaid air pollution charge over NTD1000. We also completed collection actions against 131 delayed payment and collected a total of NTD679,787; the delayed payment collection ratio was 93.89% and the total declaration collection ratio was 99.2%. In the database maintenance and management, the source of the renewal list for this year was the EPA97 controlled factories, the screening terms were the top 100 VOCs public/private places, the top 100 CO2 emission public/private places, places that have not been reviewed for three years, and the inspection list included in the EPA inspection database. Compare the 2005 and 2006 annual pollution emission volume for the controlled fixed pollution sources; we found 8 newly listed controlled factories, 2 newly established factories, 60 excluded factories, and 5 temporarily shut-downs. At the moment, there are 2029 controlled factories, 31 controlled factories short from the list prior to the project execution and 209 factories less than the list last year. In the production process pollution sources, from 2005 to 2006, there were 44 less pollution processes, 104 less pollution sources, 29 less protection equipments, and 41 less controlled chimneys; the major contributor to the decrease was shut-downs and transfers of 28 factories. Other concrete achievements included new declaration list of 176 factories, 521 consultations helping public/private places completing first three quarters’ on line declaration operations, completed reviews and on site inspections of 434 declarations in the first three quarters, completed comparisons of air pollution charges and emission volumes, confirmed 8th batch of publicized 101 permitted companies, held 5 training sessions for operation personnel, held one regulation promotion and permit application form presentation, held one permit publication regulation and application form presentation, held one online emission declaration presentation, renew CO2 emission data for controlled pollution sources, assisted planning of control strategy and measures for fixed pollution sources of third degree ozone prevention area, and coordination of EPA entrusted operations; detailed operation and results were outlined in different chapters in the report.