

中文摘要 摘 要 本計畫執行期程係自96年3月15日至97年3月14日止,共計12個月。其中主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理專責人員在職訓練及各類宣導說明會等工作項目;各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程(如下表)一一進行 (成果摘要詳表1.3-2),量化之工作項目除了新聞稿外各工作進度達成率均已達100%。 截至本階段,本縣列管固定污染源共計2,020家,較上年度減少9家,列管製程數為2,607個、污染源有10,813個、防制設備2,986個、排放管道2,671根,列管排放量為粒狀污染物4,264.21噸/年,硫氧化物16,810.27噸/年,氮氧化物30,437.87噸/年,揮發性有機物7,960.68噸/年,探討其變化原因主要為執行清查作業造成的列管家數變化所引起的排放量變化、計算基準修正以及列管廠家其製程、產能變動所致。而自86年至96年以來,臺中縣固定污染源經由各項加嚴管制措施之執行及維護更新作業之持續進行,總體而言列管排放量的變化為:粒狀污染物排放量由5,424噸/年降至4,264噸/年;硫氧化物由83,698噸/年降至16,810噸/年;氮氧化物由28,097噸/年略升至30,438噸/年;揮發性有機物由2,803噸/年大幅增至7,961噸/年。 完成250家現場清查及建檔作業,而在清查後列管之製程數減少27%,污染源列管數減少26%,防制設備列管數減少29%,排放口列管數減少16%;在列管排放量變化方面粒狀污染物減少15.93噸,硫氧化物減少232.49噸,氮氧化物增加603.49噸,揮發性有機物減少433.12噸,一氧化碳減少121.09噸。 96年7月空污費移撥地方執行後,本計畫協助完成空污費新制相關審核移轉縣市環保局作業規劃,並完成706件的空污費申報資料建檔及掃瞄作業。另外,透過維護更新及空污費查核、催補繳作業新增應申繳空污費之家數共計56家,篩除空污費列管家數共計39家,催得5,138,140元空污費;此外,針對環保署指定名單及繳費對象前30大名單完成47家第一季空污費申報結果與排放量申報資料比對,比對結果有二件為空污費申報錯誤,其餘為計算基準不同(許可為SCC係數,空污費為公告之均化係數);協助未申繳空污費廠家申報輔導,全縣到繳率由期初的60%提升至90%以上。 在執行許可制度之相關作業上,現階段總計核發64張設置許可證及292張操作許可證;分析許可審查日數,設置許可平均審查日數為8.8日,較95年減少0.1日,操作許可平均審查日數為8.8日較95年減少約3日,整體審查日數較往年縮短;掌握確認許可第8批公告應申請名單91個製程,並輔導其於96年底前全數完成申請;完成285張製程許可查核及問題彙整,查核不符率為36.8%(委託機關不符率為41.67%),經輔導後現階段改善完成率為71%,整體查核符合率為89%;完成代申請業者文書品質評鑑共370件,評鑑結果平均分數為78分,評鑑等級以B級最多。 96年度配合稽查計畫共執行95家次高MIR工廠的整廠清查作業,而清查後VOCs排放量共增加520.572噸/年,其中屬排放量更新(包含停工、減產、係數變更、重新列管掌握)者共有138.535噸/年(減量),屬於因實際產能增加或操作狀況改變造成實質增量者有639.368噸/年。 另外,從高MIR工廠清查結果具有減量空間者計有台玻平板三廠等14廠,其中層層等5廠因排放規模大且尚無有效防制設施,建議應優先列為指定減量對象,另外,港區儲槽雖大都有設置活性碳吸附設備,但因其僅為簡易式設計,業者雖已承諾提高更換頻率,但就其落實度及設備種類之有效處理效率應尚不足以符合VOCs管制規範規定,建議可先透過提高查核強度利用勤查重罰方式先予以管制,後續再逐步要求進行防制設備改善。 各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 附表、96年度固定污染源許可審查及資料庫管理計畫月進度規劃表 統計日期:至97.03.14
中文關鍵字 資料庫維護更新與管理,執行許可制度,辦理空污費催補繳及查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 10480 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/15 專案結束日期 2008/03/14 專案主持人 苗宛陶
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 96中縣許可期末定稿.rar 4MB [期末報告]公開完整版
英文摘要 Abstract The project spans 12 months, from March 15, 2007 to March 14, 2008. Major works included in the project are: (1) Database maintenance, updating, and management; (2) Implementation of permit application system; (3) Conduct tracking and checking payment of air pollution control fee; (4) Conduct internet application and review of emission amount permit; (4) Organize on-the-job training, promotion and seminar for dedicated personnel etc. All said items are in progress (Summary of Project Achievement 1.3-2) according to schedule (as shown in the following table). All quantified work items have reached 100% completion rate, with the only exception of news release. Up until this stage, a total of 2,020 cases of regular pollution sources (9 cases less than last fiscal year), 2,607 cases of production process, 10,813 cases of random pollution resources, 2,986 cases of pollution prevention equipments, 2,671 cases of discharge pipelines; 4,264.21 ton/year particulate pollutant, 16,810.27 ton/year SOx, 30,437.87 ton/year NOx, and 7,960.68 ton/year VOCs have been listed under the governance of County Environmental Protection Bureau. Major reasons for the change are: execution of thorough checking, resulting in emission amount changes; modification of calculation baseline, resulting in production process and productivity changes of the governed plants. In summing up, emission changes of regular pollutants in Taichung county since 1997 through 2007 are: particulate pollutant emission reduced from 5,424 ton/year to 4,264 ton/year; SOx, from 83,698 ton/year to 16,810 ton/year, NOx, from 28,097 ton/year increased slightly to 30,438 ton/year, while VOCs increased significantly from 2,803 ton/year to 7,961 ton/year. In all 250 plants completing of on-site checking and file compilation, listed production process reduced by 27%, listed pollutants reduced by 26%, listed pollution prevention equipment reduced by 29%, listed discharge outlet reduced by 16%. Regarding governed emission amount, particulate pollutant reduced by 15.93 tons, SOx reduced by 232.49 tons, NOx increased by 603.49 tons, VOCs reduced by 433.12 tons, and CO reduced by 121.09 tons. Since execution of air pollution control fee transferred to local government in July 2007, the project has completed operational plan of related new air pollution control fee system for the bureau, in addition to filing and scanning of 706 cases of air pollution control application. Through maintenance and updating database, and checking and tracking air pollution control fee, an additional 56 plants are listed as applicants for air pollution control fee, another 39 listed plants are screened out, which amount to a total payment of NTD 5,138,140. Moreover, data matching of 47 plants in the 1st quarter have been completed in accordance with the appointed plants designated by Environmental Protection Administration and top 30 pollution resources. Findings show that 2 of them have application error, the others are different in calculation basis (permit is based on SCC coefficient, while air pollution control fee is mean coefficient). By providing assistance to plants in application procedure, the project has increase the county payment ratio to over 90% from the initial 60%. In execution of permit system related operations, a total of 64 installation permits and another 292 operation permits have been issued in the current stage. In analyzing permit reviewing time, average days for installation permit has reduced to 8.8 days, 0.1 day less than that of 2006; operation permit reduced to 8.8 days, 3 days less than that of 2006. Accordingly, total average permit reviewing days have been greatly shortened from all previously years. The project has also provided guidance to 91 production processes on the 8th publication list to help completing application procedures by the end of 2007. Checking and problems compilation of 285 production process permit have found a 36.8% inconsistence rate (inconsistence of entrust institutions amounts to 41.67%). Improvement rate after guidance has reached to 71%, total checking consistence rate is 89%. Document quality evaluation for 370 manufacturers has been conducted, with 78 average evaluation scores, of which most are B class. In 2007, execution of auditing plan on 95 plants of the second highest MIR, total VOCs emission has increased to 520.572 ton/year, among them 138.535 ton/year (reduction) belongs to emission updating class (including shutout, production reduction, coefficient change, rearrangement of governance list), while another 639.368 ton/year comes from practical productivity increase or operation status change. Furthermore, checking conducted on plants with high MIR has found that 14 plants (including 3rd plant of Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp.) have potential for emission reduction. Among them, 5 plants (including Taipei Pack Industries Corporation) have a large emission amount and no effective prevention facilities installed. It is advised that those should be listed and monitored as targets for emission reduction. In addition, storage tank located in the port area, are equipped with simple-devised activated charcoal absorption equipments. Manufacturers have committed to improve by increasing replacement rate. However, realization and efficiency of existing equipment models fall short to meet VOCs code and relevant regulations. Frequently intensive checking and severe penalty should be imposed before subsequent requesting for improvement of prevention equipment is taken. For detailed information and achievements concerning related operations, please refer to each section and chapter of the main report.