

中文摘要 固定空氣污染源管制向為我國環保政策之主要施政重點,為改善相關資訊管理子系統分散獨立之局面,達到單一系統管理與資訊整合應用之目的,本計畫規劃及建置一整合性之固定空氣污染源資訊管理系統,包括:建立整合性的共用平台,提供統一入口;系統開發以使用者業務功能導向,授權管理以使用者角色為主;整合許可管制資料、空污費申繳資料、排放量申報資料、環境影響評估資料、總量管制資料、營建及逸散源資料、溫室氣體排放量資料;提供Google地圖式查詢,強化行政管制資料應用及查詢;開發建置人員管理、計畫管理、會議活動影音消息以及書面與簡報資料管理、考評佐證資料管理、網路化考評作業、使用者溝通交流等系統功能,並於各類測試完畢後上線使用,提供環保署了解、督導縣市環保局工作之平台;配合新制度發展,建立單一化排放量與空污費整合申報窗口,與許可管制資料、SCC CODE碼、檢測資料、監測資料等連結、勾稽比對,排放量與空污費的計算基礎一致,自動完成排放量、空污費與行業別申報,提供一次性申報與審查作業;提供系統資料自動防呆功能,避免使用者輸入錯誤,亦方便審查作業。未來將聚焦於資料應用與勾稽功能,讓本系統成為廠商污染排放自我管理的資訊中心、成為各審查單位共同平台與作業中心、成為各級環保主管機關的決策支援中心。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源;資訊;整合;應用;系統開發


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA12-03-A233 經費年度 097 計畫經費 9100 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/12 專案結束日期 2010/01/11 專案主持人 陳正忠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 05 期末報告書-定稿-.pdf 36MB 期末報告書
英文摘要 Control of stationary sources of air pollution has being the main focus of our environmental protection policies. In order to improve the decentralized situation of the related information management systems so as to reach the purpose of both single system management and integrated information application, this project builds an integrated information management system for control of stationary sources of air pollution. The following task has been fulfilled. An integrated platform has been established with a unified portal provided. Development of the integrated system has been oriented by user business functions. Authorization of the system functions and data useage depends mainly on user roles. Information regarding permission control, reported air pollution fee, reported air pollution emissions, environmental impact assessment, total amount control, construction and oven source, and data of greenhouse gas emissions has been integrated. A Google-map searching engine has been provided to strengthen application and search functions of these data. Functions such as personnel management, commissioned project management, meeting or activity information management, management of supporting data for performance evaluation, web-based performance evaluation, user communication, etc. have been developed and provided for use on-line after various testing finished. The system serves as a platform for the Environment Protection Department to understand and supervise the work of the Environment Protection Agency. To tie in with new policy development,a single reporting system to integrate both air pollution emmisions and air pollution fee has been established. The integrated reporting system links with permission control information, SCC code, inspection data and monitoring data for comparison. Bases for estimating the amount of air pollution emissions and air pollution fees are consistent. Procedures for reporting of air pollution emmisions, air pollution fees and by industry category are completed automaticly. Repeated reporting or reviewing is avoided. Errorproof feature is embeded in the system to avoid user input errors and to facilitate the review work. The future project will focus on functions for data application, linking and examination to enable the system to be an emissions information management center for vendors, a common platform and operation center for all the reviewing orgnization, and a decision-making support center for all levels of environmental protection authorities.