

中文摘要 本年度為第2年延續性計畫,在主要工作項目大多不變的情況下,今年度工作重心放在提昇連線品質、提昇系統功能、系統介接與資料統計分析等工作項目,連線品質的提昇透過程式不斷的監控與調校,並配合監資處共構機房計畫,將系統與資料庫主機分離後,從測試資料中可以發現,軟、硬體效能皆有明顯改善,硬體部份不論是硬碟讀取速度、記憶體與硬碟之間的讀取與寫入等關鍵影響因子在完成虛擬主機架設後都獲得了改善,而在軟體方面,透過語法修改、查詢條件的管理、預存程序的建立等,其調整前後速度差異都在20%以上,各項調整測試結果說明請參閱第二章。在系統功能提昇上,可以發現使用者所提之需求與問題逐月減少,可見所完成之改善皆可滿足使用者之期望,今年度所完成之更新需求與問題共計為202個,客服電話量每月約為650~700通,詳細成果說明與介紹請參閱第三章。今年度完成與空污系統、海污系統、土水系統等介接工作,讓本工作項目更加完整,達到更好的資料共享效益,各系統詳細完成時程請參閱第四章。在資料統計工作方面,於第一次進度報告時提出97年度資料統計表共32張,在本次期末報告中,則以擴大署務會議之報告資料為內容加以呈現,統計98年前三季之資料,統計角度分別從稽查、裁處、繳款、催繳與移送中分別切入,討論資料之關聯性,相關內容說明請參閱第七章。 以上為本年度較重大之工作成果之摘要說明,其它工作項目之工作內容與成果請詳閱本報告書各章節,本系統最終目標希望能在資料建置面、列印面與應用面等三大面相,提供更好的服務,達到系統開發與計畫執行最大效益。
中文關鍵字 稽查、裁處、催繳,罰款,環保業務


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-K104-02-208 經費年度 098 計畫經費 3400 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/03 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 柯上茗
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳冠章 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「環保稽查處分管制系統功能提昇及推廣維護」專案(第2年).pdf 42MB

Second Year Tasks Associated with “Efficiency Upgrade, System Maintenance, and Promotion of the Environmental Enforcement Management System”

英文摘要 This plan was continued from last year’s plan, without many changes with its objectives, the main focus of this year’s plan include, “increase system connection quality”, “improve in system functionality”, “systems integration and data analysis”. System was monitored and adjusted several times for the improvement of its connection quality; it also cooperated with the department of environmental monitoring and information management to separate the system from the database server to improve the performance for both software and hardware. For the hardware, performance was improved after virtual server set, with faster reading and writing speed for both hard disk and random-access memory. For the software, running speed was improved over 20 percents after revised software code, adjusted search engine management, and prepared pre-calculated data. More detailed changes and tested results can be found in chapter 2. With the improvement of system functions, numbers of questions and requirements from users were decreased these days, which really shows how the system has satisfied users’ needs. This year, the average customer service calls were 650 to 700, with total of 202 problems and new requests were solved. More detailed results can be found in chapter 3. System was integrated with air polluted system, sea polluted system and soils and water system, which created a better data sharing. For more details of the systems completion time, please refer to chapter 4. For the data analysis, 32 data sheet of year 2008 data were generated and presented on this year’s first quarter process report. With the final report, reports were generated and presented with more data through the first 3 quarter of year 2009; data were analyzed through four different ways, includes “inspection”, “final decision”, “overdue payment” and “processing”. For more details please refer to chapter 7. The above were the main focuses of this years achievements, the ultimate objective is to provide better services for data input, data print out and data applicability, which maximize the benefit of this plan and system development
英文關鍵字 inspection, final decision, overdue payment, penalty,