

中文摘要 本計畫執行內容與成果包括: 1. 蒐集分析各國推動碳標籤現況已提出我國可行方案建議 為了研擬我國碳標籤實施制度,本計畫在研析各國際碳標籤制度之發展趨勢與推行制度後,並比較各國碳標籤系統下之制度建立方式後,目前初步規劃出我國碳標籤制度第一階段,將以自願性(voluntary)為主,第二階段將由政府主導,訂定相關計算準則、負責碳標章查驗證,並核發碳標章等。 2. 研析碳標籤內涵並設計適當之圖示 本計畫為了提升綠色消費意識,使民眾於採購過程中認識及了解該商品二氧化碳排放量,特以「別讓地球碳氣 邁向低碳社會」為主題,舉辦「台灣碳標籤logo設計徵選活動」,本活動共計有一千兩百多位參賽者參與,共分為三階段評選,並於12月15日於環保署九樓舉辦碳標籤徵選頒獎典禮。其圖示也將成為我國未來標示在產品上之台灣碳標籤。 3. 碳標籤納入環保標章及節能標章之SWOT分析 透過現行環保標章及節能標章之驗證系統評估,瞭解碳標籤納入其環保標章及節能標章之SWOT分析。本研究建議行政院環保署應召集國內外產官學研代表,集思廣益研議發展出適合台灣之碳標籤制度,並且建議碳標籤的核發,應由環保署成立碳標籤審議委員會統籌,並確保民眾能瞭解碳標籤意涵及教育民眾之目的。 4. 輔導兩家業者進行碳標籤輔導示範案例 本計畫透過Ben Q(明基電通)及邱氏鼎食品(大黑松小倆口)兩家公司的碳足跡示範性輔導,得與國際接軌,未來此經驗亦將與會世界其他國家共同分享經驗與討論;此一經驗也可提供給未來建置與訂定碳足跡盤查、計算與驗證之相關法規時之參考依據。而本計畫兩家廠商示範說明會,也已於12月15日下午於台北市電腦公會舉辦碳足跡成果發表會,相信此盤查經驗能達到其他業者之實施參考,能協助建構出我國未來碳標籤可能運作模式及機制。 5. 運用創新擴散理論探討民眾對碳標籤之看法 為了解民眾對於碳標籤的認知及期待,本研究於全省20家經過環保署認定之綠色商店進行問卷調查,透過面對面的方式親自向民眾解釋問項內容及碳標籤意涵與圖示。共計發放實體問卷1250份,回收樣本1250份,剔除無效問卷31份,其有效樣本為1219份,有效回收率為97%。根據敘述性統計結果可歸納出幾項重點結論: (1). 民眾對於環保標章認知高 (2). 清潔用品為民眾最常購買之環保標章商品 (3). 百貨商場為民眾最常購買環保標章商品之地點 (4). 一成價差的環保標章商品最為民眾所接受 (5). 降價誘因為民眾購買環保標章/碳標籤商品之優先決策考量 (6). 商品使用碳標籤有助於提升民眾節能減碳意識消費 (7). 碳標籤圖示以淺顯易懂為原則 (8). 碳標籤圖示為一個良好的溝通管道 6. 研擬採購綠色(低碳)產品獎勵措施 為了鼓勵企業和民眾減碳消費,本研究針對經銷通路商、廠商及民眾各別規劃初步獎勵措施,研擬制定了「綠色(低碳)產品獎勵措施」。除了響應政府推動節能減碳環保政策,這個獎勵措施也進一步鼓勵民眾消費綠色商品,並激勵民眾長期於日常生活實踐力行環保愛地球。 7. 碳標籤推廣計畫綜合性評估 經由本計畫最後之全盤綜合評估,得出此碳標籤推廣計畫環境、經濟、社會及政策四面向之影響,以作為後續推行碳標籤計畫推廣之參考。重點摘要說明如下: (1). 環境:使人們藉由選擇購買碳標籤產品,及製造商願意改善生產流程與產品設計,生產具有環保效益之綠色產品,達到鼓勵永續消費的成效。 (2). 經濟:碳標籤可視為一種新的行銷手法,當消費者傾向購買具有碳標籤之產品時,將會使碳標籤產品形成差異化,並成為市場行銷競爭工具,進而達到促進經濟之目的。 (3). 社會:教導民眾瞭解藉由改變個人的消費行為及模式,達到環境教育及資源永續利用等助益。 (4). 政策:經由政府主導此碳標籤政策,並透過獎勵措施及鼓勵業者參與更永續之消費與生產,無疑是對碳標籤計畫,有實質之助益。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、碳標章、驗證系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-K102-02-98A200 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1760 千元
專案開始日期 2009/06/26 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 胡憲倫
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 莊炳義 執行單位 國立台北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 應用現行環保標章驗證系統推動商品實施碳標籤可行性之研究.doc 29MB

A feasibility study of using current eco-labeling system to implement carbon labels on products

英文摘要 The contents and results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. To collect and analyze the carbon labeling practices of different countries and to propose a feasible scheme for Taiwan to implement carbon labeling. In order to propose a suitable carbon labeling system to be implement in Taiwan, , this study has analyed and compared different carbon labeling systems implemented in various countries and tentatively proposed a two-stage carbon labeling scheme. In the first stage, companies will be encouraged to inventory and calculate the carbon footprints of their products on a voluntary basis. In the second stage, governmrnt will take the lead in promoting carbon label by drafting carbon footprinting cretiea, confirm the carbon footprinting process and issue the carbon label. 2. To analyze the content and design a most suitable carbon label In order to elevate the awareness of green consumption and to enable general public to understand the carbon emissions of their purchased goods, this project hosted a special activity- “Carbon Label Logo Design Contest- No More Sigh (carbon) and Strive to Low Carbon Society”. This event attracted more than 1,200 participants to participate this event. After a 3-stage reviewing processes, 6 contenters including one first place, two second place and two third place, were finalized and the logo of the first place becomes Taiwan’s carbon label and it was officially announced on December 15th. 3. To conduct the SWOT analysis for incorporating carbon labeling into existing environmental labeling and energy-saving labeling systems. Based on the understanding of the current environmental labeling and energy saving certification systems to study how are the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of future carbon labeling system when applying existing labeling systems. This study suggested that EPA should call for an expert and stakeholders meeting to collect opinions and suggestions on how to implement carbon label in Taiwan. This study also suggested that EPA should form a carbon footprint labeling review committee to in charge of the issue of the carbon label. 4. Technical assistance of two companies for demonstrating carbon labeling practices Through technical assistance of two companies (BenQ/Qisda and Adahesong), including carbon inventory, certification, and label application, to help in proposing a feasible carbon labeling framework for Taiwan. 5. Apply Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory to investigate the opinion of general public on carbon label In order to study the opinion of general public on the carbon label issues, a questionnaire based on Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory was developed and it was conducted within 20 “green stores” throughout Taiwan, which had been certified by TEPA. Totally, there were 1,250 copies distributed and returned, among them 1,219 copies are valid. Some of the results are summarized as follows. (1). The awareness of the public on green mark is high. (2). The most commonly purchased green mark products are cleaning items. (3). The most commonly places for purchasing greem mark products are department stores and hypermarkets. (4). The highest difference of price between green mark products and regular products is 10%. (5). To low down the price is the most important consideration for consumers to purchase green products. (6). Carbon labeling on products will enable consumers to raise their awareness on energy-saving and carbon reduction. (7). Carbon label logo should be simple and easily understood. (8). Carbon label logo can be a good communication channel. 6. Propose incentives for purchasing green (low carbon) products In order to encourage enterprises and consumers practicing green consumption, this study has drafted “Measures of Incentives for Green and Low Carbon Commodities”. This measures suggested separate incentives for distributors, manufactures and general public in response to government’s policy on energy saving and carbon reduction. 7. Comprehensive evaluation for promoting canbon labeling After synthesizing all the results conducted from this study, a comprehensive proposal for promoting carbon labeling scheme in Taiwan was drafted. It analyzes the impacts of implementing carbon labeling from four aspects, namely economic, environmental, social and policy as reference for government to promote carbon labeling in the future and can be summarized as follows. (1). Environmemt: Consumers choose carbon label products can encourage enterprises to adopt cleaner processes and produce green products, which can assist in promoting sustainable consumption. (2). Economic: Carbon label products can form a differentiation with other products which create a green competitiveness for enterprises. (3). Social: Carbon labeling can enable general public to practice green consumption and help in environmental education and sustainable untilization of resources. (4). Policy: Government plays the leading role in promoting carbon labeling and providing incentives for consumers and enterprises can create a good environment for the sustainable production and consumption.
英文關鍵字 environmental label, carbon label, certification system