

中文摘要 本(95)年計畫主要以環保署分別於93及94年度辦理之「區域性地下水水質監測井網檢討計畫」、「區域性地下水井維護及資料更新計畫」之經驗為基礎,擴大區域性監測井評估與維護之範圍,並實施監測井基本資料校正更新,以確保區域性地下水水質監測井之正常功能,進而達成水質污染預防之施政目標。依工作計畫契約書之規定,本(95)年計畫工作包括:「定期清洗區域性地下水監測井,維持監測井況正常」、「健全區域性地下水監測井網環境資料,驗證地下水井基本資料」、「強化地下水井體設施維護,更新井體設備環境」等三大項目。針對各項工作成果說明如下: (一)定期清洗區域性地下水監測井,維持監測井況正常 前案計畫(93及94年度計畫)中已針對431口區域性地下水水質監測井,篩選出121口井況較差之監測井施作井下攝影及微水試驗,並於其中篩選出需執行完井作業之監測井65口,扣除已完井及環保署已另案重設新井,尚餘20 口未施作完井工作,故本(95)年由前案計畫中尚未實施井況評估之310口中,依五項篩選原則篩選出60口井進行井況評估,分別進行井下攝影及微水試驗,結果顯示功能正常有22口,建議需重設或暫停監測有3口,建議優先完井名單33口;另有2口建議納入後續完井名單。此外,前案計畫尚未進行完井的監測井中,篩選出7口加上本(95)年度建議優先完井有33口,合計40口分別於95.08.23~95.09.27進行完井工作,並於完井前、後施作微水試驗,另於完井後進行井下攝影。 由井下攝影結果顯示,以井壁及井篩積垢或附著生物膜現象最普遍;於完成完井作業之40口監測井中,共計有苗栗縣后庄國小等28口於完井工作後,透水性屬正常良好或有改善,另12口完井後監測井的回水狀況並無明顯增加,依其設置的紀錄資料地質組成顯示,上述12口中共計有6口井篩開篩位置恰位於透水性差之黏土或粉土層,故研判回水緩慢的原因,應與監測井附近地質條件有關,而有5口監測井並無地質組成資料以茲比對回水狀況是否正常,另1口(嘉義縣六美國小)監測井為細砂或礫石,其有可能為監測井紀錄資料有誤,或受其他不確定因素影響,建議可進一步施作土壤連續取樣,以判視地質分層狀況。 (二)健全區域性地下水監測井網環境資料,驗證地下水井基本資料 本(95)年計畫依據431口監測井設置年份、設置廠商、以及資料卡上不同高程系統等三項篩選原則,篩選出40口監測井執行高程驗證工作。依高程驗証結果顯示,部份監測井井頂實際高程與紀錄高程有-3.284M〜17.489M之明顯差距。此外,配合井下攝影進行之60口井篩驗證結果顯示,約有60%井篩長度與開設位置與資料卡紀錄不符,前述結果均已更新基本資料卡。 (三)強化地下水井體設施維護,更新井體設備環境 本工作包含「地上型監測井改為隱藏式」及「更新防水井蓋並設置排水孔」,惟本(95)年於計畫執行期間,並無相關急迫性工作。
中文關鍵字 區域性,地下水,監測井


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-L101-02-205 經費年度 095 計畫經費 3820 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/14 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 潘時正
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 游琇如 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99977753-1.pdf 7MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Project of Maintenance and Information Correction of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells

英文摘要 This project is based on the experience of the previous projects including “Evaluation Project of the Network of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells (RGMWs)” and “Project of Maintenance and Information Correction of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells” which executed in year 2004 and 2005 respectively. The objective of this project is to secure the function of the RGMWs through the extension of the well maintenance work and the correction of the basic well information, thus the RGMWs can provide pollution precaution and help to protect groundwater body. According to the contract, the tasks of this project include (1) providing periodical cleaning to the RGMWs; (2) the verification and correction of the basic well information; (3) the maintenance and rehabilitation of the well facilities. The project results of the above three major tasks are described as below: 1. Providing periodical cleaning to the RGMWs In the previous projects, totally 121 wells were selected from overall 431 RGMWs and evaluated within down-hole video inspection and slug test. In the evaluated 121 wells, totally 65 wells were recommended to receive well cleaning and 29 of the 65 wells have been cleaned during year 2004 and 2005. In this project, totally 60 wells has been selected and evaluated from the 310 well which were not evaluated in the previous projects. According to the results of down-hole video inspection and slug test, the tested wells can be classified into following four categories: (1) the function is normal (22 wells); (2) needs instant well cleaning and maintenance (33 wells); (3) recommends for well reinstallation or ceases groundwater monitoring (3 wells); (4) recommends for well cleaning and maintenance in the future (2 wells). In addition to the 33 wells recommended for instant cleaning, additional 7 wells were selected and cleaned from the remaining 36 wells which were not cleaned in the previous projects. Thus the total quantity of cleaned wells in this project achieves 40 wells and has been executed between 8/23/2006 and 9/27/2006. According to the work plan proposed previously, the down-hole video inspection and slug test were applied to each well before and after the well cleaning. According to the results of down-hole video inspection before well cleaning, scaling and biological fouling on well casing and screen prevails in most RGMWs. After well cleaning, the hydraulic conductivities of 28 wells among the 40 cleaned wells, including Hou-Chung Elementary School, Miao-Li, et al., have recovered or maintained in good condition. At contrast, the hydraulic conductivities of other 12 wells remain in poor condition and the primary reason is due to the geological conditions of the aquifer (6 wells), including silt or clay properties. In addition, the geological records of 5 well among the 12 wells is missing and the geological conditions of one well (Leo-May Elementary School, Chia-Yi) is not consistent to the hydraulic conductivity. The aquifer geological conditions of this well is recommended to be investigated again in the future. 2. Verification and correction of the basic well information In this project, the altitude and the screen depth and length of the selected 40 wells was examined. Generally, the altitude recorded in the basic well information showed significant error (-3.284m ~ +17.489m) and all were corrected. On the other hand, the screen depth and length of 60% examined wells showed errors in the basic well information and were correct accordingly. 3. Maintenance and rehabilitation of the well facilities In this project, no necessity of maintenance and rehabilitation of the well facilities has been found. Thus, this part of task were not executed in this project according to the instruction of EPA.
英文關鍵字 Regional, Groundwater, Monitoring Well