

中文摘要 台南市航空噪音防制區及各類噪音管制區公告至今均已屆滿兩年,為使相關公告能符合現行的發展及噪音現況,並配合噪音管制法(98年12月3日)修正後第七條及第十六之規定,因此本計畫重新檢討修正台南市各類噪音管制區及航空噪音防制區,未來亦將每兩年辦理重新檢討公告,唯本次計畫因受到台南機場於98年2月農曆年後進行為期一年的跑道維修工程,使得原航空噪音防制區檢討作業重新評估而延緩,至使計畫執行期間由原98年3月15日展延至98年7月15日。 本次航空噪音防制區修正經相關資料分析後,雖然受到民用航空器飛行架次數減少,航空噪音影響範圍有縮小之趨勢,但考量台南機場目前正進行跑道維修工程,致使航空噪音影響範圍不固定,為考量民眾權益及延續管制措施,因此本次航空噪音防制區維持原公告範圍,僅進行航空噪音防制區內行政區域修正,相關公告內容已於98年7月14日公開閱覽,並於98年8月31日正式公告,預計下次將於民國100年時再行檢討修正。 各類噪音管制區劃定修正依據台南市都市計畫之土地使用分區及實際噪音現況進行第一類至第四類類管制區範圍修正,本次主要修正主要修正區域包含:一、由第一類修正為第二類噪音管制區-台南市古蹟保存區;二、由第二類修正為第三類噪音管制區-台南市北區、安平五期重劃區高密度住宅區、台南市東區後火車站及成大週遭商業區;三、由第三類修正為第二類噪音管制區-台南市南區住宅區;四、由第三類修正為第四類噪音管制區-台南機場、台南市立殯儀館殯葬用地、台南市城西垃圾焚化場;五、由第四類修正為第三類噪音管制區-港埠用地修正為遊憩用地,相關公告內容已於98年7月27日公開閱覽,並於98年9月14日旬正式公告。 計畫中亦依據噪音管制法第八條修正「行政機關、學校、公寓大廈及一般住宅之下列設施所發出之聲音不得超過噪音管制標準」(98年1月22日正式公告),並針對公告內容之爆竹煙火管制類別重新定義;依據噪音管制法第九條修正「行政機關、學校、公寓大廈及一般住宅之下列設施所發出之聲音不得超過噪音管制標準」(98年6月9日正式公告),並將抽水馬達、抽排風機、風扇、冷凍藏櫃等列入管制項目。 本計畫亦已完成噪音管制地理資訊查詢系統及噪音防制網頁建置,藉由噪音管制地理資訊可查詢系統可提升環保局承辦人員相關業務執行效率,並藉由噪音防制網站讓台南市各項噪音資訊及管制措施更即時、公開的將資訊提供民眾,透過計畫中各項工作讓相關管制措施更貼近台南市實際現況,並增加與民眾的溝通管道,提升民眾服務滿意度並改善噪音對日常生活的干擾。
中文關鍵字 噪音,航空噪音防制區,各類噪音管制區


專案計畫編號 EPA-098-L001-03-001 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1655000 千元
專案開始日期 2007/07/11 專案結束日期 2008/07/15 專案主持人 沈道剛
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 台灣思百吉股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97航空噪音期末報告.zip 19MB

2008 Reviewing and Delimiting Project of Aircraft Noise Zones and Noise Control Zones in Tainan City

英文摘要 The reviewing and delimiting project of aviation noise control zones and noise control zones in Tainan City has been proclaimed for two years. For updating the proclamation to fit present development and the situation of noise, the project review and revise various noise control zones and aviation noise control zones in Tainan in accordance with Article 7 and 16 of Noise Control Act (to be revised on December 3rd, 2009). In the future, the proclamation will be revised every two years. However, because the one-year repairing project of the air lane has begun since the Chinese New Year in February 2009, the reviewing of the original aviation noise control zones is delayed by the re-evaluation of the operation. The deadline of the project period is postponed from March 15th, 2009 to July 15th, 2009. The information analysis about the revision of aviation noise control zones shows the number of civil aircraft flights is decreased and the influencing range of aircraft noise is narrowed. However, the repairing project of the air lane is implemented in Tainan Airport, so the influencing range of aircraft noise is unstable. For citizens’ rights and the sustainable control measures, the aviation noise control zones remain the same with the previous proclamation. Only the interior administrative zone in the aviation noise control zones is revised. Related proclamation has been published on July 14th, 2009 and normally proclaimed on Augst 31th, 2009.The next revise time will be 2011. The revision of various noise control zones is based on the land use zoning of Tainan urban planning and the present situation of actual noises. The range of noise control zones is revised from Category 1 to Category 4. The main revised zones include: 1. zones turn from Category 1 to Category 2—historical reservation area in Tainan City; 2. zones turn from Category 2 to Category 3—Tainan City North District, the high-density residential zone in Anping fifth re-planned district, the back station area and the commercial area around Cheng Kung University in Tainan City East District; 3. zones turn from Category 3 to Category 2—the residential zone in Tainan City South District; 4. zones turn from Category 3 to Category 4—Tainan Airport, land used for Tainan City Funeral Parlor, Tainan City Chengsi Crematorium; 5. zones turn from Category 4 to Category 3—the land used for harbor is revised as recreation land. The related proclamation has been published on July 27th, 2009 and normally proclaimed on September 14th, 2009. The project revises “the sound of the following facilities in administrative departments, schools, apartments, and common residences shall not exceed the noise control standard” (normally proclaimed on January 22th, 2009) according to Article 8 of Noise Control Act; the project also redefines the control categories of firework and firecracker in the proclamation; the project revises “the sound of the following facilities in administrative departments, schools, apartments, and common residences shall not exceed the noise control standard” (normally proclaimed on June 9th, 2009) according to Article 8 of Noise Control Act and integrate water bump, air exhauster and extractor, blower, and refrigerator into control items. The project also completes noise control geological information query system and establishes the noise control website. Through the noise control geological information query system, the practice efficiency of Bureau of Environmental Protection’s undertakers will be promoted. The noise control website provides citizens more immediate and public information about various noise information and control measures in Tainan City. The operations of the project update related control measures to fit the present situation in Tainan City, enhance the communication with citizens, promote citizens’ service satisfaction, and reduce the interference of noise for daily life.
英文關鍵字 noise,Aircraft Noise Zones ,Noise Control Zones