中文摘要 | (一)廢棄物輸出入管理執行諮詢 1.完成辦理4次專家小組會議 2.協助詢問或查詢歐盟及中國等國家廢棄物輸出入管理規定 3.提出混合五金廢料、重金屬污泥及含鎘電池稅則號列增修建議 (二)我國因應巴塞爾公約決議之相關措施 1.完成舊(廢)手機越境轉移管制規範重點內容彙整及電腦小組業者參與議題問卷調查 2.完成舊手機再使用技術準則介紹、國內法規及廢手機回收情形、國內管理差異及提出調整建議 3.完成電子廢棄物二手商品交易四個發展面向說明、重點工作規劃及二手電腦國外管理及國內交易案例分析 4.提出有害廢棄物越境運送管理因應方案架構(草案) (三)巴塞爾公約國際參與重點 1.完成五人次出席五次會議:(1)第五次開放工作組會議、(2)OECD「廢棄物預防與回收工作小組」第9次工作小組會議、(3)NIES第三屆E-Waste會議,及(4)第2屆亞太固體廢棄物專家會議(5)第八次締約國大會 2.完成生物保健及健康保健廢棄物環境無害管理技術準則之2006年更新版回覆意見 (四)國際研討會 1.舉辦「電子廢棄物管理與越境轉移研討會」 2.舉辦「廢棄物越境轉移管理模式經驗交流」及「參與巴塞爾公約電腦夥伴計畫之優劣探討」圓桌會議 3.安排拜會環保署、經濟部、環工協會及參觀廢家電處理廠及廢車粉碎廠 (五)巴塞爾公約資訊宣導 1.完成蒐集206則巴塞爾公約訊息 2.完成網站架構調整、網站更新22次、配合網站資訊安全測試2次 3.完成辦理一場次業務檢討會 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 巴塞爾公約,電子廢棄物管理與越境轉移研討會,巴塞爾公約夥伴計畫(手機工作小組,電腦工作小組),有害廢棄物,巴塞爾公約區域中心,技術準則,巴塞爾公約專家小組會議,稅則號列增修,亞太區域合作電子廢棄物計畫 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-95-H102-02-253 | 經費年度 | 095 | 計畫經費 | 5820 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2006/03/14 | 專案結束日期 | 2007/01/31 | 專案主持人 | 邱文琳 |
主辦單位 | 廢管處 | 承辦人 | 姚文惠 | 執行單位 | 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 95BC960305o.pdf | 6MB | [期末報告]公開版 |
2006 Basel Convention Project:Collecting and analyzing related information, providing implementation assistance and working with the Expert-Committee.
英文摘要 | The achievement from this project includes five aspects as follows. 1. Providing legal advises on the regulations regarding the management of waste import/export. Our project team organized four meetings with Basel Convention Expert Committee. We also assisted inquiry the regulations on transboundary movement of waste of EU, China and the other countries. Besides the revision of coding mixed metal scraps, sludge with heavy metals and batteries with Cadmium was also completed. 2. Responding to the decisions of the Basel Convention In this project, the summary of the Guideline for the Transboundary Movement of Collected Mobile Phones and the investigation on interested issues of Working Group on Computing Equipments with a questionnaire were completed. We also introduced the Guideline on the Refurbishment of Used Mobile Phones, status of domestic legislation and recycling of waste mobile phones, the difference of the management between Taiwan and BC guideline and the suggestion for changes in the future. In addition to introducing the trade of the second-hand electronic equipments, the summary of international management of used computers as well as domestic case studies of reuse and trade of second-hand computers were made. Furthermore, we drafted the response to the framework of the transboundary movement of waste. 3. Participating in the Basel Convention activities. In 2006, we participated in five different meetings or conferences: the 5th Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG5) in Geneva, the 9th Working Group on Waste Prevention and Recycle; WGWPR in Paris, the 3rd NIES E-Waste Conference in Japan, the 2nd Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific - For Networking of Experts and the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal on its 8th meeting (COP8). We completed the revised comments on the “Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Biomedical and Health care Wastes (Y1; Y3)” 4. Holding international conferences. In June, 2006, we held the 2006 international conference in Taipei: Conference on E-Waste Management and Transboundary Movements.” Along with main conference, two round tables: “Experience Exchange on the Management of the transboundary movement of waste” and “Benefit and Loss of attending the Computing Partnership” also took place. For the international conference participants, we arranged the on-site visits to Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, an end-of-life vehicle recycling plant and a recycling plant for home appliances in Taiwan. 5. Collecting and promoting BC related information. We completed and evaluated 206 news, articles, reports and papers regarding the Basel Convention, and, updated both of the Chinese and English Basel Convention information websites for 22 times in total. (http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/web/english/index.htm). The research team also organized a 2-day-workshop for local environmental officials. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal, Conference on E-Waste Management and Transboundary Movements, Basel Convention Partnership Programme (Mobile Phone Working Group, Computer Refurbishment and Recycling Working Group), Hazardous waste, Basel Convention Regional Centers, Technical Guidelines, Basel Convention Expert-Committee, C. C. C. Code Amendment, Asia Pacific Regional E-Waste Plan. |