

中文摘要 為評估屏南工業區對鄰近地區空氣品質之影響,以及做為未來重要污染源進駐屏南工業區後對鄰近地區環境影響之評估參考依據,本計畫進行屏南工業區周界空氣品質及空氣中、農作物與養殖漁業戴奧辛現況進行調查。 屏南工業區目前設廠家數共86家,其中屬固定污染源列管的有41家(自行停工3家)、未列管41家(自行停工3家、歇業2家)、暫時停工3家及設置中1家。主要污染物年排放量現況:粒狀物85.292公噸/年、SOx 112.153公噸/年、NOx 101.65公噸/年、VOCs 264.494公噸/年及戴奧辛63.826 mg-I-TEQ/年;以操作許可最大量推估未來三年(2009~2012)可能最大排放量(包含現有運轉中、暫時停工及設置中之工廠):粒狀物396.921公噸/年、SOx 445.08公噸/年、NOx 378.073公噸/年、VOCs 509.158公噸/年及戴奧辛為712.4 mg I-TEQ/年。 空氣品質監測結果顯示各污染物監測結果以PM10與O3測值偏高,應是受區域性空氣品質狀況之影響,而CO與NMHC於97.10.07上午7時異常升高應是採樣點周邊人為活動影響。本計畫周界空氣中戴奧辛檢測4次共12點次測值總平均0.054 pg W-TEQ/m3低於日本環境品質空氣標準年平均0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3;養殖魚類與農作物中戴奧辛分析歷次結果平均值分別為0.538 pg W-TEQ/g w.w.(低於衛生署公佈之戴奧辛限值4 pg W-TEQ/g w.w.)及0.159 pg I-TEQ/g w.w.,均無異常。 以許可最大操作量進行戴奧辛、PM10、SO2及NO2之ISCST3模式模擬,模擬結果中,戴奧辛24小時平均與年平均之較高濃度區均位於工業區內南方;PM10方面,24小時平均與年平均之前二高濃度區均分別發生於工業區內南方及東北方;SO2與NO2模擬結果相似,24小時平均之較高濃度區位於工業區內之東北方以及南方,而年平均之較高濃度區則位於工業區內之南方;各項污染物模擬結果均顯示工業區外西南方之東海村為工業區外受影響最大之地區。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、空氣品質、屏南工業區、ISCST3模式


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 4019.5 千元
專案開始日期 2008/09/09 專案結束日期 2009/09/08 專案主持人 蕭友琳
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97屏南期末-完整版.pdf 62MB
英文摘要 In order to assess the impact of Pingnan Industrial Park (abbreviated as “the Park” hereafter) on the neighboring air quality and establish a pollution benchmark for future major investment projects in the Park, this project surveyed the surrounding area for the overall air quality and dioxin concentration in the air, crops, and aquatic species. Currently, there are eighty-six factories in the Park. Among them, forty-one factories are regulated under the “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations” (three of them are suspended voluntarily). Forty-one factories are not regulated under the “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations” (three of them are voluntarily suspended and another two ceased production). Three factories are temporarily suspended. The other factory is under construction. The current annual emissions of the major pollutants are: particle pollution (85.292 ton/yr), SOx (112.153 ton/yr), NOx (101.65 ton/yr), VOCs (264.494 ton/yr), and dioxins (63.826 mg I-TEQ/yr). The projected maximum emissions assuming full capacity (including factories that are operating, have suspended operations, and are under construction) of major pollutants in the next three years (2009 to 2012) are: particle pollution (396.921 ton/yr), SOx (445.08 ton/yr), NOx (378.073 ton/yr), VOCs (509.158 ton/yr), and dioxins (712.4 mg I-TEQ/yr). The results of the air quality monitoring indicate that PM10 and O3 are the most serious pollutants. In this survey, the average amount of dioxin (from 12 samples from 4 different sampling time points) is 0.054 pg W-TEQ/m3, which is lower than Japan’s 0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3 maximum allowable limits. The average dioxin concentration sampled from the aquatic species and crops are 0.538 pg W-TEQ/g w.w. (lower than the maximum allowable limits of 4 pg-TEQ/g w.w. set by the National Department of Health) and 0.159 pg I-TEQ/g w.w, respectively. Overall, there are no pollutants above maximum allowable limits. A simulation using the ISCST3 model predicts that, under the assumption of maximum operating capacity, the highest dioxin, TSP, SO2, and NO2 concentrations will occur within the industrial park. For dioxin, the highest 24-hour and annual average concentrations will take place in the southern part of the industrial park. For TSP, the 2 highest 24-hour and annual average concentration area will be in the south and northeast of the industrial park. For SO2 and NO2, the highest 24-hour average concentration area will occur in the south and northeast, whereas the highest annual average area will occur in the south of the industrial park. Outside of the industrial park, the simulation results predict that Dong-Hai Township, located southwest of the industrial park, will be the area most affected by the pollutants generated by the park.
英文關鍵字 dioxin, air quality, Pingnan Industrial Park, ISCST3