

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的在針對台灣地區空氣品質淨化區主要樹種,進行淨化空氣污染能力之測試,主要以實際測試植物淨化二氧化氮、臭氧、氯化氫、微粒等空氣污染物為主,以提供環保單位進行「空氣品質淨化區」選擇樹種及推廣應用之參考。本計畫除將蒐集彙整空品淨化區常見樹木淨化空氣污染物相關文獻及資料,逐步建立資料庫以外,本年已測定樹木對臭氧、二氧化氮、揚塵之淨污力,包括:(1)比較全年四季及各月不同溫度對臭氧及二氧化氮之吸收能力:已收集從97年10月至98年7月共十個月的數據,發現春季時樹木對臭氧或二氧化氮的吸收力較其他時期高。(2)比較3種喬木及3種灌木感染病蟲害者淨化臭氧及二氧化氮之能力,並提出解決方案:感染病蟲害實對淨化此二種氣體的能力無重大影響,但影響美觀,所以仍有防治的必要。(3)比較常綠與落葉樹種各6種對淨化空氣污染能力之差異:樹木於新葉期之氣體吸收速率多數較高,但不一定高於老葉期或熟葉期,但若要分析不同季節吸收速率的差異還是收集各月不同數據再做分析較為理想。(4)比較3種喬木及3種灌木缺乏營養時,對樹木淨化臭氧及二氧化氮能力之影響:植物營養缺乏與否與吸收氣體速率多有顯著關連性,但與植物品種亦有關,且臭氧與二氧化氮之物化性質也不同。(5)測定常見灌木6種對氯化氫之淨污能力:植物葉片顏色深、肥厚且粗糙者對氯化氫吸收速率似乎較好。 (6)邀請學者專家5人辦理協商諮詢會議或小型研討會1場,並彙整專家學者意見,供日後設置空品淨化區及維護管理之參考。(7)依據本年實測結果進行「全株全年淨化空氣污染總量」之評估:全年淨污總量乃因植物之不同而異,其樹冠面積越大者淨污量越高。本計畫預期可在計畫進行後,更精確評估常見喬木及灌木,淨化空氣污染之能力,供環保單位未來設置空品淨化區設置參考。此些研究所得,對於空氣品質淨化區之建構、綠化單位從事行道樹綠化或綠帶綠化者,皆具實際參考及應用之價值。故擬於計畫完成後,適當予以發表於研討會或學術雜誌中,並提供環保署上網公佈,以供各界之應用及參考,以降低都會區之空氣污染。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、臭氧、二氧化氮


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA14-03-A206 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2750 千元
專案開始日期 2008/09/18 專案結束日期 2009/09/17 專案主持人 孫岩章
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 隋婉君 執行單位 台灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPK7期末報告final3b.pdf 16MB

Evaluation of the uptake rate of major air pollutants by common tree plants in Taiwan

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to evaluate the uptake rate of major air pollutants by common tree plants in air-cleaning parks in Taiwan. The target air pollutants include ozone, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen chloride and dust. In addition to review all the related literature with air-cleaning efficacy of all the common trees, there are seven major tasks included in this one year project: (1) To compare the air cleaning efficacy of common trees among different month or season; (2) To determine the pollutant uptake rates of common trees infested with pest or disease as compared with the healthy ones; (3) To compare the pollutant uptake rates of six evergreen plant species with six deciduous species; (4) To determine the pollutant uptake rates of common trees in lack of nutrition as compared with the normal ones; (5) To determine the hydrogen chloride uptake rates by six shrub species; (6)To conduct an expert consulting meeting for this project; and (7)To estimate the yearly uptake rates of major air pollutants by these common tree plants. Results showed that most tested plant species uptake more air pollutants in spring season. Those infested with pests were not different with healthy ones in pollutant uptake, but the nutrition conditions do affect the pollutant uptake rates. The pollutant uptake rates of most evergreen or deciduous trees were higher when the leaves were young than the older leaves. The hydrogen chloride uptake rate seemed to be higher for those shrubs with darker or thicker leaves. The yearly uptake rates of six trees and three shrubs to ozone and nitrogen dioxide were estimated according to these measured deposition velocities. A preliminary data base was established for the future application. All these results will be applied in tree recommendation for those greening task in governmental sector or the private sectors. We recommend that both governmental and private sectors should select those plants with higher pollutant uptake rates, and adopt the better management strategies to maintain the air-cleaning parks in Taiwan. The results shown in this report are useful especially for Taiwan EPA and other organizations to select the right tree species for growing in polluted areas and neighborhood parks in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 air quality, ozone, nitrogen dioxide