According to the requirment of “Fugitive Emissions Control Project for Construction Sites” (hereafter called this project) Tainan County, 2008. Lists of excuating detail is showed under table 1, the outcome of works sumarized in the following section.
1. Analysis and Discussions
Constrcution project’s polluaiton control work followed the past year’s work content. Due to implement of ”Regulation Governign the Management of Construction Air Pollution Control Installations”, the excuation members were enhaced the control method and consulted with construction projects during the patrol. Therefore, this project new control methods as stadard to evluate the construction project and reward qaulity projects. Other than rewarded thos quality project, we also promoted the new control method on guidance conferences to enhance the concept to public. In addition, this project enhaced on street washing and sweeping adoption on conferences in oder to maintane a better air qaulity.This project achieved the contracted numbers and expected goal on all contents of work, the figure showed exceeded above 100%.
2. Main Content:
1.There were total 8449.5 constuction projects’ patrols during this project. The data of patrols established in “Information System of Construction Project’s Polluation Control and Fee Collecting Management, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan”
A complete patrol count as 1 case which needed signature from on-sites employees or construction site’s proprietors. Otherwise, the patrol counts as 0.5 case.
2.There were 7323 sites under construction in Tainan County from Aug 1, 2008 to July 31,2009 which lead to 6,621.90 tons’ emssion, about 551.83 T/month. After the Pollution Control Act, the average reducing rate is around 50.25 % and the actual figure amount of emssion is 3,294.26 tons. Among those emission, 94.34 % were made by 4357 construction sites under this project’s obeservation.
3.There are 2 construciton guidances were held and total of 10,000 guidance advertisments and handbooks were printed during this project. Due to revise of “Regulations Governing the Management of Construction Air Pollution Control Installations” on Oct. 24, 2007, this project clarified on revise part and promoted the EPA guidance on Household Cleaning and Energy Saving.
4. The Satistic of Air Pollution Fee Income from Aug. 1,2008 to July 31,2009 showed total income were 63,491,457 NT dollars by 5815 construction sites. The highest declaration amount was 2,913,591 NT dollars made by R98A900 construction site.
Burea of Environmental Protection, Tianan County, offered veraity methods of payment for construciton projects’ air polluation fee included supermarket, post office, and Taiwan National Bank. There were 4,850 payment made by using the alternative payment method, the supermaket was most used by public among other methods.
5.Burea of Environmental Protection, Tianan County, continuned the single service window from last year, the average time of process is around 10 min/case. Also, set up a second service woindow in Southern Service Center, Guiren Township.
6.There were 58 construction projects agreed on stree washing and sweeping adoption during this project. The length of adoption is 75,040 meter. The total length of street washing and sweeping is 17,574.92 km (9,184.909km of Street Washing, 8,390.014 of street Sweeping). Moreover, the amount of TSP reduced around 242.53 ton. (Amount of PM10 reduce to 45.69 ton)
7.This project proceed random oil product examation on construction equipments. In this project, the inspectin crew inspected 18 constuction projects, 28 construction equipments. They suspected 10 equipments with an abnormal phenomenon because the oil quality’s color and scent, and sent for analysis to find out whether the quality accomdated regulation requirment or not. The result showed those 10 equipment are under the requirment (50ppmw).
In order to have better knowledge of construciton sites in Tainan County. This project not only cooperated with Burea of Environmental Protection staffs but also did it own radom examation on other construction projects. Once, crew of this project found abnormal construction equipments, they reported to Burea of Environmental Protection for radom examation. There are total 41 construction projects and 51 construction equipments under inspection. Among those, there are 4 construction projects reported to Burea of Environmental Protection and 3 construction equipemnts were sent to furtuer analysis.
8.There were total 474.83 ton of open-air burning during the project period, and member assited to put out a fire in control around 131.75 ton. The percentage of control open-air burning is around 27.75%.
9. In order to spread the cocepet of non-open-air buring to contracted farmers and rice manufactures of famers’ association, this project conviced Fang-Rong rice manufacture and 9 other manufactures to commited the agrrement before July, 2009. Therefore, contracted farmers under those 9 manufactures followed the agrrement to plant rice. There were 593 contracted farmer partipated in this agrrement and total contracted farm area reached 889 hectare.
10.This project executed the uncoverd suface investigation in Tainan County which included Xinshi, Shanhua, Anding, Xiagang, Guantianm and 13 other townships, there were 93 uncovered suface information added to observaiton list. The added control surface is 63.12 hectare and the TSP emission estimated around 22.34 tons per year.
There were 21 improving uncovered suface which total area were around 43.51 hectare. The most improving township was Xinshi’s 21.79 hectare, next was Anding’s 13.63 hectate and the last was Houbi’s 2.78 hectare.
11.This project held 35 guidances activities, which included 2 construction projects’ guidance orientations, 3 construction projects’ guidance conferences for reducting polluation. 5 townships’ guidance activities for non-open-air burning, 9 contracted famers’ guidance activities for non-open-air burning and 16 guidance conferences for reducing pray money.