This project is the assisting tool to continue the past achievements of Carbon Neutral and the analysis of developing trend in international Carbon Neutral. This project is also applied in promoting international organization exchange about Carbon Neutral, participating in international Carbon Neutral standard training, developing supporting measures and policies for Carbon Neutral, developing and updating assisting tools for Carbon Neutral and low carbon activities. Relevant achievements until March 31, 2014 are collected in this project and described as follows:
I. To control the developing trend in international Carbon Neutral and analysis of relevant cases.
1. Referable foreign examples regarding strategies and methods for different levels of Carbon Neutral promotion are organized hereunder:
(1) National-level Carbon Neutral promotion
In regard to the present development of international carbon neutral policy, many countries have raised their national goals on carbon neutral issue, which often combines national greenhouse gas emission reduction goal and are executed under the strategy of developing renewable energy and forestation.
Among the collected information, the United Kingdom and Australia are the two countries with the fastest and the soundest carbon neutral development. The United Kingdom started carbon neutral promotion from its central authorities, while Australia started with their certified carbon neutral products. We shall refer to the first carbon neutral standard worldwide (PAS2060) developed by BSI (British Standards Institution).
(2)City-level Carbon Neutral promotion
Throughout the present examples and strategies of city-level carbon neutral promotion, mostly focused on the public awareness of the climate change, integration of the green concept into public construction, and government's leading action in energy saving/carbon reduction measures.
It is essential to build the public's concept towards environmental protection. The government could promote their policies only if the public identify the issue and concept of environmental protection. Our government could also refer to foreign practice that foreign governments take environment factor into consideration for public construction and urban planning.
(3)Civic-level Carbon Neutral promotion
Analyze the promotion result of foreign civic groups by four aspects: Organization, activity, product and service. Check the total emissions of the entity and categorize the data by three scopes: Direct emissions, energy indirect and other indirect to control the carbon consumption data of each scope then adopt the greenhouse gas emission reduction. Each enterprise should reduce as much as possible their total carbon consumption. For the irreducible emission, each enterprise could adopt carbon offset approved by the international carbon market.
2. The UK and Australia have had their carbon neutral policies divided by department, such as schools, government departments, residence departments, etc..., and they set different goals for each year. This kind of step by step and executed by stage policy is similar to our policy in promoting carbon neutrality, which could also be a good reference for our government.
II. Promoting international organization exchange about Carbon Neutral and participating in international Carbon Neutral standard training
1. We held two meetings for PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral standard training (On 2013/06/18 and 2013/07/04) to confirm specifically about the training flow, experts' planning, expected production and expected benefits, and we also integrated every relevant questions, suggestions and comments regarding PAS 2060 revision brought up by various organizations, including our government authorities, research institute, consulting firm and verify unit, which would be provided to the experts and scholars during the first group meeting.
2. From 2013/7/13~7/19, Professor Ku Young of Chemical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Ms. Hwang Hsueh-Juan, Assistant manager from BSI Taiwan both participated in the "Initial Meeting" of PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral standard training. They visited Carbon Clear and British Standards institution (BSI) London to understand the UK's execution and real cases regarding carbon neutrality. They also discussed about issued in regard to EUETS and BSI inspector management/inspection skill.
3. On 2013/11/5, Mr. Hwang Hsian-Jieh, manager of Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service, Dr. Kao Yi-Min from BSI Asia-Pacific, and Dr. Liu Jin-Chuan from BSI Taiwan participated in the first group meeting in UK.
They visited Department of Energy and Climate Change, Decc, Ecofys and The Carbon Neutral Company to learn about the UK government low-carbon strategies and successful cases. They collected and updated the present carbon neutral development and strategies. Meanwhile, they held concall meeting to discuss about the draft of version 2 with the UK, Australia, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Japan.
4. The public draft was released on BSI official website on 11/22.
( for public consultation, also synchronized with connections to our platforms: "Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Registry", "Carbon Neutral Registration" and "Low-Carbon Activity" for global opinion consultation for one month.
5. Finished collecting global opinions (total 40 items) at the end of December, the group meeting members voted for training consensus. First revision draft was made on 2/7. Second group meeting was held on 2/21. Now under approval for the first draft.
6. PAS 2060 finished: Cover design and graphic design for 2014 Chinese / English version
7. 2014/3/24 "Carbon Neutral Technology Seminar & PAS 2060 Chinese Version Presentation" was held by Environmental Analysis Laboratory EPA. Executive Yuan, R.O.C. The director of EPA and BSI jointly presented PAS 2060:2014 Chinese version (Carbon Neutral Standard). The director also awarded carbon neutral certificate to Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration, AUO and TXC. In addition, domestic experts, scholars and enterprises were invited to share their experiences on topics of extreme climate, low-carbon activity, and carbon neutrality. More details were published on Economic Daily News and China Times B1 on 3/26.
8. The difference between the content of ISO 14067 TS version and PAS 2050:2011 was clearly clarified. We will continue to control further development of ISO 14067 and suggest to revise "Carbon Footprint calculation".
9. PAS 2060:2014 Chinese version training content is clear and we will suggest to revise "Carbon Neutral Verification and Technology Guide".
III. Developing supporting measures and policies for Carbon Neutral
1. The standards of energy conservation and carbon reduction for our public construction, the cases and standards of overseas large public construction. It is suggested that we should use highly efficient tools on our facilities due to the different climate and culture in Taiwan. We should use biofuels and reduce machine idle run. Use solar panels on residence or other buildings to provide power source and reduce excessive dependence on non-renewable energy. We should refer to the natural lighting and ventilating designs from foreign architectural design to reduce the day time lighting and to adopt natural ventilating to cut down air conditioning time in winter while the outdoor temperature is under 28 degrees. Use mostly natural building materials (gravels, woods), local materials, recycled material (recycled asphalt, recycled concrete), eco-friendly building materials and equipments (Energy saving equipments, water saving equipments) and recycling resource (Use scrap tires to replace gravels making the bridge base, etc).
2. Calculate the greenhouse gas emission for the past big activities like the 101 building new year fireworks party, analyze what were the main emission sources, make substitute plans for the fireworks, traffic and wastes or garbage and supporting measures for greenhouse gas emission reduction. Held energy saving and carbon reduction meeting with the activity unit under general marketing section of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government on 8/23 to confirm the reduction method at present stage, the future reduction plan and strategy, the feasibility of constructing future fireworks show, to calculate the greenhouse gas emission of each past 101 building new year party and to plan for emission reduction plans.
3. Based on our carbon footprint product regulation, and the draft regulation of "Domestic activity or exhibition carbon footprint calculation guide" set in 2012, the check list are divided into categories of exhibition hall management, host management, exhibitors profile, exhibitors decoration, exhibitors printing, transportation of display products and visitors traffic information surveys. We wish to promote the carbon footprint calculation for our domestic activities and exhibitions through these complete check lists. Held "Domestic activity or exhibition carbon footprint calculation guide" expert meeting on 10/15 to modify the content based on the experts' advices.
4. In response to "Sustainable Energy Policy Guide Line" and "Policy Arrangement must has Carbon Neutral concept to prevent, alarm and screen the carbon management" from government departments, as well as to excel the energy saving and carbon reduction strategies and actions to reach the final goal of carbon neutrality, the environmental protection agency of county / city held presentation on 8/16 to introduce "Environmental protection agency promote carbon neutral" and its supporting measures, they also discussed about the future plans and execution directions, and changed "Drafted Principle of carbon neutral promotion by environmental protection agency" to "Drafted Reference guide of Carbon Neutral Promotion by Environmental Agency" as the reference for environmental protection agency to promote carbon neutral.
5. In order to promote Public Action in Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, as well as to understand the present condition of carbon neutral action, a visit to Liu-Liao footpath in Eh-Mei Vil., Hsin-Chu county was made on 2013/5/14, a forum is held in jiaoban mountain, Taoyuan county on 2014/1/7 to excel the opinion exchange and thoughts sharing between the officers from central authorities and the local residents and to promote low-carbon actions and raise the public awareness about environmental protection issues, to reach the ultimate goals of forming a low-carbon, sustainable homeland.
6. Extend 2012 assisted case of carbon neutral "Fullon Hotels Danshuei Fishermen's Wharf" and "Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration", we will continue to follow their further promotion and equipment replacing. Both "Fullon Hotels Danshuei Fishermen's Wharf" and "Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration" had reached their goals of carbon neutrality at the end of February, 2014 and were rewarded with carbon neutral certificates on the presentation on 2014/3/24.
7. Finished 10 cases of "Self Verified" carbon neutral case, they not only analyzed its greenhouse gas emission, but also cleared on how to reduce the emission and registered relevant information public at the carbon neutral registration platform as the reference for residents.
8. Considering the scale of low carbon activities, research carbon reduction actions, and made public announcement at low carbon activity platform.
9. Information was collected for the 10th regulation "Establish whole area carbon verification and reduction strategy" of Renewable Energy of the top 10 operation functions. We will use our past experience in assisting the carbon reduction execution in villages to help establish whole area carbon verification for local governments to set their goals on carbon reduction strategy matching their local development.
IV. Developing and updating assisting tools for Carbon Neutral and low carbon activities
1.Accoring to the statistics, since starting the low-carbon activity platform on 2010/8/16 until now 2014/3/31, there are already 1,818 members and 9,188 cases registered on the low-carbon platform. In order to further promote the carbon neutral concept, and to upgrade low-carbon activity to a self-verified easy carbon neutral activity with outside carbon reduction actions, this project not only provide calculating tools for carbon neutral process for the organizers to calculate the emission during the activities and exhibition and the reduction result outside the activities. They could also establish a carbon neutral area during the activity to connect with low-carbon activity platform to upgrade low-carbon activity to a self-verified easy carbon neutral activity with outside carbon reduction actions.
2. To maximize the promotion result of low-carbon activity platform, the mobile version low-carbon activity webpage is already designed and ready to use, functions including "Latest News", "Introduction to Activity", "Application Tutorial" and "Label Application" for easy access and more usage rate to the public.
3. To broaden the promotion result, beside the carbon neutral management and registration platform and low-carbon activity platform, interactive games based on the concept of low-carbon activity and carbon neutrality "Low-carbon activity platform for children - Low-carbon diaries for low-carbon bears" is designed, including five sections: "low carbon activity", "carbon neutral", "carbon footprint", "low carbon diet" and "Bing-Bing Black Bears' Adventure". These activities are made aiming to build correct concept of low-carbon activity, carbon neutral and low-carbon diet for school-age children.
4. Based on the past experiences in maintenance and updating "carbon neutral registration platform" and "low-carbon activity platform", we integrated relevant questions regarding the two platforms and provided feedback reply. We also established "Q & A" subsystem for these two platforms to increase easy access between the two platforms.