The focus on the implementation of this project is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to promote the inspection and control of water pollution, as well as the monitoring of water quality, in order to precisely learn about the situation of water pollution prevention and control in the administrative region of Yilan County. Through the inspection and control of this project, it is expected to urge the businesses under the jurisdiction and administration of Yilan County to implement the operations and maintenance of water pollution prevention facilities to achieve the goal of improving river water quality. The implementation outcome in the period from March 7, 2013 to October 31, 2013 as summarized in the final report is as follows:
1. Assist water pollution inspection work
(1)We performed a total of 795 times of water pollution inspections including 633 times of industrial park inspections, sampling and sample presentations; we conducted 153 inspections of industrial parks, and assisted water quality sampling and sample presentation for 238 times. The number of inspections of enterprises has accounted for 100% of the annual goal.
(2)Regarding water pollution inspections by industry, inspections of husbandry (1) are the most, accounting for 23.32% of the total, followed by food manufacturing, chemicals, quarrying, processing and heaping, sewage, and industrial zones other than the petrochemical industrial zones.
(3)Regarding businesses located in the Dezikou Creek and Lanyang Creek and listed on the water pollution watch list of EPA, we inspected 192 enterprises for a total of 382 times, and the hotspot inspection and control rate has been up to 81%(192/236). The hotspot regulation and control rate is expected to reach up to 100% by the end of the year.
(4)We handled 70 cases in violation of water pollution regulations, and the total fines amount to 5.013 million NTD. Most punished enterprises are located in the Dezikou Creek river basin, accounting for 24.6%.
(5)We found four unknown discharge pipelines and helped the disassembly of the four pipelines.
(6)We completed the evaluation of the wastewater treatment equipment in four water pollution source plants, and have been continuously tracking them for improvement.
2. Implement water pollution prevention review and database building
(1)We handled the approval review of 236 enterprises with a total of 377 cases, and the average time for approval review is 7.7 days.
(2)We handled 1089 cases for the management, establishment, maintenance and updating of water pollution prevention approval documents including 795 inspection records, 214 approval application cases (discharge permit, water pollution prevention measures, and construction site runoff wastewater reduction plan) and the files of 70 disposition cases.
3. River water quality, tributary water quality and quantity survey and lake monitoring operations
(1)We completed river water sampling tests in 13 locations for 39 times (13 sites of river water quality monitoring), and the progress is reached by 100%,
(2)Regarding the river water quality compliance rate analysis, besides the compliance rate in Shuiyuan Bridge of Annong Creek, Jianying Bridge, Dazhou Brigde, Nongxing Bridge, Pulinzhen of the Luodong Creek, and Waizaiwai Bridge at 90.9%, the compliance rate in other locations has been up to 100%.
(3)We completed water quality monitoring for 30 times in locations of the five major lakes, and the testing results indicate eutrophication.
(4)We performed the Dezikou Creek tributary water quality in 10 locations for 20 times. The BOD total pollution load of the Dezikou Creek river basin is 5,189.74 kg/D, the SS total pollution load is 5,432.24 kg/D, and the main source of pollution is sewage.
4. River waters ecological survey
(1)Besides the observation stations in 2012, we newly established 7 observation stations including Wufengqi and Dazhongqiao and implemented two surveys in 14 locations. As the survey results have suggested, the diversity index and uniformity of benthic macro invertebrate Shannon-Weaver reduces from the upstream to the downstream in a significant trend. The changes are more significant than changes in fishes.
(2)The indices of benthic macro invertebrate Hilsenhoff in Dezikou Creek over the years suggest that the values of the Meiqing Villa changed more significantly, indicating the water quality is relatively better; the changes in the values are caused by large scale invertebrates other than insects. Qijie Bridge is the sample station with poorer environmental conditions similar to the Erlong River. The Shichao Bridge and Old Zu’ang Bridge are the river sections with tidal reach and the tides can often result in frequent changes in water quality environment.
5. Water pollution incident emergency response
(1)We completed 204 inspection tours of the ports and harbors under administration, and most of the inspection tours were conducted in Niaoshi fishing port (13.7%) followed by Gengfang fishing port (12.3%).
(2)We implemented one shipboard inspection and observation tour in Taipei Port, and helped to complete 55 cases of ship inspection and control with the all the inspection results being in compliance with relevant regulations.
(3)We performed semi-monthly water pollution emergency response materials and equipment check and operational maintenance.
(4)We cooperated with Yilan County Police Bureau to jointly perform the 2013 Su’ao Port security, protection of international vessels and port facilities and the ocean and river oil pollution emergency drills by holding two coordination meetings, 3 trial exercises and 1 official drill. We mobilized a total of four vessels and 64 people in the drill.
(5)We completed an education training session for river and ocean pollution emergency response.
6. Public education and promotion operations
(1)We helped to complete five sessions of public education and promotion activities targeting at patrolmen, general public, students in river and ocean pollution prevention, sewage reduction, environmental advocacy, water quality inspection DIY and ecological survey with a total of 2656 participants.
(2)We conducted a session of regulation advocacy and guidance meeting with a total of 133 enterprises and 123 people in attendance.