This project consists three major parts with their respective results listed as follows:
1.Review and revision of the total quantity controls as well as the evaluation of its possible reduction effectiveness.
(1)The project took reference from current local government air pollution control plans and current guidelines as the basis for the revision of the air pollution control plans. The major revision includes the addition of designated reduction and the management of the reduction credits, the off-set of increased emission, as well as the review process for new stationary source.
(2)The project has completed the PM2.5 monitoring results analysis for regulation compliance in the central, Yun-Chia-Nan and Kao-Pin air districts. The project also did translation of the reference material-“Lists of Potential Control Measures for PM2.5 and Precursors” into Chinese language and collection of the reference material-“International Experience on PM2.5 Control”. Sources for the above mentioned reference materials came from the 8th air quality management conference of Chinese cities. The collected information can provide reference for our national PM2.5 control strategy planning.
(3)The project conducted a feasibility study for designated reduction by visiting 20 companies according to their willingness to cooperate. It is estimated that about 0.4% pollutants can be reduced from the 4 major categories of air pulltants (based on the total emission calculated for the Kao-Pin air district to be 147,278 tons) which is still relatively far from the designated reduction goal (5-10%) for stage 2 reduction. It is suggested that further ananysis be carried out for the reduction of other pollutants as well as the feasibility of incentive mechanism to increase industrial willingness to invest for improvement.
(4)Regarding the principle for designated reduction, the project has processed trial estimation for the reduction besides the listing of possible reduction. Take Kao-Pin air district for example, it is estimated that by strengthening the emission standards for power industry under the same operation parameters, could achieve a designated reduction reduction of 8.7% (calculated based on the emission inventory for Kao-Pin air district). However, since the draft regulation will be implemented in the future so the room for reduction could be limited. It is suggested for the future to further investigate the principle for designation for the second stage reduction.
(5)Since permit system has been an instrument to integrate stationary source management, it is suggested that the total quantity controls be included into future permit application review. The project has completed the draft regulation for future reference.
(6)The project has assisted EPB to complete 3 sessions of workshop for the total quantity controls. In addition, the project also conducted trial emission allowance review for 10 companies. Among them, 9 companies applied according to EIA results. It is suggested for the future to expand the total quantity controls to counties and cities beyond the Kao-Pin air district.
(7)It is estimated for the Central and Yun-Chia-Nan air district that about 70-80% of stationary sources could be selected from those registered after 2007 since some companies do not have air pollution fee records. Besides the emission for SOx and VOCs occupies about 90% of the total permitted amount of air pollutants, and about 70-80% for TSP and NOx, while it is about 40-60% for the Yun-Chia-Nan air district.
2.Follw-up investigation of the Kao-Pin air district reduction action plan and the air pollution control plan
(1)The project established emission allowance approval procedure and the relevant documentation forms to provide local bureaus for future consultation to the industries. It is suggested for the future to further promote reduction action plan for other area and other air district, as well as to assure whether local bureaus are ready for the implementation by a cross check system.
(2)The result shows 14 out of the investigated 20 companies do not have future reduction plan; while 5 companies have implemented reduction in recent years, and 1 company has future reduction plan.
(3)The investigation process also collected air pollution cost information to estimate annual air pollution reduction cost for different level of treatment capacity as well as the cost for operation and maintenance.
(4)Through site visiting of 20 companies to collect information for 147 facilities for correlation analysis, positive correlation is found for treatment capacity and equipment cost however there are large differences between the costs for different facilities. In comparison to the cost information for local versus USA facilities, the local cost is relatively lower. It is suggested to futher collect information for cost to provide supplementary information for inspection.
(5)The investigation compared the result of the visited companies in 2012 and found inconsisitency between the reported air pollution fee and the reported air emission for SOx and NOx with 40% of the investigated companies showed obvious difference mainly due to difference in calculation and man-made errors. This project has provided information for the stationary source project to follow-up this issue. It is expected that the difference between permitted emission and actual emission could be reduced in the long run.
(6)The project compared and found difference between permitted emission and reported emission for the investigated companies in 2012. It is shown that the reported emission was larger than the permitted emission at a ratio of 1.01 to 4.27. Among them, the difference for SOx was especially large. The difference for other pollutants came to a total of 0.79% of the permitted emission for the 457 companies in Kao-Pin air district therefore the variance in permitted emission is not large.
(7)The pilot study for emission allowance approval shows 145 companies have registered at the management platform for appling emission allowance. Among them, 78 companies have been approved by their respective local authority while 66 companies are pending for review, and 1 company is approved for EIA emission allowance.
(8)The project has completed the collection of air pollution control results for Kao-Pin air district in 2012 and provided suggestion for future promotional work direction.
(9)In order to effectively control the effectiveness of local government control measure, it is suggested for EPA SIP project to list all strategies and calculation methodology for the estimation of reduction that can be provided for EPA future design of control strategy as well as for periodical rolling review of actual results that could feedback to the revision of control measures.
3.Maintenance for the air pollution reduction management platform.
(1)Completed the calculation of emission for 1,072 companies in the central and Yun-Chia-Nan air district. Add new links to the management platform for the two districts and updated the listing of permits.
(2)Continue updating the system for stationary source and manually removed errors from the system due to the rewriting of the system program to maintain normal operation of the platform.
(3)In addition to maintaining the management platform for normal operation, the project also reprogramed the stationary source system and made suggestion to future management.
4.Administrative support on Promotion for air quality improvement strategy.
(1)The project has conducted 31 sessions of work related meetings and site visits to integrate every work items included in this project.
(2)The project has updated information regarding air pollution control and regulation in the form of electronic files to provide EPA for the printing of regulation manual.
(3)Completed the maintenance and updates of the website for the total quantity controls and fine particulate matter with periodical release of new information and electronic files for download.