This project aims to the following seven main parts: Referenc reviewes, PM2.5 sampling and analysis at EPA Chiayi site, PM2.5 monmitoring around the place with heavily human activity, movable monitoring of special area for PM2.5 level-time or -sapce analysis, setup local PM2.5 fingerprint, source apportionment modeling, control strategy.
1. 104 to 105 years of PM2.5 concentration were between yeayly tand daily national standards during April to October during Jan 2015 to April 2016. In 2016, the January and February, with the highest PM2.5 levels, showed 33.8 and 41.8% reduction from the last year (2015) in the same period.
2. The manual measurement of atmospheric PM2.5 level shows an average 30.5 μg/m3, which is the second high level, among all EPA site during 2015. The improvement should be in progress. Meanwhile, the auto-monitoring annul average PM2.5 level is 27.0 μg/m3, which is obviously lower than the manual measurement levels. The real monitored level could be calculated by EPA calibration equation fro manual and auoto-measurments as 33.9 μg/m3, which is 28.5 and 14.4% lower than those in 2002 and 2014.
3. The days with low PM2.5 level increases from 127 in 2005 to 253 in 2015. On the other hand, the days with high PM2.5 levels decreases from 134 to 24. The atmospheric hazardous PM2.5 concentration (>71 μg/m3) were resulted from the inter-regine transfer by north wind and emission source local deffusion.
4. Chiayi Site Monitoring and Analysis
(1) Autumn was in a unstable meteorologically changing (wind directions) and wet season. PM2.5 level ranged 16-40 μg/m3, while PM2.5/PM10 are 34.9-59.1%. The most dominat group was water-soluble ions (58.4%), the second was organic carbonates (12.0%), and was followes by elemental carbonates (5.8%), metals (7.3%), and other components (16.5%). Among the charateristics of water-soluble ions in PM2.5, SOR vatue was 0.42-0.71, when NOR ragnged 0.023-0.089. This result indicated that the secondary sulfate dominated the autumn atmospheric PM2.5, when the nitrate is not much effective. This might be caused by the higher temperature could inhibit the condensation transformation form NOx to nitrate. Additionally, I and J value were 1.56-1.9 and 0.7-0.9, revealing a incomplete neutralization condition. The metals stood for 4.5-11.4% mass of PM2.5, while ther were mainly composed of Na (31.1-52.8%), K (13.5-29.6%, Mg (11.3-13.1%), Fe (4.4-11.6%), Ca (6.2-7.7%), Al (4.1-7.1%), and Zn (2.1-3.7%). Total crustal elements dominated more than 90% mass of PM2.5 metal components, when Na could be mainly come from sea spray and K could be from open burning. EC/OC were ranged from 1.99 to 2.16 ,when the secondary organic carbon represented 0~8% PM2.5 mass in autumn. CMB results showed that the contributions of each sources were as follows: mobile source was 11.7-39.6%, secondary sulfate was 13.6-16.2%, petrochemical industry was 11.2-14.8%, soil dust was 7.4~11.1%, when secondary nitrate 7.08-11.95%.
(2) Winter was a season with dry and north wind condition. PM2.5 level ranged 16-40 μg/m3, while PM2.5/PM10 are 34.9-59.1%. The most dominat group was water-soluble ions (58.4%), the second was organic carbonates (12.0%), and was followes by elemental carbonates (5.8%), metals (7.3%), and other components (16.5%). Among the charateristics of water-soluble ions in PM2.5, SOR vatue was 0.42-0.71, when NOR ragnged 0.023-0.089. This result indicated that the secondary sulfate dominated the autumn atmospheric PM2.5, when the nitrate is not much effective. This might be caused by the higher temperature could inhibit the condensation transformation form NOx to nitrate. Additionally, I and J value were 1.56-1.9 and 0.7-0.9, revealing a incomplete neutralization condition. The metals stood for 4.5-11.4% mass of PM2.5, while ther were mainly composed of Na (31.1-52.8%), K (13.5-29.6%, Mg (11.3-13.1%), Fe (4.4-11.6%), Ca (6.2-7.7%), Al (4.1-7.1%), and Zn (2.1-3.7%). Total crustal elements dominated more than 90% mass of PM2.5 metal components, when Na could be mainly come from sea spray and K could be from open burning. EC/OC were ranged from 1.99 to 2.16 ,when the secondary organic carbon represented 0~8% PM2.5 mass in autumn. CMB results showed that the contributions of each sources were as follows: mobile source was 11.7-39.6%, secondary sulfate was 13.6-16.2%, petrochemical industry was 11.2-14.8%, soil dust was 7.4~11.1%, when secondary nitrate 7.08-11.95%.
(3) Spring was in a unstable meteorologically changing (wind directions) and wet season. PM2.5 level ranged 16-40 μg/m3, while PM2.5/PM10 are 34.9-59.1%. The most dominat group was water-soluble ions (58.4%), the second was organic carbonates (12.0%), and was followes by elemental carbonates (5.8%), metals (7.3%), and other components (16.5%). Among the charateristics of water-soluble ions in PM2.5, SOR vatue was 0.42-0.71, when NOR ragnged 0.023-0.089. This result indicated that the secondary sulfate dominated the autumn atmospheric PM2.5, when the nitrate is not much effective. This might be caused by the higher temperature could inhibit the condensation transformation form NOx to nitrate. Additionally, I and J value were 1.56-1.9 and 0.7-0.9, revealing a incomplete neutralization condition. The metals stood for 4.5-11.4% mass of PM2.5, while ther were mainly composed of Na (31.1-52.8%), K (13.5-29.6%, Mg (11.3-13.1%), Fe (4.4-11.6%), Ca (6.2-7.7%), Al (4.1-7.1%), and Zn (2.1-3.7%). Total crustal elements dominated more than 90% mass of PM2.5 metal components, when Na could be mainly come from sea spray and K could be from open burning. EC/OC were ranged from 1.99 to 2.16 ,when the secondary organic carbon represented 0~8% PM2.5 mass in autumn. CMB results showed that the contributions of each sources were as follows: mobile source was 11.7-39.6%, secondary sulfate was 13.6-16.2%, petrochemical industry was 11.2-14.8%, soil dust was 7.4~11.1%, when secondary nitrate 7.08-11.95%.
5. PM2.5 responses of idling shut down of mobile engine at the student picked-up zone of Chiao-ping elementary school
(1) The differences of PM2.5 levels between the site at upwind direction and in campus were not obviously, this might be caused by the dilution of 24-hour sampling to the rush hours.
(2) CMB results showed that the domination of mobile shourde were higher in campus than in upwind site, and further reduced by idling shut down control.
(3) Rush hour in moring had higher PM2.5 mass concentration (~144 μg/m3), number concentrations (2.17x104 #/cm3), PAHs (21.3 ng/m3), and BC (5,230 ng/m3) than that in the afternoon rush.
(4) PM2.5 space distribution anlysisindicated that the hot regine located at the student picked-up zone (150-200 μg/m3), which were much higher than the 24h-standard and the record of Chiayi site (28 μg/m3) on the same day. Additionally, the number concentration could increased to 30,000 #/cm3 at that regine.
6. PM2.5 responses of idling shut down of mobile engine at the student picked-up zone of Chun-wen elementary school
(1) The differences of PM2.5 levels between the site at upwind direction and in campus were not obviously, this might be caused by the dilution of 24-hour sampling to the rush hours.
(2) CMB results showed that the domination of mobile shourde were higher in campus than in upwind site, and further reduced by idling shut down control.
(3) Rush hour in moring had higher PM2.5 mass concentration (~144 μg/m3), number concentrations (2.17x104 #/cm3), PAHs (21.3 ng/m3), and BC (5,230 ng/m3) than that in the afternoon rush.
(4) PM2.5 space distribution anlysisindicated that the hot regine located at the student picked-up zone (150-200 μg/m3), which were much higher than the 24h-standard and the record of Chiayi site (28 μg/m3) on the same day. Additionally, the number concentration could increased to 30,000 #/cm3 at that regine.
7. East Marcket PM2.5 hot regine analysis
(1) The differences in the windward and exposed areas of the market were significant. On weekdays, PM2.5 in the market (44.0-48.6 μg/m3) was 11-31% higher thanthe upwind site (33.5-43.9 μg/m3). During holidays a substantial increase in PM2.5 concentration to 66.4 μg/m3.
(2) Receptor model simulations show that high concentrations East market season weekday major pollution sources within the market for mobile source emissions (38.2%-45.3%), followed by sulfate derivative (12.0-22.0%), the main holiday of pollution source for mobile source emissions (45.9%), followed by sulfate derivative (18.6%), the East market because during the holidays more frequent vehicle , mobile source contribution rate was significantly higher than usual conditions, in addition within the East source markets contributed significantly to higher transportation upwind, Chiayi City also proposes to begin the management to reduce PM2.5 concentrations of silt zone objects .
(3) Mobile PM2.5 monitoring results show up the day of the mass concentration of 181 μg/m3, the number of concentrations of up to 4.7x104 #/cm3, PAHs concentration and concentrations of up to 168 BC and 4300 ng/m3, while the afternoon session of the preceding four categories of concentrations respectively, an average of 93 μg/m3, 3.2x104 #/cm3, 142 and 2800 ng/m3, significantly higher than in the afternoon with a morning rush hour scenario, this phenomenon was due to differences in traffic flow caused by the spikes.
(4) Spatial distribution of the hot zone shows high concentrations of sections appear in the Republican Road vendors intensive , low concentrations present in the Lok Street upwind am the highest PM2.5 concentrations ranging from 150-200 μg/m3,100,000 #/cm3 afternoon were generally between 50 ~ 150 μg / m3,25,000 ~ 50,000 #/cm3. At October 20 special high traffic spikes , the market in the east of PM2.5 road is generally higher than 200 μg/m3 and 50,000 #/cm3.
8. Idling-stop control effect at hot regine in bus union station
(1) Before idling control, car classes less days upwind of the sampling point and the station concentrations were 31.4 and 31.0 μg/m3 little difference; car classes and more day, the station concentration of up to 27.2 μg/m3, is significantly high at the measuring point upwind of 25.4 μg/m3, the average increment of 7.1% in local area instantly increment should be higher. Control before PM2.5 carbon component upwind lower than the station, showing the effect of diesel idling emissions.
(2) After the trial immediately turn off idling control, concentration difference and upwind of the station came from the air, whether the multi-trips or PM2.5 average concentration difference becomes significant, long shifts upwind 51.2 μg/m3, the station 50.7 μg/m3; shift came from upwind 32.9 μg/m3, the station 32.7 μg/m3. While exposing the region PM2.5 carbon content higher upwind situation remission, immediately turn off the display of this pilot parking for local PM2.5 slight performance reduction.
(3) receptor model results show, an overview, the former major mobile source control station and derivatives aerosol contribution higher than upwind, slightly lower after anti-regulation. In terms of the amount of shift, the shift control of the former multi-source movement caused by higher contribution rates.
(4) Mobile Monitoring results show aerosol concentrations Holiday is indeed higher than usual concentration of suspended particles is more high, and up to a significant difference (p <0.001) statistically compare indoor and outdoor concentrations of suspended particles change, regardless of the number of suspended particulate concentration weight concentration or carbon black, the results are showing higher than the indoor outdoor concentration.
9. Analyses of PM2.5 levels in the crossections
10. The plan to use the five temples of worship Chiayi incense and paper money were incinerated and the combustion chamber to establish its PM2.5 emission factors and composition fingerprints:
(1) Gold paper discharge coefficient averaged 1.312±0.11 g/kg (between 1.16-1.41 g/kg), thanks to the incense was 2.66±1.18 g/kg (between 1.24-4.17 g/kg), thanks to the fragrant emissions coefficient higher emission coefficient gold paper, the inference may be thanks to the low temperature burning of incense, incense and worship production process may have to add other spices, may increase the amount of PM2.5 generated.
(2) PM2.5 ingredient fingerprint establish results are detailed 5.7 after worship gold paper and incense burning, burning gold paper chemistry experiment consists of high quality and low were as follows OC> SO42-> Cl-> Zn> NO3-; and burning incense worship chemical experiment consists of high and low were as follows OC> SO42-> Cl-> NO3-> Zn> F-> Cu.
11. In this project simulation models-3/CMAQ air quality model analysis point source Yunlin County, Chiayi City, Chiayi County and Tainan City , the line source and point source on the city and Yunlin County, Chiayi County and Tainan air contribution of PM2.5 concentrations. Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Chiayi and Tainan City's contribution to the concentration of fine particles suspended in Chiayi rates were 7.9%, 16.9%, 2.2% and 2.6%, so the four counties to Chiayi City, Chiayi County for fine aerosol concentrations the largest proportion of the contribution.