The implementation of this project lasts from February 1, 2016 until December 31, 2016. The results of implementation under each category are as follows:
1.Assist in Establishing a Collection and Payment Reminder Mechanism for Air Pollution Charges
During the implementation period of the project, the total number of cases filing for the County’s construction site air pollution prevention fee is 2,227. The total amount filed is NT$46,577,884. Among the filed cases, the largest number is “other constructions” totaling 906 cases. The category with the most expense in filing for air pollution fee is road construction, with the amount reaching NT$12,291,399; as for the 1,408 constructions for which bids have been awarded, 1,315 cases have completed the initial air pollution fee filing, with a filing ratio of 93.4%. Also, among the 2,180 construction projects which have been completed during the project implementation period, a total of 1,993 construction cases have either completed the final phase of air pollution fee filing or have the work completion verified with no need to apply for an account settlement. The percentage of completed construction with air pollution fee filing for the final phase is roughly 91.4%.
A total of 200 construction sites underwent a work commencement (initial period) examination. Among these, 12 cases showed work already being carried out, of which the owner of the construction has been asked to include actual descriptions when filing for an air pollution fee in order to track the real work schedule; for work site extension examination and monitoring, a total of 182 sites were examined. Among these, 132 sites were completed on schedule. For the month when the examination was conducted, only 50 sites reported failure to wrap up construction by the expected completion date, accounting for 27.5% of the overall number of sites checked.
2.Patrol and Control of Air Pollution from Construction Sites
During the project implementation period, a total of 5,907 construction site patrol operations were conducted. Minxiong Township (with 389 sites) has the largest number of monitored construction sites among all the administrative districts, followed by Zhuqi Township (with 287 sites), with the majority being housing construction. The County-wide compliance ratios of first- and second-level construction site management guidelines were 81% and 78%, respectively. The category of pollution prevention facility which fails to comply with management regulations is car-wash facility which has the highest percentile of nonconformities, accounting for 22.5% of all the County’s nonconformities. Next in line comes fencing (border-marking of construction sites) facilities, accounting for 22% of the County’s nonconformities. It is followed by signs and vehicle route facility nonconformities, which account for 17.7% and 17.6% of the County’s nonconformities, respectively. The fugitive dust produced by the County’s construction sites reached 11,226.1 tons, while the fugitive dust emission after passing through the reduction mechanism imposed by each prevention facility was 3,924.4 tons. The total fugitive dust reduction reached 7,301.7 tons, showing an average reduction rate of 65%. At construction sites, the original emission of pollutants TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 were 3,132.1 tons, 1,740 tons, and 348 tons, respectively. Among all construction categories, area development construction – industrial zone had the highest emission. After monitoring, the emission of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 were 1,094.9, 608.3, and 121.7 tons, respectively.
Among the 57 complaint cases received during the project implementation period, the majority of complaints involved dirty roads and flying dust, with a total of 19 cases and 39 cases, respectively. Among these, the cases related to housing constructions accounted for 28 cases (including 1 case of house dismantling); 12 cases involved other constructions; 7 cases involved pipeline constructions; 6 cases involved channel dredging; 2 cases were related to road constructions, and 1 case for regional development, community, and industrial area, respectively. The case receiving the largest number of complaints was “Hao-Ji-Shi Phase 2 New Residential Housing Construction operated by BULGA Construction Company Limited” in Puzi City which received 5 complaints. This specific case has been indicted on 3 charges: the first indictment was for violating the Waste Disposal Act. The second indictment was due to violation of Article 27 of the Waste Disposal Act (examined on site, determined as failure to implement improvements).The improvements in response to the second indictment were implemented on December 15, 2016. The third indictment was due to violation of the Air Pollution Control Act; the improvements were implemented on January 18, 2017. Construction Projects which have received 3 complaints include “Channel Dredging Construction for the Bazhang River Section 79-81” and “Construction Project of Keding Enterprises’ Dapumei New Factory and Office.” The complaints against “Channel Dredging Construction for Bazhang River Section 79-81” were dealt with in the following manner: the first indictment was for violating the Waste Disposal Act, while the second indictment was for violating Article 27 of the Waste Disposal Act (examined on site, determined as failure to implement improvements). The improvements were implemented on August 2, 2016. The third indictment was for violating the Air Pollution Control Act; the improvements were implemented on December 6, 2016. The follow-up of “Construction Project of Keding Enterprises’ Dapumei New Factory and Office” involved an indictment based on violation of the Waste Disposal Act on December 14, 2016. The improvements were implemented on January 4, 2017.
Regarding “Promotion Seminar on Regulations Related to Building Construction Noise, Pollution Control Prevention Technology and Air Pollution Fee Collection,” two sessions were held at the Chiayi County Human Resources Development Center on May 20, 2016 and October 24, 2016, respectively.
3.Guidance and Aerial Photography Operation of Large-scale Construction Sites
During the project’s implementation period, monthly guidance operations were completed for 61 new large-scale construction sites. Before the guidance, the volume of TSP reduced was 18,537.97 kg/month. After the guidance, the volume of TSP reduction reached 20,885.93 kg/month. The amount of reduced TSP emission has been boosted by 2,357.96 kg/month, with the reduction rate seeing improvement from 57.98% to 70.55%. This shows the effectiveness of implementing guidance for new cases of large-scale construction sites through the concrete reduction of pollutant emissions.
In other areas, regarding semi-annual guidance works for building construction by experts and scholars, a total of 10 cases were implemented during the first-half and second-half of the year. The amount of TSP reduced and the reduction rate have both risen. The overall reduction rate of particulates has increased by 23.99% compared to the number before guidance implementation, while the amount of pollutants reduced has improved by 2,145.75 kg/month.
Every two months, an aerial photography session will be carried out targeting large-scale construction sites within the area of jurisdiction. A total of 6 aerial photography sessions were carried out, providing a more accurate understanding of pollution prevention facilities for each construction site on a bimonthly basis. The owners of construction site operations will be notified and asked to implement improvements in the case of nonconformities. According to the data from 5 large-scale construction sites: “Commissioned Project for the Development, Sales (Rental), and Management of Chiayi County Dapumei Precision Machinery Park Phase 2 (Industrial Zones 1, 2, and 3),” “Commissioned Project for the Development, Sales, and Management of Chiayi County MaChouHou Industrial Park Phase 1,” and “Construction for Chiayi LOHAS Organic Farming Special Zones Phase 3” from November 2016, the volume of reduction for TSP and PM10 were 119.3 tons and 66.3 tons, respectively, with the reduction rate reaching 83.5%.
4.Survey and Examination of Petroleum Products for Construction Equipment: Monitoring of Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) Concentration
During the period of project implementation, a total of 129 surveys were conducted on petroleum products for construction use. From the results of the surveys, the majority of petroleum products employed by construction managements were from the CPC, accounting for 80.6% of the total. In other areas, 15 random inspections of sulfur content in petroleum products were also conducted, showing the value of sulfur content falling to within 4.0~6.9 ppmw, max. A total of 3 random inspections on petroleum-based aromatics were also carried out, showing total aromatics of 24.3wt%, 29.3wt%, and 29.3wt%, as well as PAHs of 3.0 ppmw, 4.7 ppmw, and 2.8 ppmw. All the above results fall within the range of legally-permissible values, indicating that the campaigning in the past year has been successfully implemented under the concept of using legal petroleum products among construction managements.
For this project, the Atmospheric Particulate Matter Concentration Inspection Project Execution Plan was submitted on March 8, 2016. In compliance with regulations on submitting projects within 3 months after the signing of contracts, the inspection operations were conducted based on the project contents after approval and archiving from the Environmental Protection Bureau. During the period of the project, the inspections of atmospheric particulate matters concentration were conducted at downwind locations for the following 3 construction projects on September 14, 2016 and October 12, 2016: “Constructions of Chen He-jin Exhibition Sale, Interpretation and Education, Food and Beverage, Farming Facilities, and Residential Facilities,” “Road Widening Construction for Nanhua University Route Jia-104,” and “Road Construction for No. 4 Road of Xingang Urban Project.” The results of inspection fall within the range of 128~204μg/Nm3, which complies with the range of particulate matters emission standard of 500μg/Nm3 set by the Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emission Standards.
5.Accumulation, Transfer, Transport, Production Control or Loading and unloading Operations of Fugitive Particulate Emissions and Control of Exposed Zones and Road Surface Pollution
Regarding targets governed by the “Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources,” a policy explanation and promotion session was held on June 24, 2016 at the Chiayi County Human Resources Development Center. Also, during the period of the project’s implementation, regular inspections were conducted for the Budai Harbor channel waters dredging project every two months. This project was carried out with follow-ups during August, confirming that the sand pumping operations were conducted on August 24th. However, due to a typhoon landing in September damaging the sand pump dredgers, the sand pumping operations were delayed until early December. The port staff members of the Port of Kaohsiung Budai Branch stationed at the Harbor were informed about suspending the deployment of straw mats on surfaces as required during the downtime of sand pumping operations as a preventive measure against flying dust.
Based on the actual situation at each construction site, construction managements was advised to adopt the strategy of deploying straw mats as a preventive measure for exposed grounds, guiding a total of 21 construction sites spanning a total of 50.16 hectares in setting up the straw mats. In accordance with the regulations governing public facility constructions of Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior requiring deployed straw mats to be heavier than 350 grams per square meter, an estimated 175.56 tons of straw will be required. Also, based on the figures from Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, 1 hectare of rice cultivation area can yield 5 tons of crops. The production ratio of crops to straw is 1:1, which is expected to reduce 35.11 hectares of area required for burning straw.
According to this year’s survey on exposed lands, a total of 4 sites spanning 5,843 square meters have been listed for monitoring. All of these plots have completed improvements during the period of the project. It also continued to track 1 site of exposed land which failed to implement improvement during the period of the project’s implementation in 2015. The site completed improvements on April 29, 2016 for an area spanning 1,695.15 square meters. According to the calculations, the pollutants removed from 5 exposed lands which completed the implementation of improvement measures this year amounting to 0.75 hectares are expected to reduce 0.3 tons of TSP and 0.1 tons of PM10.
During the period of the project’s implementation, a total of 4 quarterly road patrol operations were carried out. The road examination covered a total length of 2,211.2 kilometers, and found no damaged sites. As for inspection of vehicles involved in fugitive particulate matter operation, a total of 95 transport vehicles were examined and documented. Among these, 54 vehicles were cited for violation of failing to pull down the dustproof net by 15 centimeters, with warnings issued to vehicle owners to implement improvement measures within a deadline. All of the vehicles have implemented improvements within the deadline. Also, among these vehicles, 77.8% are registered at other municipalities, showing the necessity of continued promotion efforts to lower the likelihood of violations.
6.Control of Road Dust Cleaning
During the project’s implementation period, street-cleaning operations were carried out over a distance spanning 10,178.36 kilometers, collecting dust totaling 114,410 kilograms. Street-washing operations were conducted for a total distance of 6,120.32 kilometers, employing 6,485 tons of water. The combined distance of street cleaning and washing reached 16,298.68 kilometers. Based on the estimation derived from the Environmental Protection Administration’s emission reduction formula (amount of reduction = distance of street cleaning and washing X reduction factor), TSP is expected to decrease by 224.9 tons, PM10 by 42.4 tons, and PM2.5 by 9.9 tons.
7.Promotion and Administrative Collaboration
Maintenance and updating of the following websites are conducted before the 5th of every month: Chiayi County Construction Site Control and Fee System; Chiayi County Construction Site Pollution and Road Dust Cleaning Control Project Website, Yulin-Chuayi-Tainan Straw Reutilization Platform, and Chiayi County Construction Site Geographic Information System. In addition, it also reports the following records for the previous month to the Environmental Protection Bureau for record purposes in collaboration with administrative operations: water application record, water use record (volume), on-site washing and cleaning patrol and inspection data, and a comparison chart on actual work progress with expected work progress for the next month. The report was submitted 11 times during the project period. It also submitted a total of 11 reports on the schedule for street cleaning and washing operations for the coming month and schedule adjustment for the current month to the Environmental Protection Bureau before the 25th of each month.