The task team implemented “Inspection Control Plan on Sandstone Sites of Pingtung County in 2018.” The implementation duration is from July 18, 2018 to July 17, 2019. As of July 17, 2019, the implementation results of this plan are summarized as follows:
1. Pollution control of the outreach roads and the sandstone vehicles
The project was a continuation plan that began on July 18, 2018. The primary task of the project is to counsel the operators immediately to carry out the maintenance tasks of the roads around the sandstone sites and sign the road maintenance commitment. Then launched the monitoring operation of the road dust monitoring system in the concentrated area of the sandstone sites set up in the year of 2017, and cooperated with the monitoring and command center established in the “Demonstration Project on Technology Monitoring Pollution in Sandstone Zone of Pingtung County in 2018.” Through the above work, we would like to improve the road pollution problem caused by the transport of sandstone vehicles that was less satisfied by the residents in the year 2017. As of July 17, 2019, the counseling of sandstone sites in Pingtung County were completed including the "Downstream of Ligang Bridge Sandstone Self-discipline Association", "Gaoshu Care Association", "Jiangnan Lane Self-discipline Association" and 21 other industry operators joining the road maintenance plan. The total number of road section of maintenance is 22 and the total length of maintenance is 22.7 km. The total length of road washing and sweeping maintenance by the sandstone industry in this county is 10,238.08 km. A total of 316 times of inspections were carried out to check the results of road maintenance, of which 278 times were classified as clean level after good road washing, and 38 were classified as ordinary, that is, there was still some significant residual sand after road washing. The LINE communication software was utilized to inform the industry operators to improve the cleaning frequency and return the relevant improvement photos.
In addition, in the CCTV monitoring of road dust caused by sandstone vehicles transportation, the data showed that as of May 31, 2019, the project has carried out a total of 1206 times of road CCTV monitoring records for 201 days, and seized 248 times of violations of transport road dust in sandstone concentrated areas. The task team informed the industry and immediately performed 248 washing and sweeping operations to reduce the road dust and enhance the effectiveness of road dust control. In this year, the length of outreach road washed and swept near the sandstone sites was 128 km. The reduction amounts were 3532.8, 754.56, and 174.82 kg for TSP, PM10, and PM2.5, respectively.
As of July 17, 2019, the pollution control task of sandstone vehicles was carried out 9 times, a total of 282 sandstone vehicles were intercepted on the roadside and performed the follow shooting operations, of which 264 vehicles met the regulation and 18 vehicles did not. The compliance rate ranged from 90 to 97%. The overall compliance rate was 94%. The minor violations of sandstone vehicles have been reported to the EPB and send a document to the transport company to strengthen the supervision for improvement and to ask the drivers to attend the three "violations of sandstone vehicle driver re-education seminars" held by EPB. In addition, through the CCTV monitoring technology in 2018, 1,225 sandstone vehicles were seized for violations during the transportation process. Among them, 402 vehicles were identified by the license plate identification system, and asked the illegal vehicle drivers or company to attend the re-education courses. From January to May of 2019, the number of illegal vehicles seized was 382. In response to the monitoring of dredging vehicles that did not cover the dust-proof net and sandstone dropped from 59 vehicles that contaminated the roads, the staff of the project monitoring center issued the message immediately to notify the construction project control plan, a subproject of air quality control, to counsel the operators for improvement, and provided the message to the Seventh River Bureau of Water Resources Agency to fine NT$2,000 for each violation vehicles according to the contract specifications and lock the dedicated card for a week. For the case of dropping sandstone that contaminated the roads, immediately notify the dredging operators to carry out the road cleaning tasks. In this year, 16 vehicles were reported violation for not effectively collection of wastewater that contaminated the outreach roads.
For the assessment of effectiveness of road pollution control, the sampling and analysis of road dust loadings in the sandstone zone showed that the road dust loadings of each outreach road was reduced, and the reduction range was between 55 and 83%. From the road cleanliness of the main outreach roads near the sandstone zone, grade C reduced from 15.5 to 4 km, grade B increased from 2.5 to 10.5 km, and grade A raised from 1.0 to 4.5km. By this way, we can understand the control effectiveness of sandstone transportation roads.
2. Pollution control of the sandstone sites
In this year, 70 sandstone sites were included in strengthen management by regulation, of which 57 were in operation and 13 were in downtimes. The plan conducted 450 times of inspection and control operations of sandstone sites as of July 17, 2019. The 41 sandstone sites were found to be inconsistent with the regulation of stationary emission control, of which one was reported and fined, and two were sent a document for improvement within a time limit. A total of 41 times of counseling for pollution improvement work was completed, and the compliance rate of the regulation of stationary emission control for sandstone site was 100%. The reduction amounts of TSP were 144.93 tons and the average monthly TSP reduction amounts were 24.16 tons.
In order to improve the counseling effectiveness for substantial reduction of air pollutants in sandstone sites, Professor Lien-Te Hsieh from Pingtung University of Science and Technology and Professor Chin-Hsing Lai from Fuying University of Science and Technology were invited to serve as the member of the sandstone reduction counseling committee. On December 25, 2018, the operations of air pollution reduction of 10 sandstone sites were executed in field. Then the operators completed the relevant improvement work according to the recommendations of the committee members. It is estimated that the reduction amounts of 10 sandstone sites after the establishment of pollution control equipment recommended by the members are 2,211.8 kg/month of TSP.
In addition, the project of this year was implemented by the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) integrated with Youtube live broadcast mode and combined with the air quality pollution control sub-projects to simultaneously carry out the investigation of pollution sources, quickly grasp the defects of working pollution of the sandstone site and dredging area in the sandstone zone, and make up for the difficulty in manpower inspection operations to strengthen the effectiveness of inspection control. As of July 17, 2019, a total of 9 sessions were completed and 24 violations were detected. The inspectors immediately entered the site to check and assist to complete the improvement of drawbacks.
For the case of effectiveness evaluation, the statistical analysis of results collected from the PM2.5 air quality monitoring station in the Xinnan Elementary School of Gaoshu Township set up by the “Demonstration Project on Technology Monitoring Pollution in Sandstone Zone of Pingtung County in 2018” was performed. The concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 decreased during the monitoring period by 5.9 and 5.2%, respectively. The results of handheld aerosol monitoring equipment showed that the improvement rates of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 of the main transportation roads in the sandstone zone were 61.6- 65.4%, 60.2-66.3%, and 29.0-46.8%, respectively.