The implementation period of this project is from May 18, 2022 to May 17, 2023. All work items have been accomplished (as shown in Table 1) and the first draft of term report was submitted by April 27, 2023 pursuant to the project contract requirements. After receiving the opinions and suggestions from scholars and commissioners on May 5, 2023, this project revised the term report and replied to scholars’ and commissioners’ opinions and suggestions, and submitted their consent replies to the bureau for review on May 19. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows:
During the implementation of this year's project, 83 days of on-site surveys, 2 satellite image analysis and 55 points of UAV aerial photography operations were carried out to analyze and compare the dust potential area of the Gaoping River riverbed, and actively promote the river management offices to complete the improvement of the exposed riverbed. A total of 978.55 hectares of exposed reverbed had been improved in the period from January to December 2022, which is 24% higher compared with that in the same period of 2021 and the most improvement areas for exposed reverbed in the recent ten years, and correspond to 71.9 tons of PM10 emission reduction based on their actual control periods; similarly, a total of 629.1 hectares of exposed reverbed had been improved in the period from January to April 2023, and is about equivalent to 13.9 tons of PM10 emission reduction based on their actual control periods. During the project implementation period, there were two river fugitive dust episodes that occurred on June 24 and September 12, 2022. However, by utilizing ISCST3 Dispersion Model with river dust early-warning data provided by the Environmental Protection Administration and weather forecast information from the Central Weather Bureau to stimulate the impact areas of river fugitive dust, this project mastered in advance the highly potential impact areas of 15 possible fugitive dust episode days which are on June 25, July 7, July 20, August 3, August 4, August 9, August 19, August 24, August 28, September 2, 2022 and January 24, January 27, February 12, April 5, April 18, 2023. After each response unit implemented preventive dust suppression operations, the river fugitive dust circumstances were effectively suppressed. According to statistics, there was no river fugitive dust episode day from January to the end of April in 2023.
As regards the environmental cleanup, this project has finished 3,220.4 kilometers of river dust environmental cleanup with a total PM10 emission reduction of about 8.4 tons, and effectively reduced the occurrence of road dust along the river. In addition, the environmental cleanup results of the roads along the Gaoping River of the river management offices, Pingtung County Construction Project Management Project, Sand Plant Project and this project have been compiled, and a total of 57,378.2 kilometers of road cleaning operations have been carried out. The estimated reduction in PM10 is 149.2 metric tons, showing the efforts of all environmental cleanup units to actively improve the fugitive dust pollution along the Gaoping River.
In terms of dust propaganda and educational training, this project held three river fugitive dust educational training activities at Yongan Community Development Association of Pingtung City on August 11, at Daqiu Community Development Association of Jiuru Township on August 12 and at Sancha Community Development Association of Ligang Township on September 7, 2022, respectively; and held two river fugitive dust educational propaganda at junior high or elementary schools along the Gaoping River, which are Talou Elementary School in Ligang Township on November 1 and Houzhuang Elementary School in Jiuru Township on November 11, 2022, respectively. The total number of participants in the activities mentioned above reached 387 and questionnaire surveys of 355 effective recalled in total were conducted during activities. According to the analysis of the questionnaire survey of self-protection from river fugitive dust, 98% of the respondents gave a positive affirmation to the Environmental Protection Bureau’s promotion of river dust-related businesses; 97% gave a positive evaluation on the practicality of promotion information. In addition, one session of Gaoping River dust pre-notification and self-protection drill was held on December 16, 2022, and one liaison session for the Gaoping River dust control was held on February 16, 2023, which would help improve the familiarity of notification process of dust response units and the effectiveness of river dust control.
As regards media publicity, in addition to the 16-day broadcast promotion and the 8-day marquee on cable TV channels, social media (Pingtung Environmental Protection GO), LINE groups, and Pingtung Air Quality APP, which are common channels for receiving information used by the public, have been added to expose and publicize information related to river fugitive dust, in order to expand the overall publicity results and continue the publicity benefits; moreover, according to the results of the questionnaire survey commissioned by the Environmental Protection Bureau, the comprehensive improvement rate of river fugitive dust improvement in 2022 was 80%, an increase of 0.9% from 79.1% in 2021, which shows that the public has a sense of governance; and for the Environmental Protection Administration’s 2022-year river fugitive dust improvement evaluation items, out of the total score of 3 points, a total of 2 points were obtained in the evaluation.
In terms of this year's innovative approaches, a real-time monitoring system for river fugitive dust was set up in the area adjacent to the Gaoping River. By setting warning values to monitor the local wind speed, wind direction and PM10 concentration, we can grasp the current river dust dynamics, and use CCTV surveillance images to grasp the possible pollution sources. As of the end of April 2023, we have grasped the river dust images for 4 days of dust early-warning and response days and 4 open-air burning polluting acts to improve the inspection efficiency of this project and related projects; in the expansion of air quality information and dust protection publicity, this project took the initiative to visit 11 elementary and junior high schools along the Gaoping River, explaining that Pingtung County is actively promoting dust protection and grasping information related to air quality. This project also posted the QR-code of River Fugitive Dust Web page and Pingtung Air Quality APP on schools’ bulletin boards so school teachers and parents of students can download the link to conduct the residents along the river to pay more attention to self-protection from fugitive dust. In addition, this project teamed up with the Pingtung Mutual Help Environmental Patrol Teams to hold an improvement training workshop to promote fugitive dust protection on October 8, 2022, so as to improve the teams’ river dust notification and protection response knowledge; cooperated with the Environmental Protection Bureau to implement Nighthawk Early Bird Project for 6 times during project implementation period by taking the initiative in inspecting the livestock enterprises in Pingtung County without notice and urging the enterprises to take various pollution control measures to treat odor, wastewater, etc., to continue improving air and water quality of Pingtung County. The total number of cooperating inspections was 44, 7 assisting of sampling included.
The project has been ongoing for a whole year and we have completed the following works: 1. Promote the river management offices to complete the improvement of the exposed riverbed and a total of 1607.7 hectares of exposed reverbed had been improved. 2. Finish 3,220.4 kilometers of dust environmental cleanup along the Gaoping River. 3. By use of the river dust early-warning data provided by the Environmental Protection Administration for 16 times, notify dust response units in advance to implement preventive dust suppression watering operations, so the river fugitive dust circumstances were effectively suppressed for 15 dust early-warning days and only river-channel fugitive dust circumstances were allowed. In sum, a total PM10 emission reduction of about 94.3 tons shows the project’s reduction contribution to the fugitive dust improvement of Pingtung County.