Summary of the Evaluation
(1) Implementation of Monitoring of General Environmental Noise Levels and Road Traffic Noise Levels:
A total of 192 monitoring operations were completed from the second quarter of 2022 to the first quarter of 2023. The monitoring results were uploaded to the Environmental Protection Administration's Noise Control Information System before the 5th day of the following month.
Implementation effectiveness : For environment and traffic noise monitoring results from 2019 to 2022 in Tainan, the analysis result show no exceeded, and also all meet the current noise related standard requirement.
(2) Implementation of Monitoring of Noise Complaints from the Public or at Locations Designated by Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau:
A total of 10 monitoring operations have been completed for environmental noise and traffic noise complaints from the public or at locations designated by the Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau.
Implementation effectiveness:The noise complaints for Tainan's citizen, which included traffic and land transportation system. Based on this situation. total 10 locations we performed the noise monitoring, and no exceeded, and all meet related regulation. But in these noise monitoring, the Nanyuan Street is a special case, the results analysis fron different view points, like all day environment noise, motor vehicle noise, or business premise noise, all meet related regulation. In finally, it was solve by Bureau of Urban Development in accordance with related regulation, and this store has been forced to suspend operations.
(3) Implementation of On-Site Noise Measurement for In-Use Motor Vehicles:
1. A total of 61 inspections were conducted, involving 3,773 vehicles. A total of 610 vehicles were inspected, out of which 436 were found to be compliant and 174 were found to be non-compliant, resulting in a non-compliance rate of 28.5%.
2. A total of 54 recalls were conducted, involving the inspection of 1,869 vehicles. Out of these, 1,817 were found to be compliant and 52 were found to be non-compliant, resulting in a non-compliance rate of 2.8%.
3. In 2022, a total of 3,271 complaints were received and 1,845 were accepted for investigation. All complaints have been addressed through official communication.
4. In 2023, a total of 1,834 complaints were received and 1,064 were accepted for investigation. Official communication has been issued for 857 of these complaints.
Implementation effectiveness:The noise pollution potential map we analysed, and found the noise complaints were improved for Tainan citizen, especially in Bei District, Zhongxyi District, Nan District, Aninan District, and Longqi District. As for Yongkang District, Eastern District, and Anping District, it should be to strength for inspections and banned in 2023.
(4) Implementation of Noise Inspections for Motor Vehicles:
1. A total of 101 mobile sound camera sessions were conducted, resulting in the identification of 117,858 license plates, 1,765 noise events, 6 reported cases, and 18 recalls.
2. A total of 1,068 days of fixed sound camera operation were conducted, resulting in the identification of 6,484,333 license plates, 38,503 noise events, 262 reported cases, and 287 recalls.
3. A total of 4 sets of scientific instruments were used to conduct comparison testing, and the inspection reports were obtained.
Implementation effectiveness : In terms of the noise complaints for Tainan's citizen, the most obvious effectiveness for sound camera were include, Aniping District, Nan District and Longqi District. As for the Zhongxyi District and Dong District, it should be to strength for inspections and banned in 2023.
(5) Inspection Operations for Airports:
1. Four report reviews were conducted for the Guiren Airport in 2022, and four report reviews were conducted for the Tainan Airport in 2023.
2. In 2022, parallel monitoring was conducted at five locations between the Tainan Airport and Guiren base.
3. Inspection operations were completed for the Tainan Airport and Guiren base in 2022.
Implementation effectiveness : Through the aviation noise monitoring, review the noise reports submitted by military, and inspections for noise monitoring control center and monitoring stations in airport. And finally to achieve the noise control of military's airport and reduce noise complaints for Tainan's citizen.
(6) Assist in reviewing or revising announcements related to noise control regulations:
1. In accordance with the announcement made on January 13, 2021, the reference maps for noise control areas have been reviewed, and the noise control website has been updated.
2. Article 8 of the Noise Control Act was amended on February 8, 2021 to state that "No behavior that impairs the living environment of others shall be conducted within any type of noise control area in this city, in any time, area or place."
3. Article 9 of the Noise Control Act was amended on March 14, 2017 to announce that "Within all types of noise control areas in Tainan City, the following facilities used outside of areas or ranges of factories, entertainment venues, business places, and construction projects shall not exceed the noise control standards."
Implementation effectiveness : Through collecting the amendments or announcements of relevant laws and regulations noise control from Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) or other government department, and in accordance with Article 7, 8, 9 to check the relevant noise announcements in Tainan City has corresponds with Noise Control Act.
(7) Construction Noise Control:
1. Along with construction plan inspections, a total of 72 inspections were conducted.
2. One construction site noise regulation promotion meeting was completed.
Implementation effectiveness : To adopt the construction site noise inspections, measured and disseminate, the construction noise complaints were reduced 4 cases in 2022.
(8) Non-Ionizing Radiation Control:
A total of 41 cases have been completed (21 cases of extremely low frequency and 20 cases of radio frequency), with results approved by the Environmental Protection Administration. The calibration of detection equipment has been completed and a calibration report has been obtained.
Implementation effectiveness : By measuring 41 locations of non-ionizing radiation, all meet the regulatory standards, it is to effect controlling the related impact on the human body.
(9) Light Pollution Control:
1. Completed 18 cases (12 public petitions and 6 historical cases), of which 7 exceeded the standards, and on-site guidance and improvement were carried out. In addition, 1 explanatory meeting was held.
2. Completed calibration of brightness and illuminance testing equipment, and obtained a calibration report.
Implementation effectiveness : Through site measurement to help solve the light pollution problem , and reduce the damage for environment and eyes caused by light pollution.
(10) Performance evaluation and management by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan: a score of 5.9 out of 6 was achieved in 2022.
Implementation effectiveness:Tainan won the special award from Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)
(11) Other cooperation issue:
1. Completed promotion tasks for 23 temples, as well as compiled suggestions and information on "Guidelines for the Tainan City Government's Support for Temple Procession Activities" proposed by the Civil Affairs Bureau. In the Mid-Autumn Festival project, assisted in the production of promotion materials, LED lights, promotional stands, and related activity planning issues.
2. Monthly reports have been prepared and submitted according to regulations, with 12 submissions completed.
3. Noise complaint cases and statistical analysis have been completed and submitted 12 times for monthly report results.
4. The implementation of penalties for mobile vehicles has achieved a completion rate of 100% in 2022.
5. The noise control website has been established in accordance with regulations and is continuously maintained and updated.
6. Five press releases have been completed, and related information has also been posted on Facebook.
7. Three cars have been provided for inspection purposes in accordance with regulations, for use by this project.