Yilan County is always proud of laying emphasis on “environmental protection”. In order to effectively improve the water quality of drainage basin, Yilan County has cooperated with the policies of Environmental Protection Administration to promote the pollution prevention and control work of rivers. But the opening of Hsuehshan Tunnel has driven the industry and commerce development and economic growth and meanwhile it has also derived many environmental pollution problems, so Yilan County is cautious and conscientious for various emerging environmental protection issues and hopes to consider both the environmental protection and economic development, which is also the topic needing to be valued and solved.
There are totally 7 important rives of Dezikou River, Lanyang River, Dongshan River, Hsincheng River, Suao River, Nanao River and Heping River in Yilan County, with a total of jurisdiction area of 2,143.6 square kilometers in the county and about 576 public institutions for the discharge of waste (sewage) water and sewage systems listed and regulated. In order to effectively master and improve the water quality of various drainage basins, the methods of “inspection and control” and “guidance and improvement” are adopted concurrently to actively take the measures to prevent and control the pollution of public institutions and put an end to the discharge in violation of regulations, so as to reduce the deterioration of water pollution in various drainage basins and effectively lighten the load on water environment.
In the past, people have dedicated lots of efforts to inspection and control of water pollution source, water quality monitoring of rivers and environmental education and advocacy and have also obtained good results. But in order to prevent the environmental deterioration, people should continuously strengthen the inspection and control of pollution sources in the drainage basin and operators are not allowed to have the legal holiday and rely on good luck to urge the public institutions to do a good job in operation and maintenance of waste (sewage) water treatment equipment and carry out the control behavior in laws and regulations.
The implementation emphasis of this plan lies in assisting Environmental Protection Administration to promote the inspection and control work of water pollution source and water quality monitoring work within the jurisdiction and really master the current situation of water pollution prevention and control of water pollution source within the jurisdiction of Yilan County; the inspection and control work of the plan is implemented to urge the public institutions listed and regulated within the jurisdiction to carry out the operation and maintenance work of water pollution prevention and control facilities to achieve the goal of improving the water quality in the survey stations of various drainage basins. The implementation results from February 7, 2017 to November 30, 2017 in the final report are summarized as below:
1. Assist the listed and regulated public institutions with the inspection work of water pollution source
(1) A total of 827 institutions have implemented the inspection (including the inspection, sampling and sample delivery in industrial area) of water pollution source and the 676 institutions’ inspection belongs to this plan, among which 149 institutions are inspected in industrial area and 198 institutions assist with the sampling and submission of test of water quality. After the 10 months of implementation of the plan, the inspected institutions have achieved above 99% of yearly target value.
(2) The inspection rate of the listed and regulated institutions and sewage system is 85% and the inspection and control work of water pollution source will be implemented continuously to achieve the goal of 100% inspection rate.
2. Handle the permission review of water pollution prevention and control and database establishment
(1) The permission review has been handled for totally 253 institutions (424 cases) and permission review average 12.4 days.
(2) A total of 1,133 cases have implemented the management, establishment, maintenance and update work of water pollution permission document data, including 820 inspection records, 253 permission application cases (discharge permit, measure and plan of water pollution prevention and control as well as the plan of waste water reduction in the runoff of construction site) and the files are set up for 60 punishment cases.
3. Function assessment and proper operation and guidance of waste water treatment facilities
Since 2014, it has been the innovative practice to improve the waste water treatment facilities from the position of guidance, so as to make effective use of inspection energy in limited resources and continuously conduct the function assessment for the deepest inspection energy invested by institutions and they all have achieved the goal of the optimal inspection benefits.
(1) As for the public and private places where there is the room for the improvement of waste water treatment facilities in 2017, 2 institutions have completed the preliminary assessment, sampling of unit facility, re-assessment and negotiation in the function assessment of water pollution source and waste water treatment equipment.
(2) In terms of the function assessments implemented by 22 institutions from 2012 to 2016, 22 institutions have completed the trace for follow-up improvement and 5 institutions have not yet completed the improvement. It is suggested to conduct the irregular sampling and continuous trace until the improvement is completed.
(3) 12 institutions have completed the guidance of inspection work. Where the institutions fail to participate in the guidance, they will be reexamined after the improvement within the limited time is confirmed and meanwhile the reexamination for 12 institutions will be completed. Among them, 4 institutions have not completed the improvement work and they will continuously be traced and provide improvement results to Environmental Protection Administration to facilitate the follow-up relevant disposal.
4. Assist in implementing the automatic monitoring of water quality and quantity and the operation of video monitoring system
At present, there are totally 7 operators having completed the setup and connectivity of automatic monitoring of waste (sewage) water in the county and no objects having the serious violations need to be set up. The work focus for this year lies in maintaining the system’s normal operation and analyzing the monitoring result.
Lung-Te sewage plant, Lize sewage plant and Formosa Chemical Fiber Corp. Lung-Te Plant have completed the relative error test and inspection work from the 1st quarter to the 3rd quarter and their relative degree of accuracy is in line with the current stipulated standard.
5. Regular water quality monitoring work
(1) A total of 22 stations (52 times) have completed the yearly river water quality sampling and test.
(2) The water quality sampling for 5 lakes have been completed for 15 times.
6. Marine pollution prevention and control and emergency response work
(1) 203 listed and regulated harbors have made the tour of inspection and they also help the ships with inspection and control, with a total of 54 cases.
(2) The checking and maintenance work and operation and maintenance of water pollution emergency response equipment are implemented twice a month.
(3) Assist with the handling of water pollution emergency response education training for once, with a total of 102 participants.
7. Sea water quality monitoring
(1) A total of 8 sea areas (16 times) have completed the yearly water quality monitoring work.
(2) The water quality monitoring work in 12 harbor areas is completed for once in the 2nd quarter and the qualified rate of progress is 100%.
8. Advocacy work
(1) Help to hold 1 law and decree advocacy explanation session and respectively invite the operators of animal husbandry and community sewage system listed and regulated by water pollution source in this county, with a total of 128 operators; there are totally 89 people attending the session and the attendance is above 70%.
(2) Maintain and update the water pollution plan webpage and marine pollution advocacy webpage once two weeks.
9. Undersea litter cleaning and marine environment education and advocacy
(1) On April 22, 2017, the spring coastal cleanup was organized. A total of 1,213 people participated in this activity, among which 40 people were invited to be grouped during the coastal cleanup. Totally 184kg litter was cleaned and 6 divers cleaned about 30kg undersea litter.
(2) On June 4, 2017, 1 “general mobilization of undersea litter cleaning and marine environment education and advocacy activity in Yilan County” was organized. On that day, a total of 123 environmental protection fleets were built. Besides, 20 divers were dispatched to conduct the undersea coastal cleanup, totally 103kg undersea litter was cleaned and carried ashore and 80% litter is the discarded fishing net. A total of 303 people participated in the activity.
(3) On July 22, 2017, the marine environment education and advocacy and undersea coastal cleanup activity were organized synchronously in deep sulcus water source ecological park and Wushih Harbor cross-type embankment. The main objects of advocacy activity focused on the water environment patrolling teams and totally 117 people participated in the activity. And 31 people participated in undersea coastal cleanup and 88kg litter was cleaned.
(4) On October 29, 2017, the coastal cleanup activity was organized in glass beach. On that day, totally 7 divers were dispatched to clean the undersea litter and totally 32kg litter was cleaned. Besides, on November 26, marine environment education and advocacy activity was organized in Wu-wei-kang environmental learning center and totally 100 people participated in it.
10. Use the biogas residue and biogas slurry as agricultural fertilizer
(1) The application for document delivery of Paolun pig farm was completed on August 28, 2017 and the review meeting was held on September 27 in county government; after the additions and corrections according to the opinion of primary examinations, the re-examination work for the request for evidence was completed on November 17.
(2) Yiyang pig farm plans to use the biogas residue and biogas slurry as agricultural fertilizer this year after the waste water treatment facilities are set up and it is expected to be completed at the end of 2017. On November 7, the relevant background value inspection work was conducted and the primary examination of application for document delivery was carried out on December 13.