The project was carried out between January 1st and December 31, 2018. Its results are summarized as follows:
1.Assisting with collection and payment reminder of construction-related air pollution control fees
During this project’s implementation period, this County received a total of 2,759 reported construction site air pollution control fee cases, which amounted to a total of NT$ 58,840,057. Of the reported cases, the “other” construction category had the highest number of cases (1,217 cases). The road construction category had the highest amount of reported air pollution control fee, which amounted to NT$ 24,078,234. Of the 1,857 tendered projects, 1,823 projects have completed their initial air pollution control fee reporting, a declaration ratio of 98.2%. Of the 134 projects completed during the project period, 132 have completed their final air pollution control fee settlement reporting or confirmed that they do not require settlement. The final stage air pollution control fee declaration ratio is approximately 98.5%.
Overall, 256 projects underwent the start (initial) audit, of which two have already begun work. For work sites that began early, the work period was estimated according to site work items. The proprietors were requested to fill in the actual work period in the air pollution control fee reporting form. A penalty fee is also collected for starting work early. Of the 1,406 sites audited for the work site extension audit list, 1,147 work sites have completed work as scheduled, which is 81.6% of work sites that have completed the audit.
2.Inspection and control of construction-related air pollution
During the project period, a total of 6,220 inspections on construction sites were conducted. Minxiong Township had the highest number of construction sites of all the administrative areas (489), followed by Shuishang Township (325). Most of the constructions are housing projects and “other” category constructions. The entire County’s compliance rates for Levels 1 and 2 construction site management methods are 92% and 88%, respectively. When selecting facility items in the County’s construction work based on the number of inspection controls, the construction fencing and notice board categories had the highest number of deficiency rates: 25.36% and 23.08%, respectively. Said deficiency rates is followed by work area entry/exit deficiency, which accounts for 19.66% of all deficiencies in the County. This County’s work sites produced 13,993.77 metric tons of fugitive dust. After various preventive measures were implemented, the quantity of fugitive dust emission was reduced to 4,896.76 metric tons (for a fugitive dust reduction quantity of 9,097.01 metric tons), which is an average reduction rate of 65%. Construction site TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 pollution quantities were originally 3,904.26 metric tons, 2,169.03 metric tons and 335.29 metric tons, respectively. Of all the construction categories, the area development construction: industrial area emission quantity was the highest. After controls were implemented, the current TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 emission quantities were decreased to 1,366.19 metric tons, 758.99 metric tons, and 151.8 metric tons, respectively.
Overall, 107 cases were submitted during the project period, mostly dirt on roads and dust, which accounted for 55 and 43 cases, respectively. Nine cases were regarding noise. Forty-one of the appeal cases were for housing projects (including seven for housing demolition projects), 44 for “other construction” (including five bare ground complaint cases), seven for piping construction, 14 for road construction, and one for area development.
The Construction Noise, Pollution Prevention Technology, and Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulation Seminar was held on May 17th and October 18, 2018, in Room 202 of the Innovation Institute. Overall, 52 and 77 people attended the seminar, respectively, which conformed to the contract number of attendees.
3.Counseling large construction sites and aerial photography
During the project period, 60 counseling sessions were conducted for large new construction sites each month. Before counseling, the TSP reduction quantity was 2,140.83 kg/month. The TSP reduction quantity after counseling was 3,003.7 kg/month. The total TSP reduction quantity increased by 862.87 kg/month, with the reduction rate increasing from 39.8% to 58.19%. Clearly, the counseling sessions for newly reported large work sites are having a certain pollution reduction effect.
The biannual construction expert/scholar counseling work was completed on April 27th and September 12, 2018 (with a total of 10 sites each time). All the work sites’ TSP reduction quantity and reduction rate showed improvement. The overall particulate reduction rate increased by 12.62% compared to that before the counseling, and the pollutant reduction quantity increased to 1,510.03 kg/month.
Every two months, aerial photography was conducted for large construction sites in the project’s jurisdiction. Thus far, six aerial photography sessions have been conducted, the results of which can be used to understand each site’s pollution prevention measures and setup for the following month. If there are any defects, the proprietor of the site is notified immediately to make improvements. As of December 2018, the TSP and PM10 reduction quantities for sites that have undergone aerial photography, such as the Chiayi Dapumei Precision Machinery Park’s Second Phase Commissioned Development, Sales (Lease), and Management Project (first, second and third park areas), the Chiayi County Machouhou Industrial Park’s First Phase Commissioned Development, Sales, and Management Project, and the 2018 Renyitan Reservoir Dredging Project and the Xinpi Drainage and Flood Control Pool Project, were 137.8 metric tons, 76.6 metric tons, and 12.72 metric tons, respectively, which constitute a reduction rate of 89.1%.
4.Work machinery’s petroleum product use survey, testing, and air particulate pollutant (TSP) concentration monitoring
During the project period, petroleum product use by work tools was surveyed 123 times. The survey results showed that the work units mainly used petroleum products from CPC (87.8%). Sampling and testing of sulfur content in petroleum products used by work tools was done 24 times and the results showed a sulfur content between 3.6~11 ppmw. In this year’s test result, there was one case where the tested value was 11 ppmw, which already exceeded standards. The petroleum product for this test result came from Formosa Gas Station. The construction site’s proprietor has been notified to make improvements and has been penalized. In recent years, advocacies and cancelation of fishing boat fuel subsidies have gradually installed the concept of using legal petroleum products in construction units.
5.The control of fugitive particulate pollutant piling, transfer, transportation, processing and unloading, bare earth areas, and differences in road color
Depending on the construction status, we recommended construction proprietors to lay down straw mats as a preventive measure for bare ground. Of the 65 locations that underwent counseling, 22.053 hectares of construction site bare ground were laid with straw mats. According to the public works specifications from the Construction and Planning Agency under the Ministry of the Interior, each square meter should be laid with at least 350 grams of straw mats, which means that an estimated 77.18 metric tons of straws were used. According to the Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, one hectare of rice planting can produce five metric tons of rice grain. The production of rice grain and rice stalk is 1:1 proportion. Thus, an estimated 15.437 hectare of burning area is reduced.
This year’s bare ground survey newly added four bare ground areas with a total area of 10.74 hectares. Improvements for these areas have been completed after they have been listed into the tracking control. Based on the improvements of the four bare grounds (10.74 hectares) completed this year, an estimated 8.626 metric tons of TSP, 4.792 metric tons of PM10, and 0.958 metric tons of PM2.5 were reduced.
During the project implementation period, road patrol and inspection work was conducted. A total of 2,383.4 km of roads were audited. No road surface damages were discovered. A total of 153 fugitive particulate pollutant transportation vehicles were audited and photographed. Of these, 50 vehicles violated the rule where dust prevention nets must be pulled down 15 cm. The owners have been notified in writing to make improvements within the deadline. Thus far, all vehicles have completed the improvements. One of the vehicles was scrapped because of old age. Of all the violating vehicles, 80% were registered outside of the County. The different counties and cities should increase advocacy to lower the violation rate.
6.Street dust sweeping/washing and control
During the project period, a total of 9,579.27 km of road was swept and 115,070 kg of dust was collected. In total, 8,585.66 km of road were washed, which used a total of 9,173.5 metric tons of water. A total of 18,164.93 km road was either washed or swept. According to the Environmental Protection Administration’s pollutant reduction formula (reduction quantity = length of road swept/washed × quantity reduction coefficient), this process reduced TSP by 250.676 metric tons, PM10 by 47.229 metric tons, and PM2.5 by 11.026 metric tons.
7.Advocacy and administrative cooperation
Before the fifth of each month, Chiayi County’s construction site control and fee collection system webpage, Chiayi County’s construction site pollution and road dust washing/sweeping control webpage, the Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan straw reuse platform webpage, and the Chiayi County construction site geographical information system are updated and maintained. The previous month’s water addition record, water use record (quantity), site washing/sweeping patrol and inspection work and audit data, actual work progress, and the comparison form for the actual work progress and the estimated work for the following month are submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau to cooperate with administrative work. Overall, these reports were submitted 12 times over the project period. Twelve reports (for the following month’s washing/sweeping work and the current month’s schedule changes) were submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau before the 25th of each month.