Since January 27, 2021, the task team has carried out the work items of the “Plan on Collection and Check of Water Pollution Control Fee and Permit Review of Water Pollution Control of Pingtung County in 2021”. As of November 20, all the work items have been completed, and the summary of the implementation results is described as follows.
I. The inspection control and guiding tasks of businesses on management list of Pingtung County
1. Results and analysis of businesses and animal husbandry inspection tasks
The project has completed 471 individual inspections or 788 cases in total on businesses and animal husbandry. The inspection results is described as follows.
(1) Analysis of inspection results on businesses and animal husbandry (achievement rate > 100%)
A total of 353 inspections (excluding night, holiday and extended inspections during the day) in 250 businesses and animal husbandry are implemented, of which 4 businesses have found violations of effluent standards and other related regulations of the Water Pollution Control Act. The Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County (PTEPB) has reported and sanctioned in accordance with the law. After the guidance and tracking of this project, the business operators have completed the improvement work.
(2) Inspection of sewage sewer system in industrial zone (achievement rate > 100%)
A total of 63 inspections have been completed. Perform 59 times of sampling and analysis of effluents, of which 54 analysis have been completed. The sampling results are all qualified, including 4 times of sampling on industrial zone with tightened effluent standards.
(3) Inspection of community and public sewage sewer system (achievement rate > 100%)
Complete 126 inspections of community and public sewage sewer system. During the inspection, all operations are normal, and there is no abnormal situation. Perform 27 times of sampling and analysis of effluents, of which 20 analysis have been completed. The sampling results are all qualified.
(4) Results analysis of night and holiday inspection and extended inspections during the day (achievement rate > 100%)
Complete 249 inspections of night and holiday inspection and extended inspections during the day. Visually, the water quality of the effluent was not good and then performed sampling, of which 24 samples did not meet the effluent standards. The PTEPB has reported and sanctioned in accordance with the law.
(5) Completed 145 sampling and analysis of the effluents (achievement rate > 100%)
(6) Completed 10 checks of unlisted businesses (achievement rate 100%)
(7) Performed 14 on-site visits to businesses under management of unknown operating status (achievement rate 100%)
(8) Established a joint collaboration platform for various plans of the Water Pollution Control Section (complimentary work item)
2. Certification case review of designated businesses by professional environmental engineer and in-depth check operations (achievement rate 100%)
According to the targets designated by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), 3 cases of the professional engineer certification review operations has been completed. The certification of professional engineer of the three companies are all at the second level of the deficiency grade, and are listed as targets for enhanced tracking and inspection in the next year according to regulations
In terms of in-depth checks, 7 cases of in-depth checks were completed. In response to the deficiencies of the business operators, the task team guides the operators and tracks the completion of the improvement, and report to the PTEPB.
3. Operation of diagnosis analysis and checks on abnormal businesses (achievement rate 100%)
Operation of diagnosis analysis and checks on 10 abnormal businesses were completed. In response to the deficiencies of the business operators, the task team guides the operators and tracks the completion of the improvement, and report to the PTEPB.
4. Completed cloud maps of 2,048 businesses and sewage sewer systems in Pingtung County (achievement rate 100%)
II. Handle the collection and check tasks on water pollution control fee of businesses.
1. Coaching operations for the declaration of water pollution control fee for businesses and animal husbandry (achievement rate 100%)
The declaration rate of water pollution fee for the second phase of 2020 is 100%, and the total amount collected is NT$ 21,849,303. The declaration rate of water pollution fee for the first phase of 2021 is 99% because 19 businesses and animal husbandry have not yet completed the declaration and payment. The task team has notified them for payment, and the total amount collected is NT$ 21,869,913.
2. Guiding the businesses for failing to pay for water pollution control fees within the prescribed time limit (achievement rate 100%)
A total of 198 companies failed to complete the declaration and payment of water pollution control fees for the second phase of 2020 in January, 2021, and completed the reminders of 198 businesses, and the total amount of completed calls was NT$ 1,767,838. A total of 229 companies failed to complete the declaration and payment of water pollution control fees for the first phase of 2021 in July, 2021. After the guiding and reminders on site, 210 businesses have completed the payment and the total amount of completed calls was NT$ 2,779,516.
3. Assisting the investigation of the list of abnormal water pollution control fees provided by the EPA (achievement rate 100%)
The inspection of abnormal water pollution control fees in 36 companies has been completed and reaches the full mark of performance assessment regulated by the EPA.
4. Conducting relevant operations of reviewing, filing, statistics and analysis of data of water pollution periodic test report (achievement rate 100%)
Through the data review and statistical analysis, the abnormal items in the periodic test report were mainly "abnormal readings of the effluent flowmeters" and "abnormal water quality in the periodic test report or concerns about numerical understatement reporting". Regarding the concerns about numerical understatement reporting of effluent water quality in the periodic test report, a total of 141 inspections were carried out, of which 104 samples were collected for analysis as supporting information for the verification and disgorgement operations of water pollution control fees by EPA.
5. Estimates of the collection of water pollution control fees for businesses that have been punished (achievement rate 100%)
Overall estimated the water pollution control fee collected from the businesses that have violated the water pollution-related regulations and been punished by PTEPB. The results showed that 238 businesses punished have estimated that the total water pollution control fee of the first phase and the second phase of 2021 can be levied at NT$ 7,329,053. Estimated to increase the levy by NT$ 2,887,790.
6. Completed the notification to businesses to declare the water pollution control fees for the first and second phase of 2021. (achievement rate 100%)
III. Strengthen and promote the stable operation of the automatic monitoring of water quality and quantity and video surveillance facilities.
1. Completed 4 times of parallel alignment and verification operations of on-site monitoring. (achievement rate 100%)
Parallel alignment and verification operations of on-site monitoring of 4 businesses has been completed. The inspection results show that the signals of the automatic connection system of the 4 business operators are all operating normally.
2. Completed 4 times of on-site verification operation. (achievement rate 100%)
On-site verification operations of 4 businesses has been completed. The verification results show that the signals of automatic connection network system of 4 businesses operates stably.
3. Real-time data surveillance of automatic monitoring system (achievement rate 100%)
4. Review the manual of both automatic monitoring (surveillance) and connection transmission measures as well as the confirmation report. (achievement rate 100%)
This year, the automatic monitoring (surveillance) and connection transmission measures specifications and confirmation reports of 9 companies have been reviewed. The confirmation reports of 6 companies have been approved (or will be approved). One measure specification has been approved, and 2 measure specifications are still being revised. The task team also urges the business owner to revise and deliver the documents, and complete the setup of automatic connection monitoring equipment as soon as possible.
IV. Assist in case review operations and licence issuance operations. (achievement rate 100%)
Assisted in reviewing 405 cases of business license application this year, and specially established a cloud license review control list to grasp the progress of each license review. The stationed personnel carry out the daily routine filing operations of document files, monthly compilation and notification of the extension of the water pollution control license to the business owner, provision of file rooms and maintenance and management of documents.
V. Assist in emergency response support for water pollution incidents. (achievement rate 100%)
This year, the task team has assisted the PTEPB to execute emergency response support work for water pollution incidents 3 times, and emergency response personnel arrived at the scene within 3 hours to carry out pollution response operations.
VI. Use the latest technological equipment "Water Box" to continuously monitor river water bodies with high pollution potential. (achievement rate 100%)
Completed the implementation of continuous monitoring operations for 3 water bodies with high pollution potential, and the results of the monitoring data showed no abnormal situations in 3 companies.
VII. Completed 7 publicity briefings or activities. (achievement rate 100%)
VIII. Completed the results presentation meeting of the water environment patrol team on November 13, 2021. (achievement rate 100%)