According to the work objectives of the project, this project is divided into three categories. Please refer to the following:
1. Evaluation and improvement of the dedicated air pollution control personnel regulation
In accordance with Article 34 of the Air Pollution Control Act., the regulation of dedicated air pollution control units or personnel require the dedicated air pollution control personnel to assist in the implementation of air pollution control work in the factory. But in reality, the dedicated personnel are faced with problems such as too much business load or unclear about their own scope of work, etc. As a result, the purpose and value of the special personnel setting cannot be effectively exerted. In addition, air pollution control personnel must cooperate in the formulation and implementation of air pollution control plans, supervising the operation of the air pollution control equipment. In addition, public and private premises which should establish dedicated air pollution control units or personnel positions and health risk evaluation personnel positions (hereinafter referred to as air pollution control personnel announcement conditions) are mainly for large-scale stationary pollution sources discharge objects or industry process requirements with more frequent complaints. There are differences in the announcement business. About 57.6% of the objects that should apply for the permit of stationary pollution source installation and operating and 33.7% of the objects that should perform regular testing which are no corresponding requirements to establish air pollution control personnel in the factory. Through the questionnaire and workshop with EPB and factory, this project summarized the problems faced by the past implementation the regulation of dedicated air pollution control units or personnel, which could be mainly divided into three categories:The business responsibilities are unclear, inadequate human resource planning and implementation issues. Therefore, this project refer to the management methods and concepts of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Act. Considering the rationality of the adjustment of the regulation of dedicated air pollution control units or personnel, the feasibility and impact of practical promotion, to improve the revision direction and strategy of the regulation of dedicated air pollution control personnel. This project prioritizes strategic content such as standardizing the establish of air pollution control personnel(number and grade), clarifying the business responsibilities, clarify the concept of agent setting, positioning the tasks and roles of dedicated air pollution control personnel, establishing personnel signature and hierarchical sign-off mechanism, introducing factory self-management system and expanding the ratio of air pollution control personnel, so as to complete the air pollution control personnel management system and solve existing problems.
The other part, about the management of the reviewer of stationary pollution source installation and operating permit. Considering the reviewing agency has limited resource, the reviewer generally have insufficient business qualifications and many do not have any professional certificate. Therefore, this project takes into account the management methods of grading and sub-professionals of the South Coast Air Quality Management District Certified Permitting Professional Manual. Based on "Choosing, Education, Employment and Retaining" to establish the management methods and principles of the permit reviewers.
2. Revise the standard of air pollution official fees for stationary pollution sources
In response to the revision of Management Regulations of Installation, Operating and Fuel Use Permits for Stationary Pollution Sources in recent years and the principle that the fee standard should be overhauled once every three years in accordance with the Charges And Fees Act. This project priority to the adjustment of stationary pollution source installation and operating permit official fees and the addition of the third-category permit application, the trail operation plan and the air pollutant emissions testing plan official fees.
First of all, in the part of the stationary pollution source installation and operating permit official fees, it is planned to calculate with two schemes. The first scheme is to screen the cases that meet the statutory review days. After analyzing the median of the actual review days, multiply it by the chief calculation of the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan. In 2020, the Division announced the total daily salary of each employee in the industry (NT$2,446), and the calculated official fee was about NT$9,500 to NT$68,000 per piece, which was about 2.5~37 times the current official fee. The second scheme takes into account the difference in the number of days for reviewing statutory cases before and after the revision of Use Permit Management Regulations in 2019, and calculates the amount of official fee that should be adjusted, which is approximately 1.6 to 1.9 times the current fees. In addition, in line with the revision of stationary pollution source's regulations, the official fee items for the newly added third-category permit application are also developed with two schemes. The first scheme is to analyze the median of the actual review days for the third-category permit application objects, then multiply it by the average. For the daily salary, the calculation fee is about NT$12,000 to NT$51,000 per piece. The second scheme considers the number of review days for the third-category permit application objects compared to the first and second types of objects. It's only needs to spend about half of the number of review days. Therefore, the official fee for the third-category permit application object is calculated at 0.5 times for the first and second types of objects, which is about NT$ 500 to NT$5,800 per piece. In the other part, the review days for the trail operation plan and the air pollutant emissions testing plan are about 15 days, and the official fee is also calculated by multiplying the review days and the average daily salary, which is about NT$36,500 per piece.
Considering the impact of the promotion of the system, this project recommends to prioritize stationary pollution source installation and operating permit official fees and the addition of official fees for the third-category permit application objects in the second scheme. The charges for other items, it is suggested to lower it to NT$12,000 per piece, and then adjust the charges in stages.
3. Improvement of stationary pollution sources management information system and resource information disclosure platform
In response to Microsoft's announcement that it will terminate the service of IE, the Stationary pollution sources management information system could be combined with the establishment of a web page cross-browser function, so that the current permit application system could include three hosts in the north, middle and south, should be applicable to web browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, etc. The content includes functions such as adding, modifying, saving, deleting, and canceling items and 15 online application forms for permission. In addition, it also regularly fixes and updates Microsoft security and operating system vulnerabilities such as web server software, and perform routine maintenance. In the optimization part of the management information disclosure platform, this project has completed the addition of the open platform to meet the accessibility requirements in accordance with the accessible web page specifications, passed software testing, completed self-assessment, and applied for manual testing, etc.