Works under this Project are mainly divided into 6 categories, including creation and update for indoor air quality “baseline data” and “inspection works” of public places, “indoor air quality detection operations for public places”, “project-based guidance”, “rolling corrections of indoor air quality management goals” and “other cooperated matters”. The implementation period is January 7, 2022 (award date) to December 31, 2022, with implementation results as of the final report stage (November 15, 2022) summarized as follows:
1.Creation and Update for Entries of at least 100 Premises
Under this Project, compositions and updates for maintenance and management plan from 100 premises, 24 announced and 76 not announced as premises under monitoring and inspection, have been completed.
The first announcement encompasses a total of 8 premises, among which 2 premises have completed their third declaration and 6 premises have completed their fourth declaration; the second announcement includes a total of 17 premises, among which 2 premises have completed their second declaration and 15 premises have completed their third declaration (1 premise has applied for de-classification from relevant monitoring and inspection in June 2022 due to suspension of school operations). The premises announced as premises under monitoring and inspection have completed their declarations by deadline and have assigned a designated role for such affairs.
Premises not announced have, upon inspection, simultaneously composed or updated their maintenance and management plan and have compiled basic information of premise including name, category, address, contact person, contact number, floor area under indoor management, etc. for the creation of premise database.
2.Investigation of indoor air quality of 120 sites
Under this Project, annual inspection and calibration for instruments and 120 inspection works for public places have been made, encompassing 34 announced premises and 86 non-announced premises; the inspection result indicates that 2 premises are with maximum CO2 measurement exceeding the threshold under regulations, whilst others meet the relevant regulations. One of the two premises has been under the project-based guidance this year, whose proposed countermeasures includes facilitating the premise to analyze hours with higher CO2 concentration via the introduction of automatic and continuous monitoring and pedestrian flow analysis as well as enhanced ventilation and induction of outdoor air via air-conditioning units for improvement of indoor air quality, whilst the other premise has received advocacy on enhanced ventilation or induction of outdoor air; furthermore, certain premises are discovered with frequent use of sanitization of environment with cleaning agents due to epidemic prevention needs, resulting in incrementation of TVOC concentration. These premises are provided suggestions to enhance ventilation to reduce accumulation of pollutants at indoor spaces.
Concerning premise not covered in the announcement, 1 preschool and 1 tourism factory are found with maximum CO2 measurement exceeding the threshold under regulations. The reason for CO2 accumulation in the preschool is speculated as follows: (1) installations of split-type air conditioners and indoor air circulation due to absence of fresh air ventilation; and (2) classrooms with smaller area and closed windows accommodating students at a high density. The premise is suggested to open the windows on both ends of the diagonal line in the classroom (leave approx. 10 centimeters at opening) and maintain air circulation at indoor spaces by opening the doors and windows at recess and outdoor activity hours; for the case of tourism factory, the reason for CO2 concentration excess is speculated as the CO2 accumulation at its areas due to absence of air induction equipment, and the factory has received a preliminary improvement advice on installation of exhaust fans for drawing out the pollutants. This Project, on bases of inspection measurements and premise characteristics, provides suggestions of indoor air quality improvement to the premises according to site status in the event of exceptions. Meanwhile, complete inspection reports are prepared and provided to the premises for indoor air quality information.
3.Indoor Air Quality Detection Operations for Public Places
Under this Project, indoor air quality detection operations under standard methods have been performed at 6 premises, including 4 preschools, 1 social welfare facility, and 1 tourism factory, whose results meet the standards for designation of “IAQ Excellent” self-initiated indoor air quality marks. The said premises have completed mark application under guidance and have claimed their “IAQ Excellent” marks.
4.Indoor Air Quality Project-based Guidance
Under this Project, 5 premises with willingness to improve indoor air quality and apply for self-initiated indoor air quality management marks have been selected following visits. The said premises have received guidance, under this Project, on the inspections and implementation of self-initiated indoor air quality management, meanwhile conducting improvement measures encompassing indoor cleaning, sanitization and ventilation. The guidance is later concluded with “IAQ Excellent” certification for all 5 premises following the post-improvement inspection.
In addition, cloud-based long-term CO2 monitoring and pedestrian flow analysis have been performed for 4 premises under this Project, including 1 fitness center, 1 social welfare facility, 1 bus terminal and 1 infant care center, whose monitoring result indicates the gradual heightening of CO2 concentration when the accommodated number of people in the premise has raised to a certain level. The concerned premises are provided suggestions upon accommodation of visitors at higher volume, such as opening the windows on both ends of the diagonal line in the room, switching on exhaust fans or air conditioner, induction of outdoor air, etc.
5.Rolling Corrections of Indoor Air Quality Management Goals
In cooperation with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policies and in consideration of local featured premises in the County, the following indoor air quality management goals for the County have been drafted:
(1)Year-by-year guidance on specific types of premise (from public to private, and from large to small) concerning certification of self-initiated indoor air quality management mark to in turn promote civilian awareness of indoor air quality, with preliminary objective of “IAQ Good” mark prevalence.
(2)Accumulation of site improvement cases as references for premise improvement, thereby enhancing indoor air quality of premises.
(3)Enhancing prevalence of self-initiated management marks certification of featured premises in the County.
(4)Promotion of continuous indoor air quality monitoring to maintain indoor air quality of premises in the County.
6. Other Cooperated Matters
Yilan County has promoted the update of its Indoor Air Quality website. Under the principle of cooperation with EPA’s promotion of self-initiated management marks in July 2021, the updates feature irregular updates and maintenance of regulatory information and implementation status of indoor air quality measures in the County. As of the final report stage, the main updates include guidelines for the mark, eligibility for mark applications, and relevant documents, along with updates of overview concerning marks certification by announced premises in the County.
With respect to EPA assessments, follow-up statuses on announced premises have been uploaded to the said website under this Project monthly from January to October. Meanwhile, under this Project, a total of 33 announced premises have received inspections, a total of 6 announced premises have been certified IAQ Excellent mark under guidance, and a total of 7 non-announced premises have been certified marks of IAQ Good or better (1 certified with IAQ Good and 6 certified with IAQ Excellent). In the current year (2022), a total of 84 self-initiated inspections by non-announced premises have been performed under this project, among which 22 premises have performed 2 inspections, in line with EPA assessment goals.
Under this Project, reviews on 16 applications (by 12 premises) for declarations from announced premises and on 13 applications (by 12 premises) for self-initiated indoor air quality management mark have been implemented.