The traditional pig farming administration involve flushing the pigsty with massive amount of water, which is not only a waste of water resources but also very difficult to comply with the “Saving Water and Reducing Pollution”, environmental requirement of source reduction. In addition, the generated high concentration organic waste water can further pollute our river environment. Although the high concentration waste water has been processed by the three step waste water treatment equipment but the 24 hours aeration process consumes so much energy, which also makes it hard to comply with the environmental trend of “energy conservation”. Again, the organic-rich waste water from pigsty flushing is recyclable and by dissolving it in the waste water is also a contradiction with the international environmental protection spirit of “Recycling Resource”.
With the above in mind, in order to comply with the international trend of environmental protection, create lasting developments for the stock breeding industry, and taking into account of environmental protection, Environmental Protection Bureau of Changhua County had devised the “The 2012 Changhua County Pig Farming Industry Source Reduction and Clean Pig Farming (Pig Toilet) demonstration and promotion Plan” (herein refer to as the “plan”) to cut down the pollution caused by stock breeding and increase the applicability of resource recycling through promotion of improved breeding concept in pig farming and step by step modification of stock breeding administration. The execution abstracts of various items in the plan are explained as followed.
1. Selection of pig farming demonstration farmers and set up simple manure holders (pig toilet)
(1) Collect and analyze pig farmers who yet to have pig toilet along the Old Zhuoshuixi River and select farmers with the most promotional potential (first target the upstream of Ludau Bridge, then the downstream of Ludau Bridge, and lastly expand to other alternative drainage areas if there are no suitable subjects) base on selection method derived from previous demonstration plan (attachment 1). Assisted in selecting 25 demonstration pig farmers for installation of 2500 simple manure holders. The plan had until August 16th of 2012, completed all installation of 2500 manure holders for 25 demonstration pig farmers; please refer to Chapter 2 for operation details.
(2) Targeting the above selected pig farmers with promotional potentials, one aspiration consultation meeting was held and on-site investigations had been conducted, completing at least 2500 simple manure holders for 25 demonstration pig farmers. The plan had held two aspiration consultation meetings in the morning and afternoon on May 10th, 2012 respectively. Please refer to Chapter 2 for detailed information on meeting, installation, and actual usage of manure holders.
(3) The above investigation should look into numbers of pigsties suited for installing pig toilet, decide on numbers of pig toilets that pig farmers planned to have, and established the work allocation table. Base on the investigation results, the plan determined the quantity allocation table for 2500 simple manure holders to be installed at 25 demonstration pig farmers. Please refer to chapter 2 for operation details.
2. Assist demonstration pig farmers for setting up clean pig farming administration in conjunction with the installation of pig toilet, and trace and investigate effects for every administrative aspects
(1) On-site training and counseling to demonstration pig farmers for following the clean pig farming administration practices (base on the optimized clean pig farming administration standard operation procedure from previous demonstration plan, attachment 2). During the execution period, in coordination with the installation of pig toilet, at least five counseling sessions were completed for establishing administrative cognition and for continuous counseling for clean pig farming administrative practices after the toilet was installed. The plan immediately started the demonstration farmers’ counseling operation after the manure holders were installed. The content of investigation included items like “water usage, labor, flushing hours, pig breeding density, successful breeding rate (survival rate), solid content increase, and so forth”. Based on results from on-site education and counseling, after installation of pig toilet, the water usage was decreased by approximately 62.04%, labor saved by 31.7%, flushing time saved by 28.3%, successful breeding on average enhanced by 10%, solid content increased about 42.4%, odor (NH3) improved by 51.5%, and the environment of pigsty also became drier. For relative investigation and statistics, please refer to Chapter 3 and 4 for more detail.
(2) During the above on-site training and counseling, tracing and investigation of different performance items’ analysis after installing pig toilet was simultaneously conducted. At the least, it should include the stock breeding administrative effects analysis (water usage, flushing hours, labor, successful breeding rate (survival rate), and solid content increase), environmental improvement effect analysis (animal house odor and environment), and decrease in pollution effect analysis (mainstream testing station and branch discharge). At the moment, the plan had completed establishing the prior data of water usage, labor, flushing hours, pig breeding density, successful breeding rate (survival rate), and solid content increase investigation operations. Please refer to Chapter 3 and 4 for more detail.
(3) The above pollution reducing effect analysis should operate according to the following practices:
1. Water quality testing site: mainstream testing station (at least 4 stations), branch discharge (at least 4 branches)
2. Water quality testing items: flow rate, BOD, SS, DO, and NH3-N
3. Testing frequency: complete at least 3 times
The plan is to explore how the reduced pollution loading level can influence the river water quality. Hence, testing stations with the highest density of surrounding pig toilets discharges were selected with the highest priority. The plan had already completed 3 mainstream and branch discharge sampling operations; the third water quality sampling operation was completed on November 5th, 2012. In the water quality testing results, the mainstream of Old Zhuoshuixi River, although the testing results of Ludau Bridge in September still shown serious pollution condition when compared to the results in June but the pollution level RPI value had dropped from 7.25 to 6.25. The testing results of Hsihu Bridge in September had dropped from serious pollution condition in June down to medium pollution level (RPI value 3.75). And for branches, the Babauertzuen Neisan discharge and Haifengluen discharge, the test results in September was worse than the results in June; RPI indicator had reached the level of serious pollution. The third river sampling results are still undergoing testing processes.
For the mainstream of Lukang Creek, the September Yiuche Bridge testing results were the same as the results in June, both shown signs of serious pollution condition. The September Wanfeng Bridge testing results were actually worse than those in June; the pollution level elevated from medium to serious pollution. For branches, the Chentsuotsuo discharge and Babauertzuen Dungou discharge, the test results in September were worse than those in June; RPI indicator had reached the level of serious pollution condition. The third river sampling results are still undergoing testing processes. The first and second water quality sampling analysis was detailed in Chapter 4.
3. Assist demonstration pig farmers to improve their three step waste water treatment equipment
(1) On-site training and counseling to all demonstration pig farmers on the operation and maintenance of their three step waste water treatment equipment (including solid-liquid separator, anaerobic processor, and aerobic processor (clarifier)). Five counseling sessions had been completed during the execution period for increasing the waste water treatment effect.
At the moment, the plan had scheduled to complete five on-site training and counseling sessions for 25 demonstration farmers’ treatment equipment before installation of pig toilet. During each counseling session, besides informing farmers of improvement recommendations, written documentations had handed to farmers in conjunction with on-site communication and coordination, aiming at achieving the optimal counseling effect. Related water quality testing results were detailed in Chapter 5.
(2) Targeting demonstration pig farmers for completing at least three process efficiency improvements of three step waste water treatment equipment before and after the installation of the equipment (should at least include items like original waste water, solid-liquid separator, anaerobic processor, and clarifier discharge quality testing: NH3-N, SS, BOD, and COD at the minimum).
In coordination with counseling sessions for demonstration farmers’ treatment equipment, at the moment, three samplings had already been conducted for each of the 25 demonstration farmers. Samples from the third water sampling are still undergoing its testing process. With the water quality data analysis, current conditions of all treatment equipment at pig farmers were effectively identified and subsequently, proper improvement recommendations were also presented. Please refer to Chapter 5 for detail analysis.
4. Conduct at least one promotional presentation for pig toilet associated effects and provide at least 300 copies of promotional direct materials
The promotional presentation had been held on December 12th, 256 pig farmers from Old Zhuoshuixi River and Yuanlindapai (Lukang Creek) drainage area were invited, 188 farmers attended with an attendance ratio of 73%. During the presentation, farmers with good results from 2011 demonstration plan and 2012 demonstrators were commended in the meeting with the hope to create an initiation for attracting more farmers to join the procession for promoting clean pig farming administration.
5. In coordination with the promotional policy of Environmental Protection Bureau, periodically collect pig toilet implementation effects from counties and cities within the country
The plan had completed data collection operation from March to October, 2012. At the moment, counties and cities, which yet to report back includes Nantou and Yunlin County. And for October, 2012, counties and cities yet to report back include Hsinchu County, Nantou County, Yunlin County, and Kaohsiung City. The plan had compiled the collected data for the period of March to October, 2012 and submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for presenting to the Environmental Protection Administration. Please refer to Chapter 6 for related investigation and statistical data.