The number of motor vehicles registered in Hsinchu County already reached 540,347. This number includes 307,537 motorcycles that count 56.9% of the County’s motor vehicles. Although motorcycles bring convenience to human life, the increase thereof year-by-year not only affects our health, but also accelerates global warming due to the exhaust discharged thereby. To improve the air quality of the Hsinchu County, Hsinchu County Environmental Protection Bureau undertakes the “Mobile Pollution Source Control Plan” through outsourcing to implement the policy of having regular examination on motorcycle exhaust and promoting the replacement of old motorcycles with low-pollution vehicles.
To increase the County’s regular examination rate of motorcycle, this plan has investigated 10,106 unexamined motorcycles and recognized the license plate of 52,333 motorcycles. According to the statistical analysis, the proportion of motorcycles in Hsinchu County is about 60% and the regular examination rate of two stroke engine motorcycles and old Phases I, II and III motorcycles is relatively low. Besides, to enhance the control of old motorcycles, Phase I to IV motorcycles above 13 years old are targeted to precede a routine spot inspection this year. In total, 401 old motorcycles have been inspected on spot with a unqualified rate of 12.5%. Among them, two stroke engine motorcycles and old Phases I, II and III motorcycles have the highest unqualified rate and average CO/HC concentration. Based on the aforesaid inspection results, it is suggested that the promotion of regular examination and exhaust control shall be continued and enhanced in the future, particularly to two stroke engine motorcycles and old Phases I, II and III motorcycles.
Apart from the said inspections, 210,000 notification cards that promote regular examination and 85,992 official notification letters were sent to vehicle owners this year, reminding them to complete the examination on time. The County’s regular examination rate of motorcycles this year was 86.9%. According to the statistical analysis of samples collected among vehicle owners who have completed the said examination, 76.4% of them managed to complete the examination on time (one month before and after the issuance of license) due to their receipt of the notification card; and 23.6% completed the examination after the prescribed period. After further analysis, it is known that 80% of vehicle owners who failed to complete the examination on time took the examination only after being inspected or upon receipt of an official notification letter. This indicates that inspection plus official notification letter can effectively increase the county’s regular examination rate of motorcycles.
Currently, the County has 89 motorcycle inspection stations and 192 motorcycle inspection technicians. To manage and facilitate motorcycle inspections, a regular check on inspection stations has been carried out this year. In total, 18 motorcycle inspection stations have been found with deficiency. Among all deficiency items, “failing to conduct the inspection based on the prescribed period” and “no improvement has been made to the deficiency revealed in last inspection” counted the most. Besides, to further understand whether the motorcycle inspection stations privately adjust the vehicle setup or violate any regulations, personnel camouflaged as vehicle owner has been sent to the stations for checkup this year. In total, 5 motorcycle inspection stations have been found of employing disqualified staffs to conduct the inspection; and have been imposed with a penalty according to relevant regulations. It is suggested that motorcycle inspection stations violating the rules this year shall be listed as the priority target for counseling next year; and that the number of checkup shall be increased to enhance the implementation and inspection quality of the County’s motorcycle inspection station.
Also, to encourage citizens to replace the old vehicles with new ones, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan offers a motor vehicle replacement subsidy (NTD3, 000 to 5,000/vehicle), enabling nationals to replace the old motor vehicle with an electric two-wheeler or Phase VII fuel motorcycle. In the meantime, Hsinchu County Environmental Protection Bureau further subsidize citizens of Hsinchu County to purchase electric vehicles with an amount of NTD3,000 to 5,000/ vehicle. Through the subsidy programs this year, 7,794 old motor vehicles have been replaced with new ones; and 1,240 new electric vehicles have been purchased. According to the types of vehicles used to replace the old ones, more than 90% of the citizens decided to purchase the Phase VII fuel motorcycles. It is inferred that the relatively lower price thereof and the exemption of commodity tax for new vehicles (NTD4,000) have motivated citizens to purchase Phase VII fuel motorcycles.
Apart from the replacement subsidy for motor vehicles, this plan has targeted Zhubei City, Zhudong Township and Hukou Township, which are regions with a higher registration rate of old motorcycles, to conduct a series of inspections. In total 7,859 old motorcycles have been inspected. Also, with respect to two stroke engine motorcycle that are no longer serviceable (551 vehicles), home visits have been paid to the owners thereof and 145 of them have completed the discard process with a scarp rate of 26.3%. Through subsidies, promotions, inspections and home visits, the county has managed to discard 15,295 old motorcycles; reduce the number of registered old motorcycles in the County from 94,026 (2019) to 78,731 (2020); and drop the County’s registration rate of old motorcycles from 32% (2019) to 23.2% (2020).
Based on this year’s motorcycle unqualified rate of regular examination, the County totally reduced 90.823 t of NMHC (non-methane hydrocarbons), 412.435 to of CO (carbon oxide) and 4.504 t of PM2.5 (fine particulate matter).
Table 1 Implementation progress by work items
Work items Target Achievement Achievement rate Chapter
Motorcycle routine inspection 10,000 vehicles 10,106vehicles 100% Chapter 4.2
Motorcycle spot inspection 400
vehicles 401vehicles 100% Chapter 4.3
Recognition of license plate 50,000
vehicles 52,333vehicles 100% Chapter 4.4
Regular examination notification card 210,000
cards 210,000cards 100% Chapter 4.7.1
Official notification letter by ordinary mail 70,000
letters 70,437 letters 100% Chapter 4.7.2
Official notification letter by mail registered with A.R. 15,000 letters 15,555 letters 100% Chapter 4.7.3
On-the-job trainings for inspection station staffs 2sessions 2sessions 100% Chapter 5.4
Produce labels that promote regular examination of motorcycle 150,000
sets 150,000sets 100% Chapter 5.6
Maintain electric vehicle charging stations 4 times
per season 4 times
per season 100% Chapter 6.3
Produce promotional materials/ leaflets 4,000sets 4,000sets 100% Chapter 6.4.2
Produce promotional posters 600
posters 600posters 100% Chapter 6.4.2
Produce promotional flags for inspection stations 200flags 200flags 100% Chapter 6.4.3
Promotion through SMS 100,000 messages 100,000
messages 100% Chapter 6.4.5
Promote “motor vehicle park and stop” related inspections 2,000
vehicles 2,222vehicles 100% Chapter 7
Achievement rate in overall 100%
Key words: Regular examination rate of vehicles, motorcycle control, motorcycle inspection station, replacement of old motorcycles, electric two-wheelers