The project items include assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, licensing checks, inspection of surrounding factories, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems check, case counseling, regulatory factory database update works, on-site permitting documents, examination, flue monitoring and examining works, decree revision workshop, and fugitive particulate matter management practices conformity check, and poor air quality of emergency response, and hazardous air pollutants surveys. This project has progressed in line with expectations. The following description Summary of Results.
1.Permit review:
There are 235 were permitted in the program during the execution. There are 164 permit licenses in addition to the conversion basic information. Average number of days reviewed was 18.2 days, 0.9 days less than last year.
A total of 130 processes was checked, with the 25% of a total process number. The results of all checked processes indicated that there were 11 unqualified processes, in terms of unqualified rate of 8.5%.
2. Analysis of Pollutant Discharge Changes
Particulate Contamination:As of November 30, 2023, particulate emissions have been reduced by 84.005 tons per year in the overall control process. The reduction was mainly due to reduced production or work in three sand and rock quarrying and processing factories and a reduction in emissions of 38.537 tons. The other sand and rock operators have reduced emissions by 41.139 tons due to the requirement for the use of composite control measures in the stockyard as per the review.
Sulfur oxides:After the database update and maintenance operations, sulfur oxides 42.917 tons decrement. The reduction was mainly industrial boilers and metal industriousness need to meet the stack emission standards.
Nitrogen oxides:After the database update and maintenance operations, nitrogen oxides 147.085 tons decrement. The main reason is that the pollution of Reduction of diesel consumption of turbo generators at Taiwan Power Company Anshan Nuclear Power Plant.
Volatile organic compounds:After the database update and maintenance operations, volatile organic compounds 43.177 ton decrement. The reduction in pollution emissions is due to lower plant orders and production as a result of the outbreak.
3. Air Pollution Control Fee Collection System:
By the third quarter of 2023, the number of air pollution control fee system regulators is 536. Increased control of 23 factories and delisted of 7 plants compared to 2022. Completed the check of the air pollution fee declaration of the 2135 factories, and the achievement rate was 107%.
4. Emission Standard inspection:
According to statistics until November 30, 2023, 5 of the discharge pipeline inspections performed due to public incidents were punished for exceeding the emission standards. All of them are required to complete the improvement within a time limit. The total amount of the penalty is NT$950,000.
5. Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources:
In terms of implementation of the Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources. The qualified rate of regulations increased from 53% in 2010 to 95% in 2023. Will continue to advocate the factory should strengthen equipment inspection and maintenance work, and with other related project plans to strengthen the frequency of illegal factory inspection. Promote factory self-restraint, thereby improving regulatory compliances.
6. Stationary sources of air pollution reduction practices:
In 2023, tutored 10 factories to reduce pollution emissions. Implement boiler replacement or improvement policies. In addition, promote the implementation of composite control measures in sand and rock quarrying and processing factories.
All indicators in the air pollution control plan from 2022 to 2023 are completed according to the schedule. However, due to the completion of the reduction strategy for sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in 2022, the reduction of emissions has already been included in 2022. Therefore, the reduction of emissions in 2023 has not reached the target.
7.Control VOC Emissions from Gas Stations
At present, the inspection of 661 fuel guns in 67 gas stations has been completed, and 639 of them are qualified, with a pass rate of 96.7%.
The project team competent authority performs random inspection of the equipment component of the stationary pollution source. A total of 5,000 equipment components will be tested in 2023. The detection value was between 1,001ppm and 9,999 ppm, with 2 points in 2 factories, and 3 points in 1 factory with detection values greater than 10,001ppm. The factory has been reported in accordance with the law and the factory has been required to repair urgently.
8.Control results of poor air quality AQI days
On days with poor air quality, designated factories implement pollution prevention plans, and the project team shall also go to the site to carry out patrol inspection. And then our team also carried out inspections of factories during the poor air quality days. Estimation of reduction in pollutant emissions after implementation: Par. 0.110 tons, SOx 0.143 tons, NOx 0.758 tons, and VOCs 1.215 tons.
9. Inventory of unregulated factories
Inventory operations for unregulated factories that have newly obtained legal certificates or temporary certificates. In 2023, the inventory of 50 factories has been completed.
10. Inspection of Nuisance Factories Petition.
The smell of animal husbandry and the stinking factory is often criticized. Our team cooperates with the Environmental Protection Agency implemented the Nighthawk Early Bird Program in order to strengthen inspections and inspections of the animal husbandry and the stinking factory to improve odor complaints. The rate of petitions in nuisance factories has been drastically reduced by 20% compared to the same period last year. Using micro-sensors for monitoring, and in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment Southern Center of Environmental Management, a total of 7 violations of the Air Pollution Control Act were reported, with a total fine amount of NT$2.805 million.
11. Ozone Precursor Reduction Strategy
Most of the causes of poor air quality within the jurisdiction are ozone concentrations exceeding standards. Therefore, the project team implemented a reduction strategy for ozone precursors. Taiwan Power Company Anshan Nuclear Power Plant turbine generators reduce diesel consumption to reduce air pollution emissions. Ping-Tung Resource Recovery Plant, after the rectification, promised to reduce the nitrogen oxide emission concentration from 85ppm to 40ppm and the sulfur oxide emission concentration from 30ppm to 5ppm by 2024, which is estimated to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 50%.