Management system of stationary sources pollution were amended in the Air Pollution Act last year (2019), and in line with the air quality improvement and strengthening the management of pollution prevention control strategy. This year (2020) we will begin to refine the emission standards and administrative regulations to control the stationary sources of pollution. At the same time, we should improve pollution prevention and permit management. So according to our goals, we divided the project into 4 major parts, including 1) Strengthen pollution prevention management and keep the permit management system under review, 2) Promote fuel composition and blend combustion control, implement source improvement and management end reduction strategies, 3) To grasp and evaluate the implementation of the permit management system of the competent authority, 4) Update the expansion of system function, and improve the quality of information. This plan has been performed for seven months and has been completed 100% .The following work respectively according to the content of the project descriptions are as follows:
In response to the amendment of the permit management method in last year (2019), we continue to review the permit system and improve pollution prevention management. We summarize the explanatory letters related to the permit administration law in the last five years, and to review measures for permit administration before and after. About 2,357 explanatory letters, which is from 1993 to 2019, should be adjusted or repealed after the Air Pollution Law and the permit administration law are amended. We also collect revised in cities to permit management measures after the release of the execution of the problem, and analyzes on the third type of permit applications and review procedures, cancel the test and change to functional evaluation , simplified application for change of permit and other permit application and review specification. Such as the environmental impact assessment will be included in this year's review of the permit management measures, and at the same time add the third type of permit application form and review guidelines revision.
In addition, we also collect the U.S. Federal and Southern California about the harmful air pollutants in permit management system and implementation approach, but analyzes the current domestic management still needs complete supporting facilities, so the permit approved content remains the management mode of the current emission standards until the whole tool is complete. In terms of permit integration, it collects and consolidates domestic and foreign permit information related to air, water, waste and poison, and continuously tracks the progress of permit integration.
In response to the third category of the newly added by the permit management method, we analyzes the current state of 1 to 8 batches. The result showed that there were 888 permits that the annual emissions of particulate matter, SOx, NOx and VOCs controlled are less than 1 metric ton, accounting for 3.33% of all permits issued but the controlled emissions are only about 0.04-0.15%. Therefore, processes with emissions of less than 1 metric ton and no hazardous air pollutant control requirements are identified as the third category of stationary sources, and simplify the application procedures for technician visas and test alternative application procedures. In the announcement conditions, we evaluated and analyzed the collection of air pollution fee and the control of labor-safety related hazards workplace by pure substances. So we adjusted the method of organic solvent and alkali liquor dosage to calculate by organic solvent or alkali liquor content percentage. In order to increase the proportion of volatile organic compounds in stationary sources, the ninth batch of organic solvents or acid and alkali liquids with an annual consumption of 5 tons should apply permit. Those with less than 10% organic solvent content were excluded, and 1,564 processes were expected to be included. For boiler control of the whole plant, 183 steam boilers are expected to be regulated for total steam evaporation of boilers of more than 5 tons per hour excluding those whose total steam evaporation of natural gas is less than 15 tons per hour.
Fuel control in line with section 28 of the Air Pollution Act provides for continuous improvement of the overall fuel source management system. In addition to the domestic waste management, industry bureau, European Union, Japan and other countries waste reuse fuel related regulations. Among them, the European Union has set the composition standard for SRF at 5 levels, including the content of chlorine, mercury and calorific value; Japan sets standards for the composition of RPF grades A-C, including moisture, ash, chlorine content and calorific value. However, the fuel composition standard for waste reuse has been developed by referring to the SRF quality specification of the industry bureau and the relevant foreign waste reuse composition specifications, including subcontract sulfur content, chlorine content, lead content, mercury content, cadmium content, calorific value and ash content. On heating facilities, take stock of the proportion of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in stationary sources with the number of seats and fuel usage in each industry. Moreover, the accumulation of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in the emission concentration detected by the stationary sources standard control equipment in the recent five years is summarized and compared with the fixed source gas standard and the affected objects are counted. We propose to draw up a single emission standard by referring to the boiler emission standard.
In order to promote the implementation of stationary sources control standards, we grasp and review the implementation problems of the permit management system and analyze the current situation of the document writers, environmental engineers and reviewers. To propose disclosure of information for document writers and return to a dedicated staff management system;For engineers visa exemption,we draw up the technician check key points for air pollution, which was reference to the practice of the Department of Water Conservation;A selection, education, use and retention evaluation system shall be established for the examiners, focusing on education training and management evaluation, also develop the personnel training qualification and management system. Strengthening the management and implementation of the assessment system at local competent authorities, there were 170 on-site inspections and 30 visa inspections were conducted by local authorities and authorized authorities last year. We conducted a review of the operation permits issued after the release of the permit management measures, and found that the main problems were incorrect emission standards, unimplemented record items, intensity approval of permit activities, inconsistencies between the process flow chart and the site, excessive use, or incorrect calculation of emissions.
Stationary sources permit management system depends on the update and operation of big data databases, so the emission declaration, regular testing and inventory management information can provide complete information in the development and planning of various control strategies. For strengthening the management of stationary sources of information, this year (2020) has been completed EMS APP system, permit management approach requires, review authorization control increase the third class and form review function, providing basic data about extending to renewal application exhibition permit cases, the reviewer can duplicate the previous permit, cooperate with the management method of dedicated personnel to eliminate the mandatory restriction of batch, check the database and scan the information security, etc. From the aspect of information quality improvement work, the permit information system has a total of 21,350 factories, and more than 7,000 permits. In order to maintain the system and data quality, the data inspection operation this year (2020) has already been executed for eleven times with 90.5% average compliance rate until November 2, 2020.