Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) can reduce the demand for landfill space while lowering the use of fossil...
To enhance citizens' awareness of mitigating global climate change and encourage actions to reduce g...
In order to arouse the participation of all citizens in responding to climate change mitigation and ...
The project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-carbon and sustainable county. The implement...
This project contains a total of 5 work tasks, and the outcome of each task is summarized as follows...
The project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-carbon and sustainable county. The implement...
Formulate climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas carbon reduction policies in Hualien County, ...
Formulate climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas carbon reduction policies in Hualien County, ...
As of November 30, 2024, the overall achievement rate for the Hsinchu County Climate Change Mitigati...
The project integrates government policies and measures through a rolling planning and adjustment ap...
As of November 30, 2024, the overall achievement rate for the Hsinchu County Climate Change Mitigati...
The tasks of this plan can be divided into six main categories: meetings related to the Taitung Coun...
Carbon pricing has become one of the key policy tools for governments worldwide to achieve a low-car...
The tasks of this plan can be divided into six main categories: meetings related to the Taitung Coun...
To promote the twelve key strategies for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and in response to cli...
Climate change is a global challenge requiring comprehensive action to ensure sustainable developmen...
This program was conducted from November 30 to December 7 and December 8 to 14, visiting Germany and...
The core objective of this project is to enhance public awareness of net-zero green living, energy c...
low carbon
This report focuses on advancing domestic carbon storage technology through extensive data collectio...
As climate change and environmental issues become increasingly severe, environmental topics such a...
In order to promote the construction of a low-carbon sustainable home, the Miaoli County Government ...
Chiayi County is one of the five counties and cities in the Southern District's low-carbon living ci...
The impact of climate change on Taiwan has led to a series of changes, including extreme weather eve...
Facing the Challenges of Global Climate Change and the Central Government’s 2050 Net-Zero Transition...
The "113th Chiayi City Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Promotion Plan" consists of three ma...
The project involved four primary tasks: “Promotion of Yilan Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptatio...
The project involved four primary tasks: “Promotion of Yilan Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptatio...
The 2024 Tainan City Climate Change Adaptation and Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Implementation Pl...
In response to global climate change, the Ministry of Environment announced the implementation of th...
The 2024 Tainan City Climate Change Adaptation and Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Implementation Pl...
To advance the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, the National Institute of Environmental Research ...
The project aims to support the low carbon and sustainable homeland
program, which involves assistin...
New Taipei City, a leader in climate action, signed a climate emergency declaration in 2020, establi...
1. Counseling and certification of Kinmen County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland
In order to continu...
1. Counseling and certification of Kinmen County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland
In order to continu...
To achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, Taiwan enacted the
‘Climate Change Response Act’...
In March 2022, our country officially announced the "Taiwan 2050 Net Zero Emissions Pathway Blueprin...
The “2024 Campus Life Transformation Literacy Survey Project”,conducted in response to the Ministry ...
This project has used historical climate change conditions in each administrative district of the ci...
The project for adjusting domestic general waste management strategies in response to climate change
In 2021, our country established the "Net Zero Emissions Pathway Task Force" to achieve the net zero...
The content of this project involves:
1.Climate change response promotion meeting。
2.Promote greenho...
The content of this project involves:
1.Climate change response promotion meeting。
2.Promote greenho...
The project primarily focuses on promoting the implementation of the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Actio...
This project includes a series of measures to facilitate Taichung City’s low-carbon development, e.g...
The action items of the project include to complete the annual reports of the greenhouse gas control...
The project runs from January 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024. During this period, the project team su...
In coordination with The Autonomous Regulations of Low-Carbon Green City Development in Taoyuan City...
Climate change has led to an increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, coupled wi...
To align with the global net-zero trend, the National Development Council announced Taiwan's "2050 N...
The goal of this project is to assist Taoyuan City in promoting a net-zero green lifestyle and raisi...
This project addresses international trends in natural carbon sink and domestic legislative requirem...
In response to the "Resource Recycling & Zero Waste" strategy outlined in the "Taiwan’s Pathway to N...
Climate change is now unavoidable, and at various levels from individuals, communities, cities to co...
Wei-un low, long-lasting family, garden-unsaku body system...
This project is in line with the government's 2050 Net-Zero policy. The 10th strategic” Net- Zero Li...
The implementation goal of this plan is to enhance the public's awareness of net-zero green living, ...
Expand the implementation effectiveness and promotion of greenhouse gas voluntary reduction projects
This project contains a total of 3 work tasks, and the outcome of each task is summarized as follows...
The "2023 Tainan City Climate Change Response and Net Zero Emissions Reduction Plan" consists of ten...
To encourage the public to replace petrol scooters with electric ones, the Ministry of Environment a...
This project has assisted in achieving a total of two townships at the Copper level and five village...
In order to effectively implement and promote the specific actions of net-zero green living, the Min...
The project assists the Climate Change Administration of the Ministry of Environment in refining the...
In response to the implementation of climate change adaptation measures and the achievement of the 2...
The aim of this project is mainly focused on promoting local innovation for net zero green l...
To promote local innovation net zero green lifestyle transformation, in terms of promoting green din...
The geographical distribution of dengue vectors in Taiwan may be affected by climate change. Therefo...
This project contains a total of 3 work tasks, and the outcome of each task is summarized as follows...
The global environmental legal governance framework established by the UN-FCCC and the Paris Agreeme...
Road transportation accounts for 97% of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in the transportation sector,...
Low-carbon sustainability is one of the policy core values of the government of Yunlin County.The pr...
This project includes a series of measures to facilitate Taichung City’s low-carbon development, e.g...
As of December 5, 2023, a total of 11 miles have been coached to successfully register for low-carbo...
In order to implement Net-zero transition goal and accomplish the vision of net-zero emissions in 20...
In response to the international goal of net-zero emissions and corresponding trends, the central go...
In coordination with The Autonomous Regulations of Low-Carbon Green City Development in Taoyuan City...
To address the climate crisis, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and limit global temperature increas...
In order to respond to international trends and achieve the vision of a sustainable environment, Hua...
The project includes five primary tasks: "Maintaining a low-carbon sustainable home operation system...
The implementation period of the "Penghu County Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Promotion P...
The project comprises four major focus areas:
1. Evaluate both domestic and international carbon man...
Chiayi County cooperates with the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan to promote t...
As of November 30, 2023, 12 villages (li) have been guided to successfully register for low-carbon s...
The Climate Change Response Act clearly sets the long-term goal of greenhouse
gases (GHGs) mitigatio...
The main objectives of this project are (1) to integrate and review the overall results of the Natio...
According to the Textile Exchange and international brands’ commitment to
increase the amount of re...
The Pingtung Low Carbon and Sustainable Home project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-car...
In view of the impact of climate change and global warming, the Lienchiang County Environmental Reso...
The "Tainan City’s Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Project in 2023" is divided into five main sections w...
The project aims to support the low carbon and sustainable homeland program, which involves assistin...
To outline a net-zero transition direction for general waste disposal processes and achieve the nati...
Climate change has become a globally recognized issue, bringing many negative impacts to the natural...
The project was based on the “Guidelines for Counties and City-level Greenhouse Gas Inventory Calcul...
The international community acknowledges human-induced greenhouse gas emissions as a primary driver...
The project was to compile and update the emissions of Waste Sector in 2020 and 2021 using the recom...
The Paris Agreement represents the global joint effort to mitigate climate change. In addition, carb...
The United Nations signed the Paris Agreement in 2015 to jointly
curb the trend of global warming. S...
To enhance public awareness of climate change and mobilize the public to participate in low-carbon s...
Low-carbon sustainability is one of the policy core values of the government of Yunlin County. The p...
Climate change is a global environmental issue that demands a joint effort from all nations in the w...
The work of this project can be divided into seven major tasks, including "low-carbon sustainable ho...
To build an international low-carbon city in Hualien County, divide the low-carbon life promotion an...
The Pingtung Low Carbon and Sustainable Home project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-car...
This project first collected the overall carbon reduction strategies, implementation background, and...
The purpose of this project is to setup Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) grid model for simul...
The project has two major goals, which are "1. Promotion the Taiwan offset program(TOP) and counseli...
In order to achieve the 2050 net-zero target. The Government take the lead in transformation, except...
With global warming posing an increasing threat, countries world-wide are placing significant import...
The changes in environmental factors and threats of natural disasters caused by climate change will ...
The “Tainan City Low Carbon Sustainable and Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Adaptation Promotion Progra...
Net-zero emissions have become the foremost priority for countries from a global perspective, leadin...
To encourage the public to phase out petrol scooters and purchase electric scooters, the Environment...
The reality of the scientifically proven climate emergency led to the adoption of the Glasgow Climat...
To build an international low-carbon city in Hualien County, divide the low-carbon life promotion an...
According to the global environmental legal framework of the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement has launche...
The main objective of this project is to assist EPA to promote the greenhouse gas (GHG) Monitoring, ...
According to the global environmental legal framework of the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement has launche...
The action items of the project include to complete the annual reports of the
greenhouse gas contro...
In order to promote county residents' awareness of mitigating global climate change, and to reduce g...
The work of this project can be divided into four major areas of work: "maintaining a low-carbon sus...
The present study develops the draft of the "Guidelines for Integrating Human Rights Considerations ...
In response to the international trend of net zero emission, and for the purpose of accelerating the...
In response to climate change, the Executive Yuan formally passed the renaming of the "Greenhouse Ga...
In order to promote citizens' awareness of mitigating global climate change and reduce greenhouse ga...
Based on the law of “The Autonomous Regulations of Low-Carbon Green City Development" of Taoyuan Cit...
In the face of imminent global extreme weather/climate risks, countries have recently proposed goals...
Climate change is one of the most important issues in the world, it also causes many
problems, such...
The project aims to assess the impact of the income and expenditure of chemical fund tuition fees. A...
The project aims to support the low carbon and sustainable homeland program, which involves assistin...
This project is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration in developing National Adaptat...
Chiayi County cooperates with the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan to promote t...
In response to the global “Net-Zero” commitment raised among the countries, Kaohsiung city has annou...
The implementation period of "Penghu County 2022 Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Promotion ...
The Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan began planning Kinmen’s low-carbon island ...
The implementation period of the "2021 Penghu County Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Promot...
The aim of this project is to assists Department of EnvironmentalProtection New Taipei City Governme...
This study attempts to respond to the positioning of indigenous peoples in the climate era, analyze ...
To raise public awareness of climate change and encourage people to participate in the effort of cre...
The project was to compile and update the emissions of Waste Sector in 2019 using the recommended me...