Climate change is a global challenge requiring comprehensive action to ensure sustainable developmen...
The "113th Chiayi City Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Promotion Plan" consists of three ma...
This project is in line with the government's 2050 Net-Zero policy. The 10th strategic” Net- Zero Li...
Achieving the target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 has become a global policy trend. In Janua...
The goal of the project is to assist Taiwan Ministry of Environment in promoting international colla...
This study is the implementation of the fourth-year plan for the Chemicals Administration, Ministry ...
Since Article 6 of the Paris Agreement's market-based mechanisms and non-market approaches launched ...
The global environmental legal governance framework established by the UN-FCCC and the Paris Agreeme...
Taiwan has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down the Ozone Depleting Substances, avoid trade ...
To address the climate crisis, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and limit global temperature increas...
The project was based on the “Guidelines for Counties and City-level Greenhouse Gas Inventory Calcul...
The New Southbound Policy constitutes the core of Taiwan's foreign economic and trade strategy, stra...
This project is in line with the government's 2050 Net-Zero policy. The 10th strategic” Net Zero Gre...
The project was executed from June 2nd, 2022 to December 15th, 2022. Achievements made in this proje...
“The 2022 International Exchange of Technical Experiences on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Po...
The reality of the scientifically proven climate emergency led to the adoption of the Glasgow Climat...
This project focuses on the stabilization technology of lithium battery recycling and disposal as th...
According to the global environmental legal framework of the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement has launche...
In order to promote county residents' awareness of mitigating global climate change, and to reduce g...
The objectives of this project include: (1) to research and analyze the management policies of waste...
This study is to implement the plan of the third year of the APEC Chemical Dialogue of the Toxic and...
Taiwan has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down the Ozone Depleting Substances, avoid trade ...
The goal of the project is to assist Taiwan EPA in promoting international collaboration in the area...
“2021 Tainan City Promote Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland and Climate Change Adaption Plan” had six ...
The “2021 International Exchange of Technical Experiences on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Po...
Under the current situation of high risk of global climate emergency, to curb global warming, 2050 n...
Under the global environmental legal framework of the UNFCCC, both the Kyoto Protocol and the Doha A...
The transboundary movements of waste around the world have become stricter in recent years: (1) The ...
This study is the 2nd-year study of the APEC Chemical Dialogue (hereinafter called 'CD') for the Tox...
The project includes the publication of Electronic Major Environmental Policies (MEP) Mont...
There are six major tasks in the project, which can be divided into “lowcarbon
sustainable operation...
The Paris Agreement represents mankind’s joint effort to mitigate climate change. In addition, carbo...
Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan and the US Environmental Protection Agency jointly...
With global climate change and energy shortages becoming more and more serious now, the greenhouse e...
In order to strengthen the environmental protection cooperation between Taiwan and Japan, this proje...
The purpose of this project is to assist the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of...
In response to “Chile Madrid Time for Action" for responding to ‘climate emergency,” all stakeholder...
The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) is one of the major modeling tools for the...
The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act), since the entry into force on July 1, 2...
Taiwan has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down the Ozone Depleting Substances, avoid trade ...
For the purpose of international data collection, this project tracked the follow-up changes in the ...
The project aimed to assist EPA to review the sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Action Progra...
Republic of China (Taiwan) has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down chlorofluorocarbons (CFC...
This project aims to outline the organizational structure and operation of Asia-Pacific Economic Coo...
In line with the government’s New Southbound Policy, The Environmental Protection Administration set...
The project includes the publication of Electronic Environmental Policy Monthly
(EPM), Environmental...
This project aims to promote green chemistry development in Taiwan through education, safer alternat...
Taiwan has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down the Ozone Depleting Substances, avoid trade ...
With the delegation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) which promulgated ...
The purposes of this project were to explore future environmental cooperation opportunities between ...
The promotion of various work items promoted by this plan is mainly through the promotion of energy-...
Under the global legal framework on environment for climate actions, both the Kyoto Protocol and the...
The total greenhouse gas emission in Taiwan was 298.658 MtCO2e in 2017, and the transport sector emi...
Four implementation tasks were included in this project, including management regulation assessment,...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Protection Admini...
Now that global climate change and energy shortages are becoming increasingly serious, the greenho...
The purpose of this project is to assist the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of...
The results of this program include:
(1)In response to global trends in waste management and curren...
The current status and development of major ecolabeling programs’ practices for application review, ...
The tasks of this project are assistance to the relevant works of support networking relevant meetin...
In 2018, the Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development (herein referred to as NCS...
The project includes the publication of Electronic Environmental Policy Monthly (EPM), Environmental...
The goal of this project is to evaluate and establish the waste lithium batteries recycling technol...
The aim of this project is to cater for the government’s new southbound policy to strengthen the exp...
The project aimed to assist EPA to review the GHG Reduction Action Plan, and reflect to the progress...
Climate change is accelerating. Severe weather caused by global warming lashes many countries and ca...
This project includes four main work items; the implementation results achieved for each work item a...
Reduction strategies for Greenhouse gases (GHG) is the vigorous tests, an Intergovernmental Panel on...
The long-range transport of regional atmospheric pollutants (eg, acidic contaminants, dust, haze, oz...
The project has conducted Taiwan’s long-term low-carbon scenario forecast in five main regions, incl...
The goal of this project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan (EPAT) of...
In response to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations in 2015, Taiwan...
The project is a continuation of the management of greenhouse gas emission registration and verifica...
Taiwan has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down the Ozone Depleting Substances, avoid trade ...
This project is mainly based on the provisions of Articles 9, 10 and 15 of the Greenhouse Gas Reduct...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Protection Admini...
The world is moving toward implementing the objective of the Agreement with the entry into force of ...
Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C (EPAT) had started implementing the “L...
For 2018 Taitung County Tribe Festival Electricity Saving Promotion Project, two sections of Electri...
In order to achieve a more comprehensive investigation of the distribution of environmental electrom...
The tasks of this project are assistance to the relevant works of support networking relevant meetin...
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient
channels to und...
The Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan (EPA) entrusted the Project: “Reso...
This project aims to assist EPA in examination of noise and diesel vehicle certificates for new vehi...
Since the industrial revolution of the 18th century, people have made significant progress in produc...
The project has collected the domestic and international chemical substance management guidelines an...
In 2017, Premier of the Republic of China, William Lai Ching-te, said at the 30th committee meeting ...
Authorized by The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) promulgated on July 1st 2015...
Under Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Policy, The EPA of Administrative Yuan started the Low Car...
The main purpose of this project is to provide amendment proposals on the Environmental Agents Contr...
This study firstly evaluates the objectives and strategies of United Nations Sustainable Development...
The impact of regional atmospheric pollutants (i.e. acid substances, dust, haze, ozone, etc.) via lo...
The Project on Overseas Development and Exportation of Environmental Protection Engineering Industry
The aim of this project is to cater for the government’s new southbound policy to develop overseas d...
The objective of this project is to use the Long-range Energy Alternative Planning System (LEAP), bu...
This project therefore analyzes the fundamental elements needed for proper market construction based...
This project is designed to assist the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan...
The project mainly focuses on sustaining the management requirement of obeying the “Montreal Protoco...
This project has compiled and improved the Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Waste Sector ...
1.Formulated the proposal of green roof incentives and built green roof models
We formu...
Following the UNFCCC negotiation results, domestic and international policy trends, countries around...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Protection Admini...
Referring to international and national climate change policies, plans and sectoral greenhouse g...
A great number of environmental pollution crimes conducted by Taiwanese corporations during the past...
This project follows classification of IPCC and EPA’s GHG inventory calculation method to...
Under the increasing needs of products’ carbon footprint calculation, the basic ability to calculate...
The project of implementing PAS 2060 and ISO 20121 to “Taichung World Flora Exposition at 2018” has ...
Project of the Authorization and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint Labeling Scheme (The Second year)
The purposes of this project are promoting and authorizing the Carbon Labeling and Carbon Reduction ...
The goal of this project is to maintain the website of "Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database"(http://e...
One of the project’s tasks involves the continuing collection of information regarding the implement...
Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China (EPA) has implemented the bottom-up...
The purposes of this project were to explore future environmental cooperation opportunities between ...
Taiwan has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down the Ozone Depleting Substances to avoid trad...
The greenhouse gases reduction effort could be calculated by using the Mathematical analysis tools a...
Mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant, which is distributed worldwide primarily via atmospheric long-ra...
As an extension of previous projects, this project focused on several perspectives, such as promotin...
This project assisted in the compilation of the 202 climate change actions proposed by all departmen...
The project this year was started from June 2016 and ended in September 2017. During this project ye...
According to the result of IPCC AR5 and the conclusion of COP, the responses to climate change are n...
The content of this project includes four parts. There are three issues in the first part. First, we...
The “Project of International Affairs Administrative and Website Development” provides support to sp...
As seen from the UNFCCC negotiations, domestic and foreign policy trends and global
economy recover...
The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required...
Referring to action plans or sectoral greenhouse gas reduction measures of United Kingdom, Germany, ...
This project, , commissioned by the Office of Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection Admi...
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to unde...
Cities are on the front lines of climate change impacts. One possible solution to address the impac...
This project has compiled and improved the Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Waste Sector...
The purposes of this project are promoting and authorizing the Carbon Labeling and Carbon Reduction ...
One of the project’s tasks involves the collection of information regarding the implementation of do...
In order to successfully develop new market in mainland China, pest control relative services, inclu...
The main goal of this project is to develop an instruction to help decision makers of the city to di...
For responding impacts on Climate Change, the Environmental Protection Administration of Exective Yu...
In recent years,the extreme weather has been continuously aroused natural disasters and damages all ...
This project followed the latest development of international carbon markets, and market mechanism p...
If the model provides the possible effects of policy programs, decision makers can more quickly sele...
The content of this project includes four parts. In the first part, to assist with analysis and revi...
Environmental Service Industry Cross-Strait Communication-the resource recycling and waste clearance
To popularize the related works of resource recycling and waste management in cross-strait, this pro...
The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required ...
The project has two objectives: first, to assess the amount of greenhouse gas reduction potential fo...
In order to promote the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program, Environmental Protection Admini...
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to unde...
The goal of this project is to maintain the website of "Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database"(http:/...
(1)Staying up to date with the latest trend of global development in carbon footprint. Achievements ...
This project by collecting regulatory regimes cum industrial promotion of soil & groundwater and Sed...
While the carbon constraint goes to be a global vision, the global cooperation becomes a main stream...
Taiwan and China are both facing air pollution problems relating to particulate matters and phot...
The industries are dense-located in Taiwan. The influence of industrial area air pollutant emissions...
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the third chapter of the Fifth Assess...
The first part of this project collects the existing literature of GHGs emission trend forecasting a...
Climate change has brought one of the greatest challenges to worldwide decision makers due to its co...
While meeting the contracted objectives in the commissioned project guidelines, the Project represen...
In order to promote public participation in environmental issues, EPA sought advice from internation...
This is the first year of the two-year project. This project categorized into 6 tasks,
This project has brought up an experience exchanging and expanded the cooperative opportunities with...
Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon Kinmen Island - Establishment and Evaluating Implementation
Under Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland national policy, Environmental Protection Administration (...
Environmental Service Industry Cross-Strait Communication-the resource recycling and waste clearance
To popularize the related works of resource recycling and waste management in cross-strait, this pro...
Judging from the progress in the UNFCCC negotiation process as well as domestic and international ec...
While meeting the contracted objectives in the commissioned project guidelines, the Project represen...
This project is conducted on six key aspects as described below. (1) Search the status of internatio...
Carbon markets are currently booming around the world. Many countries are developing domestic carbon...
Following the FEE Eco-Schools standard, this program is to establish US-Taiwan Eco-Campus partnershi...
Saving energy and reducing GHG has become a global trend. Our government also shows an aggressive am...
Because pest management industry is a special technical service which must be approved by government...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Protection Admini...
Under the trend that product carbon footprint calculation is increasingly required, product carbon d...
Product carbon disclosure has become an important and inevitable measure for businesses to declare t...
(1)Grasped the International trend of product carbon footprints. Visited foreign carbon labeling pro...
The project completed the following tasks: (1) the environmental impact analysis and regulatory mana...
The purpose of this project is to, by drawing on Denmark’s experience in water resource management, ...
Most countries has realized the impact of climate change and global warming, reducing greenhouse gas...
The project has assisted the government in establishing the official administrative system and provi...
In order to be able to destroy the excess of the ODS, ODS reduce the release into the atmosphere. Wi...
According to the 5th Assessment Report recently released by the Intergovernmental Panel on ...
The world currently faces a climate crisis that dwarfs the recent fiscal crisis from which we are ...
This project, cooperating with Low-Carbon City Promotion Office of Taichung City promoting the low...
Enacting Consumption Reduction Strategy for Ozone Depleting Substances Controlled by Montreal Protoc
This is the second year project of the two-year program. This project categorized into 6 tasks,
By collecting the related information of climate change strategies in Mainland China and holding “Th...
Climate Change has endangered all species on earth, thus causing the attention of the international ...
The first part of this project collects the existing literature of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission ...
Global sustainable development is not only to consider the reduction of greenhouse gases, but also c...
The report of IPCC pointed out that it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities are the m...
The project work is divided into two major areas of content, should promote carbon capture and seque...
There are seven main tasks in this project, including(1) assisting Tainan City Government to develop...
This project was implemented in according to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-rel...
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to unde...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental
Protection Admin...
This project by collecting regulatory regimes cum industrial promotion of soil
and groundwater envi...
Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland - Establishment and Ranking Evalua
Promoting low-carbon and sustainable development has become a global trend. In order to ensure that ...
102 years of the program since April 19 contract executed 102 years until November 15 , the executiv...
Southeast Asia is a major source region of biomass burning emissions. Moreover, economy is booming i...
Promotion of environmental services on the development of technology exchange and environmental sust
This project continues to promote the exchange on environmental services and sustainable through col...
The environmental analysis businesses are mostly occupied by government environmental monitoring sta...
Integrated energy supply system such as synthesis gas fuel can use as the power generation and distr...
2013 Taiwan-Germany Low Carbon Cities Forum-“Buildings in the Low-Carbon Smart City Concepts & Techn
As cities remain an imperative for future sustainability efforts, we hope to continue the efforts fr...
Assessment of residential and commercial buildings Energy conservation and CO2 mitigation effect pro
In the international trend of energy saving and carbon reduction, our government also shown a determ...
1.GHG Inventory and Carbon Footprint of Commercial Products
(1)Results of GHG Inventory
GHG invent...
The first part of this project analyzes the demand, supply, and possible market price of domestic re...
The Plan of Protection of Public Action in Adaptation to the Climate Change with Energy Saving and C
The mitigation and adaptation are two primary actions in response to the threat of climate change. A...
Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Management Scheme for Measurement, Reporting and Verificati
On December 31, 2012, the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period will expire. While country membe...
Establishment of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas reduction management and carbon capture and stora
The execution content of this project can be divided into five major tasks respectively: (i) formula...
Strategy development project on expanding voluntary GHG Reduction implementation and crediting effor
The 17th Conferences of the Parties (COP) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (...
This is the first year project of the two-year program. This project categorized into 6 tasks,
This project was implemented in according to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-rel...
International trend of environmental protection in recent years has grown from a regional expansion ...
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to unde...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental
Protection Admin...
Establishment of China-Taiwan Colleboration on water environment change and water quality management
This project reviewed and evaluated the water environmental management and water quality protection ...
2012 Cross-Strait Conference on Regulatory System and Industrial Outreach of Soil and Groundwater En
This project successfully accomplished two cross-strait conferences, in which ample opportunity was ...
The global Low Carbon Cities movement is sprouting rapidly, and Taiwan should not be left out of thi...
Among global green mark certification schemes, EPEAT adopted by US government demanding 95 % product...
The population on Earth has now exceeded 6 billion and 40 –
60% of that live within 100 km of the c...
Based on and following the structure of the Bali Action Plan last year, the Cancun
Agreements provi...
The living environment has inevitably transferred to sustainable development in the global trend. Th...
Project Achievement Abstract
The project consists of six main parts as presented below:
1. Compil...
This project, commissioned by the National Taiwan Normal University, has been implemented by the wor...
The major purpose of the project compiling "low-carbon living teaching guide" is for the public, sch...
The objectives of this project are to assist Taiwan EPA in continuing to promote ENERGY STAR Program...
The following tasks were completed under the project:
1.Performed maintenance on the Cooler platfor...
Establishment of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas reduction management systems and reduction techno
This plan is to assist the Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter referred to as EPA) to perf...
The project follows the international trends of measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) greenhou...
In continuation of the conclusion of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, the COP 15 in Copenhagen las...
This is the second year project of the two-year program. This project categorized into 6 tasks,
A Cross-Strait cooperative mechanism should be developed with no delay while many countries are ...
The project for Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Management Scheme (...
The four major achievements of this project conclude as follows:
1. The 2nd International Conferenc...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental
Protection Admin...
International Exchange and Cooperation Project of Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwa
The project includes to conduct (1) 2 business meetings to be held on June 13, 2011 and November 2...
This project was implemented in according to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-rel...
Every government hope to protect environments and economy still grows. How to sustainable growth is ...
Through the exchange and sharing opportunities provided by these events we hope to advance mutual mu...
The objective of the project is to help Tainan City Government to integrate the energy saving and lo...
Project of application potential assessment of heat-power system and renewable energy to create a lo
This project team collect and analyze domestic and oversea about technologies development, applicati...
1. Enhance the "Ecolife" of carbon reduction performance results
We help to enhance the "Ecolife" o...
The project has met the requirements by the EPA in following aspects:climate change regulation, inte...
The promotion of low-carbon and energy-saving campaign was conducted from October 22, 2010 to April ...
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to unde...
Climate change due to Global warming has became an important issue worldwide. In 2009, the 15th Conf...
The Eco-labeling is an international activity which has been looked upon as an economic instrument b...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental
Protection Admin...
The main purpose of this national telephone survey is to measure people’s awareness and attitude...
The Climate Change Talks and Negotiations are been deployed urgently around the world. How to develo...
The trend of reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions has become an important task of the curren...
This project was implemented in response to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-rela...
This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Protection Admini...
The Eco-labeling is an international activity which has been looked upon as an economic instrument b...
This project was authorized to act for the Office of Sustainable Development of the EPA. It is desig...
The Eco-labeling is an international activity which has been looked upon as an economic instrument b...
Nowadays, international environmental policies and
regulations are getting diverse and stricter, ha...
International environmental policies and regulations are becoming increasingly stricter and more div...
This research mainly includes the analysis of international competitiveness of Taiwan’s environmenta...
According to the contents of the contract signed, the work of the project are divided into three par...
We focused on organizing important achievements in developing marine resource conservation policy in...
The Marine Resource Conservation Working Group(MRC WG) of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) b...
The study areas of this project includes nomenclature, methodologies for risk assessment, the exchan...
Faced with an increasing potential of conflicts between free trade and environmental protection, the...
Nowadays, international environmental regulations are getting diverse and stricter, having a direct ...
The Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRC WG) of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ...
The Marine Resource Conservation Working Group(MRC WG) of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) b...
The main purposes of the project are to assist the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to ...
Nowadays, international environmental regulations are getting diverse and stricter, having a direct ...
The project aims to explore the agenda governed by the CTE, in which our country proves to have stro...
Taiwan’s application to WTO (World Trade Organization) General Council was approved on Nov. 11, 2001...
Gathering information about the international environmental protection dynamics will therefore help ...
“ Environmental Forensics ” makes use of the scientific methods and techniques to judge and identify...