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This project conducts audits on various measurement operations of accredited inspection laboratories...
0 113 Motor vehicles pollution testing organization review plan 2024
This project contract ran from April 10, 2020 to December 15, 2020. During the period, a total of 19...
0 113 113 - year "Pingtung County Motor Vehicle Exhaust Pipe Pollution Management Plan"
To effectively control diesel vehicle emissions in Chiayi City, this plan involves roadside inspecti...
0 113 2024 Chiayi City Diesel Vehicle Inspection, Pollution Control Enforcement, and Motor Vehicle Noise Management Plan
The implementation period of this project is from April 10, 2024 to December 15, 2024. As of October...
0 113 2024 Taichung City Vehicle Pollution Improvement and Integration Plan
0 112 Project on implementation of emissions certificate of conformity for new diesel engine vehicles, motor vehicle noise compliance certification and in-service conformity testing and inspections of diesel vehicle of 2023.
Summary of the Evaluation (1)Implementation of Monitoring of General Environmental Noise Levels and ...
0 112 112 Tainan City Noise Monitoring and Motor Vehicle Exhaust Pipe Sound Identification Control Plan
The 112 Taitung County Air Pollution and Other Complaints Rapid Investigation and Control Plan (here...
0 112 112 Taitung County air pollution and other complaints cases rapid investigation and control plan
According to the contract specification work items and content, and in compliance with your bureau's...
0 112 112th Hualien County Construction Project and Noise Audit Control Plan
This project assists the Ministry of Environment in conducting control-related actions on vehicle no...
0 112 The project for strengthening noise control measures and construction noise improvement.
In the petition cases in recent years, many of them are caused by the refitting of automobiles and l...
0 112 2023 Research Project on Improvement of Noise Prevention and Technology Enforcement in Ground Transportation System
This project conducts audits on various measurement operations of accredited inspection laboratories...
0 112 Motor vehicles pollution testing organization review plan 2023
0 112 2023 Annual Chiayi City Pollution Prevention and Control Public Complaint Case Handling, Non-Agricultural Land Environmental Weed Management and Air Pollution Nighttime Audit Plan
This project is based on the maturity of environmental sensing devices in recent applications, such ...
0 112 The Deployment of Secondary Noise Meter Monitoring Network Project-Development of Secondary Noise Monitoring Equipment (2/2)
To effectively control the air pollution of diesel vehicles in Chiayi City, the roadside stop-and-in...
0 112 2023 Chiayi City Diesel Vehicle Air Pollution Control and Idling Motor Vehicle Park and Stop audit plan
This plan uses technological sensors to carry out scientific and technological law enforcement. Thro...
0 111 Technology and sensor audit integration plan of Taichung City
Summary of the Evaluation (1) Implementation of Monitoring of General Environmental Noise Levels and...
0 111 2022 Tainan City Noise Monitoring and Motor Vehicle Exhaust Pipe Sound Recognition Control Plan
The annual quantitative goals have all reached more than 100% in accordance with the contract, and t...
0 111 2022 Hsinchu City Science and Technology Sensor Inspection Integration Plan
According to the contract to standardize the work items and content, cooperate with the requirements...
0 111 111 Hualien County Construction Projects and Noise Inspection and Control Plan
一、 Air and ground transportation In terms of aircraft noise, completed suggestion and revision of re...
0 111 2022 Research and Management Program on Noise Control Technologies for Air and Ground Transportation
0 111 The project for noise control of in-use vehicle and construction and improve the quality management of the inspection of noise complaint and petition cases
The urban area in Taiwan is complex and small, the residential complex mixed commercial area that ca...
0 111 The Deployment of Secondary Noise Meter Monitoring Network Project - Development of Secondary Noise Monitoring Equipment (1/2)
0 111 2022 Jiayi City Diesel Vehicle Air Pollution Control, Idling Stop Inspection, and Sampling & testing Station Equipment Renewal Project Abstract
0 111 The Expansion Project of Environmental Public Nuisance of Pollution Prevention with Nighttime Inspection and Supervision for Air Pollution Petitioning Cases and Weeds Management of Non-Agricultural L
The plan was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emission...
0 111 Motor vehicles pollution testing organization review plan 2022
1. Project Title: Noise Monitoring and Noise Recognition and Control of Motor Vehicles Exhaust Pipes...
0 110 Noise Monitoring and Noise Recognition and Control of Motor Vehicles Exhaust Pipes in Tainan City, 2021
To effectively reduce the air pollution problems caused by construction, the Environmental Protectio...
0 110 2021 Chiayi fugitive emission sources audit control plan- final report
This project has been executed since Jan.,2021, including motor 2 vehicle noise control, traffic no...
0 110 Taichung City: Noise Pollution Inspection on Public sentiment and Control Plan for 2021
0 110 Project on implementing type approval of diesel vehicle emission and motor vehicle noise, production conformity check, in-used diesel vehicle recall investigation and on-road test
1.To establish a demonstrative environmental protection rating mechanism on aircraft noise in our co...
0 110 2021 Traffic Noise and Green Energy-saving Noise Abatement Technology Survey
According to the contract to standardize the work items and content, and in line with the requiremen...
0 110 110 Hualien County Construction Projects and Noise Inspection and Control Plan
This project assists the EPA in controlling noise from vehicles in use, including the inspection and...
0 110 The project for noise control of in-use vehicle and construction.
As diesel engine has high output horsepower, it consumes relatively less fuel comparing with petrol ...
0 110 Chiayi City Diesel Vehicle Air Pollution Control and Idling Motor Vehicle Park and Stop audit plan in 2021
The "110 Hualien County Electric Locomotive Promotion and Installation Plan" will be implemented fro...
0 110 Hualien electric locomotive promotion and installation plan in 110
The plan was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emission...
0 110 Motor vehicles pollution testing organization review plan 2021
This project has been executed since Jan., 2020 , including motor vehicle noise control, traffic noi...
0 109 Taichung City: Noise Pollution Inspection on Public sentiment and Control Plan for 2020
Project Results Summary of Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan City Government 1. Project Title...
0 109 Noise Monitoring and Management 2020 in Tainan City
According to the contract specification work items and content, in accordance with the requirements ...
0 109 109 Hualien County Construction Project and Noise Audit Control Plan
Our company has completed various work contents of this project in conformity with the contractual r...
0 109 Traffic Noise and Aircraft Noise Control Project
An EU Environmental Noise Directive has defined the “quiet zone” and required EU member states to im...
0 109 Smart Noise System Applied to Environmental Sensing IoT
This project reviewed the content of noise control regulations and established principles or specifi...
0 109 The project for controlling construction noise and advancing prevention technology of construction noise.
With the rapid population growth in various regions of Taiwan, all metropolitan areas are growing ra...
0 109 109 Taitung County Construction Project Pollution Control and Electronic e-System Installation Plan
As diesel engine has high output horsepower, it consumes relatively less fuel comparing with petrol ...
0 109 Chiayi City Diesel Vehicle Air Pollution Control and Idling Motor Vehicle Park and Stop audit plan in 2020
This project completed the measurement and evaluation of electromagnetic field levels in specific ar...
0 109 Research on Non-ionizing Radiation Management and Environmental Monitoring Empirical Technology
This study analyzed the measurement results of previous years with different weighting methods and d...
0 109 The study on control of periodical noise, intermittent noise, low frequency noise and vibration
The plan was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emission...
0 109 Motor vehicles pollution testing organization review plan 2020
This project was mainly to assist the EPA to grasp the results of vehicle noise inspections in vario...
0 109 The project for reporting、joint inspection and control exhaust pipe certification of vehicle noise.
This project implements motor vehicle noise and diesel vehicle emission inspection and management po...
0 109 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to diesel vehicle and noise and quality consistency check project
This plan investigated and explained the changes of noise complaint cases for the past 5 years, such...
0 108 The project of low frequency noise control.
This project has been executed since Jan.,2019, including motor vehicle noise control, traffic noise...
0 108 Noise Pollution Inspection on Public sentiment and Control Plan for 2019
Due to thee high population and building density, heavy traffic flow and the residential-commercial ...
0 108 2019 Taipei City Noise Control Project
0 108 Efficiency Evaluation Plan on the Reduction of Air Pollution, Carbon, and Noise by Applying Modified Solar Panels to the Transportation System
According to the standard work items and contents of the contract, and in accordance with the requir...
0 108 108 Hualien County Construction Project and Noise Audit Control Plan
The dust pollution problem caused by construction site is generally existed in crowded urban area an...
0 108 2019 ChiaYi City fugitive emission sources audit control plan
0 108 Plan for Demonstration and Positive Effect of Noise Management and Controlled Acoustic Ventilation Windows on Environmental & Traffic Noises in the Vicinity of Airports
The study analyzed the reports of vibration in the past three years, and the results showed that the...
0 108 The Study of Environmental Vibration Improvement Measures
This plan analyzed the noise complaint cases in recent years, and compared social and economic facto...
0 108 The project for analyzing noise monitoring data and noise control plan.
Plan and implement the establishment of an electromagnetic wave area monitoring system and measureme...
0 108 Research on RF Non-Ionizing Radiation Regional Environmental Monitoring
This project implements motor vehicle noise and diesel vehicle emission inspection and management ...
0 108 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise and diesel vehicle and quality consistency check project
This project assisted the EPA in operating the in-use vehicles noise reporting website system, and t...
0 108 The project for joint inspection、exhaust pipe certification and control of vehicle noise.
The project was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emiss...
0 108 Motor vehicles emission testing institutions checking project of 2019
The main work of this project focused on the noise pollution include: 1) to complete general regiona...
0 107 2018 Noise monitoring and management plan in Tainan city
In recent years, the government has been dedicated to the development of green industry (including r...
0 107 Development of underwater noise investigation technology for offshore wind power facilities.
According to the contract standard work items and contents, in accordance with the requirements of y...
0 107 107 Hualien County Construction Project and Noise Inspection Control Plan
In this study, the relating environmental vibration control law or guideline of foreign countries wa...
0 107 The Study of Environmental Vibration Improvement Measures
In order to achieve a more comprehensive investigation of the distribution of environmental electrom...
0 107 Construction of regional non-ionizing radiation monitoring data and information management project
The noise is one of the major cases environmental pollutions. The number of noise complaint were app...
0 107 The project of strengthen repeatedly noise cases complaint inspection and low frequency noise control
Among the petitions submitted in recent years, many have been complaining against the big noise made...
0 107 Research on Noise Control and Assessment with Detection Camera System Applied to In-use Motor Vehicles
This project aims to assist EPA in examination of noise and diesel vehicle certificates for new vehi...
0 107 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise and diesel vehicle and quality consistency check project.
This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicles noise reporting website sy...
0 107 The project for inspection、reporting and control of vehicle noise
The project was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emiss...
0 107 Motor vehicles emission testing institutions checking project of 2018
This project aims to assist EPA in examination of noise certificates for new vehicle types and all a...
0 107 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise and quality consistency check project.
According to the contractual norms work items and contents, in accordance with the requirements of y...
0 106 106 Hualien County construction inspection cum noise control, general noise delineation program
In order to promote the enhancement of indoor acoustic quality in public places, the Environmental P...
0 106 Research Project on Operating Procedures for Indoor Noise Monitoring and Verification of Measurement Regulations
This project aims to assist EPA in examination of noise certificates for new vehicle types and all a...
0 106 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and the vehicles noise control project.
In order to fulfill the environment protection affairs, to establish the background information, and...
0 106 The Study of Characteristics and Control of Environmental Vibration Source
This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicles noise reporting website sy...
0 106 The control measure of noise reporting、inspection and performance.
In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of long-term monitoring data, this plan conducts res...
0 106 Research on the measurement of low-frequency non-ionizing radiation and the calibration of monitoring equipment
This project aims to understand the related laws and regulations, as well as the management practice...
0 106 Aviation Noise Control Project
This project was commissioned by the National Institute of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Pro...
0 106 Quality monitoring for Motor Vehicle Air Pollution and Noise Emission Testing Organizations.
Because of the high population density occupying the numerous buildings scattered across New Taipei ...
0 105 The vehicles noise control project
This project has been started on August 26, 2016. The project scope included operation, maintenance ...
0 105 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Plan in year 2016
0 105 TBD
This project focused on the noise pollution is principally categorized into nine parts: 1) to comple...
0 105 2016 Noise monitoring and management plan in Tainan city
In Taipei City, because the population and building density is very high, and various business activ...
0 105 2016 Taipei City Noise Control Project
“The Project of Air Pollution Petitions Inspecting control of Changhua County in 2016” had begun fro...
0 105 The Project of Air Pollution Petitions Inspecting Control of Changhua County in 2016
Defects are commonly seen in the operation of the aviation noise monitoring stations and control (mo...
0 105 Aviation Noise Control Project
The corrective loop of sound perception (aka frequency-weighting) specified in current noise control...
0 105 Research Project for Study on Low-frequency Noise Indicators and Measurement Techniques for Aircraft Noise Control Zone Delimitation
The environmental vibration is a part of environmental protection goal in Taiwan. The EPA put in ma...
0 105 Investigation of Environment Low-frequency Noise and Vibration and Research Project for Improvement Measures.
This project aims to assist EPA in examination of noise certificates for new vehicle types and all a...
0 105 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and the vehicles noise control project.
This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicles noise reporting website sy...
0 105 The control measure of noise reporting、inspection and performance
This project has been started on August 20, 2015. The project scope included operation, maintenance ...
0 104 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Plan in year 2015
The number of people affected by noise and vibration are increased by the days, and the quality of l...
0 104 Investigation of environmental low-frequency noise and vibration and research projet for improvement measures.
Through the implementation of this project, it is hoped to understand the current situation and tren...
0 104 Noise behaviors and Aviation Noise Control Project
Because of the urban development, traffic are getting more congested. And in order to mitigate the ...
0 104 A project for traffic noise control
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Mana...
0 104 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicle noise reporting website sys...
0 104 The control strategy of the in-use vehicle noise
This project was commissioned by the National Institute of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Pro...
0 104 Checking on motor vehicles emission testing institutions 2015
The main work items of this project included: assist EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) t...
0 104 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and the
0 103 2014~2015 Inspection and Management Plan of Vehicles Emission Inspection Station
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Mana...
0 103 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
Soundproof efficiency and regulations of façade openings on buildings adjacent to transportation sys...
0 103 A Study on Soundproof Efficiency and Regulations of Buildings Adjacent to Transportation Systems
As urban developments are getting better everyday, so are transportation systems that are getting mo...
0 103 A project for traffic noise control
Because the building desity is getting higher, the activities in the neighborhood causes low frequen...
0 103 Investigation of neiborhood low-frequency noise and vibration and research projet for improvement me
Based on the domestic conditions of Taiwan, this project aims to investigate and analyse the impacts...
0 103 Project of Investigation of Light Pollution Impacts on Human Perception and Cognitions
This project focused on the test procedure of in-use vehicle noise control (for motorcycle). If the ...
0 103 The research for the stationary noise technique of in-use vehicle
1. To collect the framework information of foreign long-term noise monitoring system. 2. To propose...
0 103 The study of environmental noise quality analysis
Summary of Project Achievements(Brief Version) Diesel engines are extensively used in passenger and...
0 103 Diesel Air Pollution Control and Inspection Program in Chiayi City ,2014
For the purpose of balancing long term development interest and the environmental protection issues,...
0 103 The study of the reviewing process of the noise and vibration issues of development projects
The purposes of this project include: 1) counsel and assist the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB...
0 103 Noise behaviors and Aviation Noise Control Project
The noise complaint is one of the major public environmental pollutions. The number of noise complai...
0 103 The project of neighborhood noise control and repeatedly petitioned cases counseling and improvement
This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicles noise reporting website sy...
0 103 Control measures for in-using motor vehicle’s noise and for prone to noise emission facilities
The program starts from 3/8/2013. The planned contents of tasks include maintaining the normal opera...
0 102 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Plan in year 2013
“2013 Taichung City motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project” had begun from Feb.-0...
0 102 2013 Taichung City Motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project.
Project name: 2013 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control and Turn off Idling Engines Promoti...
0 102 2013 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control and Turn off Idling Engines Promotion Project
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Mana...
0 102 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control
The main work items of this project included: assist EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) t...
0 102 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and th
Objectives of this project are based on the domestic conditions of Taiwan to investigate and to anal...
0 102 Investigation of Light Pollution Impacts on Human Perception and Cognitions
This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicles noise reporting website sy...
0 102 The Control Measure of In-use Vehicle Noise
The impacts of light pollution become increasingly serious to people in Taiwan and the petition case...
0 102 Light pollution control project
The purpose of this research project is first to collect the literature on the anti-noise measures t...
0 102 Project for traffic noise control and improving noise abatement projects
For the in-use motor vehicle noise control, the inspector needs to perform roadside noise test in th...
0 102 In-use vehicle noise control, Stationary noise test, Sound enclosure cabinet
Since there is still much room for improvement regarding the performance of aviation noise monitorin...
0 102 Noise behaviors and Aviation Noise Control Project
(一)Collection and analysis for facilities (include openings of exterior wall in buildings ) and regu...
0 102 The Study of Facilities and Regulations of Sound Insulation in Buildings of Nearby Transportation Sy
Traffic noise is one of the environmental problems derived from urbanization which has caused signif...
0 102 Investigation of noise annoyance and evaluation of the effects of noise on health.
Combined with the cases of previous study, 92 controls and 48 self-reported EMF sensitivity were enr...
0 102 Non-Ionizing Radiation experience and exposure assessment and long- term environmental monitoring re
The goal of this project was a focus on measurement and analysis of non-ionizing radiation emission ...
0 102 Non-Ionizing Radiation Management Plan
0 101 Stationary pollution sources, Chiayi County 101 year continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) function to check and discharge piping inspection project.
The project provides counseling services of noise control technology by telephone, manufactures the ...
0 101 Taipei City Noise Control Program Year 2012
Kaohsiung diesel power station maintenance and management plans were an operation and maintenance of...
0 101 101 year and 102 year diesel car power station maintenance management plan
The impact of light pollution on people is become increasingly serious, petition cases also increase...
0 101 Light pollution control strategic planning and build
People are subject to the effects of light pollution is become increasingly serious, petition cases ...
0 101 New physical public nuisance survey and study
Diesel engines are extensively used in passenger and cargo transportation vehicles and military and ...
0 101 2012 Chiayi City Diesel-Fueled Vehicles air pollution control project & audit plan
In recent years, freeway and expressway construction projects in our country often adopt elevated en...
0 101 Research Project on Noise Control Solutions and Improvement Measures for Land Transportation System
In Taiwan, the Noise Control Act was amended in 2008 to include new regulations governing ground tra...
0 101 Performance enhancement on traffic noise control and reduction measures
The goal of this project was focused on the measurement and analysis of non-ionization radiation emi...
0 101 Non-ionizing radiation - emission source selected and the advocacy of the National Geographic Inform
The main work items of this project included: assist EPA (Environmental Protection Administration)...
0 101 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and the
While various countries are continually endeavoring to make improvements in aviation noise control a...
0 101 “Aviation Noise Control” Project
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Mana...
0 101 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
This plan is to complete the operation and public pleads in the noise monitoring of Tainan City appl...
0 100 The review plan of Tainan City noise monitoring and aviation noise control area in year 2011
Since the noise regulation of land-based transportation takes effect, all the noise complaints that ...
0 100 The check of the theoretical noise models for noise abatement plan of ground transportation systems
The noise complaint was one of the major public environmental pollution, the number of noise complai...
0 100 The project of analysis, examination and of treatment of noise complaint cases
This study collected and reviewed the measurement results of traffic and environmental noise from en...
0 100 The study of traffic and environmental noise control and improvable measures
The light pollution phenomenon becomes more obvious due to the increasing of installed lighting faci...
0 100 New physical public nuisance survey and study
The monitoring measurement and control of traffic noise and vibration (NV) is one important work to ...
0 100 Monitoring Measurements of Noise and Vibration of Ground and Aviation Transportation System
The objectives of this project include: to collect analyze the latest international information on n...
0 100 The Impact of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) on the Environment Project
In recent years, overpass projects have been frequently seen in the construction of freeways and exp...
0 100 Study of control methods and improvement measures on low frequency noise produced by land transporta
Diesel engines are widely used in passenger/cargo transportation and military and construction appli...
0 100 2011 Chiayi City Diesel-Fueled Vehicles air pollution control project & audit plan
1.Plan Name:Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2011. 2. PlanTime:The project d...
0 100 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2011
The main work items of this project included: assist EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) t...
0 100 Implementation of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and
This project assisted the EPA to operate and update the in-use vehicles noise reporting website for ...
0 100 Control measures for in-using motor vehicle’s noise and for prone to noise emission facilities
This plan is to complete the operation and public pleads in the noise monitoring of Tainan City appl...
0 099 Tainan City noise monitoring plan
The Noise Control Act demands the Tainan Special Municipality Government to delimit the noise contro...
0 099 The Review of The Delimitation of Noise Control Zones under the Tainan Special Municipality Government in Republic Year 99.
The mission for this project is including inspect stationary source of pollutants from odor emitted;...
0 099 The environmental monitoring and administer of 99 year
This plan is to complete the operation and public pleads in the noise monitoring of Tainan City appl...
0 098 98 Tainan City noise monitoring plan
This project is executed from March 20, 2009 to March 19, 2010 and was budgeted 7,930 thousand New T...
0 098 2009 Air Quality Operating and Maintaining Stations, Visibility Investigation and Indoor Air Quality Management Project
This plan, according to the goal of the plan and demand for the working project, the groundwork cont...
0 098 2009 Taoyuan area Air noise monitoring, analysis and promotion
Penghu 『2009 The air quality management development plan』 and 『2009 The control project of escape po...
0 098 2009 Air quality management development plan、Control project of escape pollution source and dinging industry
This project was implemented from Mar. 7, 2008 to Mar. 6, 2009. All the tasks defined in the contrac...
0 097 2008Taichung County Environmental Quality Monitoring Station Operation Project
This plan, according to the goal of the plan and demand for the working project, the groundwork cont...
0 097 2008 Taoyuan area Air noise monitoring, analysis and promotion planned
This is a two-year research project which is sponsored by Environmental Protection Administration, d...
0 096 Research and Analysis of Public Nuisance Dispute Problem for Noise &Vibration of Mass Transportation including High Speed Rail etc.
The main purpose of this project is to review and make necessary addition or revision to the content...
0 096 Project Planning for Addition or Revision to Technical Specifications for Noise and Vibration Assessment Models
For improving Taoyuan County's environmental quality, the "Best Environment Co. Ltd." provides the s...
0 095 The Environmental Noise Monitoring Project in Taoyuan County of 2006
Contract regulation of the basis '2004 The Queiren Heliport Noise Control Zone Planning Project.' (h...
0 093 2004 Queiren Heliport Noise Control Zone Planning Project
Established the database most complained noise sources and their noise control measures among entert...
0 093 Assistance and Inspection of Noise complaint Case and Noise Source for Taipei City(2004)
The purpose of this project is to assist and monitor the contracted operation of Kuan-Yin Auto Shred...
0 093 Kuan-Yin ELV Shredding Plant Operation Monitoring and ELV Recycling System Reviewing Project
I.environmental noise measurement This plan carry out the test of environmental noise for all towns...
0 092 Enhance implementation redelineation of each class of noise control zone in Tainan county
