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This project aims to develop the Diagnostic Module System of the "Searching, Assessment, and Screeni...
0 113 Development of a Green Chemical Substitution Diagnostic Module and Decision Support Plan (2/4)
The Carbon Reporting function of the Customized Greenhouse Gas Inventory Plat form for waste clearan...
0 113 Carbon Management Project for Regulated Recyclable Waste Recycl ing and Disposal Enterpr ises (Second Year).
The National Environmental Research Institute has conducted an invento-ry and collection of environm...
0 113 Green Industry and Big Data Information System Development Plan(2/4)
This project continues from the 2023 'Establishment of Toxicity Prediction Technology for Green Cons...
0 113 Establishment of Green Consumer Chemical Toxicity Prediction Technology (2/4)
Many industries generate large amounts of heavy metal-containing wastewater during their processes, ...
0 113 Research and Development of Water Body Heavy Metal Detection Technology in the Industrial Transformation Process (2/4)
0 113 Establishing Biological Indicators for the Environmental Risk Assessment under Zero-Emission Policy-Identification of Phytoplankton and Algae with Artificial Intelligence Recognition Technique
On-site sampling work procedures are complicated, the site is often inconsistent and dangerous, and ...
0 113 Research Project on Verification of Interactive Virtual Reality Technology Path(2/4)
As global climate change concerns continue to gain prominence, our project has successfully ac...
0 113 Sustainable Carbon Management Guidance Plan for the Resource Recycling Industry
13 Niándù táidōng xiàn huánjìng wūrǎn jiǎnyàn liàng néng tíshēng jí zhìhuì kējì zhífǎ guǎnzhì jì huà...
0 113 113 Niándù tái dōng xiàn huánjìng wūrǎn jīchá liàng néng tíshēng jí zhìhuì kējì zhífǎ guǎnzhì jì huà
According to 2022 data from the Ministry of Environment, domestic industries generate approximately ...
0 113 Technology Development of Chemical Recycling for Plastics and Material Modification Project (Year 2)
In response to the Global Plastics Treaty being finalized by the end of 2024, it will end the pollut...
0 113 Project for the Development of an Automatic and Smart Sorting Technology Platform for Waste Plastics Recycling
Facing the increasingly stringent ammonia nitrogen wastewater discharge standards, there has been a ...
0 113 The 113th Year Demonstration and Promotion of Ammonia Nitrogen Resource Recovery Technology in Wastewater
Taiwan's net-zero carbon emissions target has been planned in alignment with pathways outlined by th...
0 113 Study on the Enhancement of Electrochemical Carbon Reduction Technology
Based on international experiences, achieving the goal of replacing experimental animal testing requ...
0 113 Project for Evaluating the Integration of Alternative Testing Methods for Assessments of Chemicals
This plan is for the expansion and maintenance of the "Environmental Protection Business Customs Cle...
0 113 112-113 year Environmental review documents Business clearance check on system function expansion and maintenance
This plan aligns with Taiwan's Open Government National Action Plan to promote the commitment to "di...
0 112 112-113 Open Government Information Service Development and System Maintenance Management Plan
The work items of this project include analyzing international lifestyle carbon footprint calculatio...
0 112 112 Net Zero Green Living Transformation Model Construction Project
In order to effectively implement and promote the specific actions of net-zero green living, the Min...
0 112 2023 Central Region Net-Zero Green Living Local Innovation and Transition Promotion Project
The aim of this project is mainly focused on promoting local innovation for net zero green l...
0 112 2023 North of Taiwan Net-Zero Green Life Local Innovation and Transformation Promotion Project
To promote local innovation net zero green lifestyle transformation, in terms of promoting green din...
0 112 2023 Southern District Net Zero Green Lifestyle Local Innovation and Transformation Promotion Project Work Plan.
It was about 150 thousand tons/year of waste tire were generated in Taiwan. The bulk of the waste ti...
0 112 Technology development of raw rubber compounds blending with the devulcanized waste tire rubber for bicycle tires application
This program aggregates the carbon management results of the recycling industry (410 notifications o...
0 112 Resource Circularity and Low-Carbon Manufacturing Processes Development and Certification Technology Program (The First Year)
0 112 Developing advanced recycling technologies for spent lithium batteries and building a domestic self-sustaining circular industry ecosystem (Year 1)
The semiconductor industry in our country holds a global market share of 60% in production capacity....
0 112 Chemical Resource Valorization and Circular Utilization Technology Program
The government has already managed data related to some domestic metals, chemicals, and waste resour...
0 112 Metals and Chemicals Recycling Information Platform and Carbon Reduction Benefit Assessment Project
Fiber-reinforced composite materials, due to their good mechanical performance, high fiber strength,...
0 112 Low-Carbon Recycling Innovation Projects for Glass Fiber Composites
This project, themed around the life cycle of plastics, starts with the collection of domestic and f...
0 112 The Project of Plastic Resources Material Flow Analysis and Management(1st year)
It's worth noting that over one million tons of food processing waste (FPW) are produced yearly in T...
0 112 Development technologies of waste reduction and recycling in food industry plan
This project is divided into three key objectives: "Compilation of Domestic and International Trends...
0 112 Converting Digestate Fiber into Feed: Technology Development and Demonstration Site Establishment Project
LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting sources are more environmentally friendly and energy saving comp...
0 112 Development project of Recycling technology and Resource circular industrial chain of Waste lighting source
According to “the project of white paper for circular technology and development for circular scienc...
0 112 Project of circular information platform and benefit evaluation for inorganic recycled materials
To achieve resource recycling and sustainability, and to create an eco-friendly society with zero wa...
0 112 Project for the Construction Material Recycling Technology
Our country has limited resources. With the improvement of policies and regulations on the disposal ...
0 112 Industrial Inorganic Resource Circulation Utilization Technology Project
Under the circular economic initiative, countries are proposing plastic-limitation policies, and int...
0 112 Smart sorting and Intelligent Recycling Technology Platform for Waste Plastics
This project has completed three main goals: First, we established atlas of zooplankton with microsc...
0 112 Establishment of environmental risk assessment with bioindicator in net-zero policy- Zooplankton
0 112 2023 The Project for Integrating the Capacity of Alternatives to Animal Testing and Supporting Development of New Alternative Methods for Chemical Safety Assessment
The goal of this project is to develop standard compounds for organic chemical synthesis of polyfluo...
0 112 Development of Manufacturing Technology for Industrial Transformation of Organic Chemical Reference Standards
Multi-material multilayer plastic packaging has a wide range of applications, such as food industry ...
0 112 Feasibility assessment project for microwave-assisted recycling technology of flexible multi-material multilayer plastic packaging
According to the nature of the work, the project is divided into four categories as: building data s...
0 112 Resource circulation flow reporting data intellectualized analysis technology development project
Photoluminescent materials, which continue to emit light after exposure to a light source and can be...
0 112 2023 Demonstration Plan of Green Lifestyle transition technology
The 2012 Taitung County Environmental Audit and Control Plan (hereinafter referred to as the plan) m...
0 112 112th Annual Taitung County Environmental Audit Control Plan
With the government's emphasis on achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, the National Development Cou...
0 112 Net-zero Emission Development Plan of Resource Recycling Industry
The reorganization of the Environmental Inspection Agency and the Environmental Training Institute i...
0 112 Green Industry and Big Data Information System Preliminary Development Plan
To enhance inspection efforts, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County Government has...
0 112 2023 Project for the Advancement of Supervisory Control Technology in Pingtung County.
This project implemented contaminants screening process of drinking water quality regulation. Six un...
0 111 Investigation of Compounds of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water and Management of Water Quality 2022
According to the "Smart Government Promotion Strategic Plan" of the Executive Yuan on 10 January 201...
0 111 System of Smart Environmental Protection One-stop
The primary tasks of this project covered three aspects, namely planning the mid- and long-term scie...
0 111 Technology Development Strategic Planning and Program Management Integration for 2022-2023 Projects
0 111 The Project for Integrating the Capacity of Alternatives to Animal Testing and Supporting Development of New Alternative Methods for Chemical Safety Assessment
This study investigated the chemical profiles of filterable particulate matter (FPM) and condensable...
0 111 Development of forensics for the pollution sources of secondary fine particulate matters
There are around 100,000 tons of PET bottles consumed every year in Taiwan. Green shirt made of recy...
0 111 Feasibility study of high-value sandwich structure rPET foam board
0 110 Development and verification of technology for extracting high-purity positive precursor materials from waste lithium secondary batteries
This project reviewed the drinking water management regulation and respondences to extreme climate o...
0 110 Investigation of Compounds of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water and Management of Water Quality 2021
There are around 100,000 tons of PET bottles consumed every year in Taiwan. Green shirt made of recy...
0 110 Development of sandwich-structured composite using rPET based fire retardant foam cores via reactive extrusion foaming process
This project has completed the survey of 5 routes in the vicinity of the light pollution source, inc...
0 110 Research for light pollution monitoring and improvement methods
0 110 The Project for Integrating the Capacity of Alternatives to Animal Testing and Supporting Development of New Alternative Methods for Chemical Safety Assessment
In recent years, the international green procurement trend has applied life cycle assessment (LCA)to...
0 110 The Project of drafting the evaluation criteria of green product for Green public Procurement
This project aligns with the Environmental Protection Administration's Smart Government Promotion Po...
0 109 Smart Government Project Management Services(2020-2023)
The primary tasks of this project covered three aspects, namely planning the mid- and long-term scie...
0 109 Technology Development Strategic Planning and Program Management Integration for 2020-2021 Projects
With the successful developments of the analytical protocols for Sr, Pb, Fe, and Mo isotopes in envi...
0 109 Tracing sources of metal pollutions in the aquatic environment using MC-ICP-MS (2/2)
This project completed the measurement and evaluation of electromagnetic field levels in specific ar...
0 109 Research on Non-ionizing Radiation Management and Environmental Monitoring Empirical Technology
This project focuses on the study and analysis of the permanent magnet from waste electronic and ele...
0 109 Rare earth recycling technology for waste electrical and electronic equipment
According to the data related to the promoting of the green public procurement from Taiwan EPA in 20...
0 109 The Project of drafting the evaluation criteria of green product for Green public Procurement
I. Hsinchu City Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan Through the "Hsinchu City Greenhouse Gas...
0 108 Hsinchu City's Low-Carbon Sustainable Homestead Construction Promotion Project in 108
The Environmental Protection Agency has collected international case studies and simplification the ...
0 108 The promotion program of low-carbon community and carbon reduction mechanism
Pingtung County Government entrusted Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) to build a public bi...
0 108 Pingtung public bicycle rental system operation and management plan in 2019
"The Project of Air Pollution Petitions Inspecting Control of Changhua County in 2019" had begun fro...
0 108 The Project of Air Pollution Petitions Inspecting Control of Changhua County in 2019
To build an international low-carbon city in Hualien County, divide the low-carbon life promotion an...
0 108 Hualien County's Low-Carbon Sustainable Homestead Construction Promotion Project in 108
The green roof and building energy demonstration system subsidy part assisted the Hsinchu Municipal ...
0 108 Hsinchu City Green Roof / Building Energy Saving Promotion Plan
This project began on February 13, 2019. The objective of this project was to assist in the advance...
0 108 Quality Management for the 2018 TEPA’s Projects
0 108 Ship Air Pollution and APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in the Sustainability of the Marine Environment
In terms of data amplification and maintenance, in this year, we’ve maintained 46 systems under cont...
0 108 To Apply the Chemical Substances Management Information Project
The eight tasks achieved by this project in 2019 are introduced as follows: (I) Enhance the functi...
0 108 2019 Inspection Management Platform Promotion and maintenance
The objectives of this survey were to estimate the pollution abatement and control (PAC) expenditure...
0 108 2019 Survey of Pollution Prevention Expenditures
The project aims at providing the inspectors of Bureau of Environmental Inspection to obtain license...
0 108 The project on the application of remote sensing technologies to enhance environmental investigation ability of year 108.
In response to the more serious impact of climate change day by day, Taiwan’s national climate chang...
0 108 Promote and Execute National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies
In the assistance in investigation and disposal for environmental enforcement, we executed calculati...
0 108 2019 Project of Interdisciplinary Consultancy and Assistance in Investigation and Disposal on Environmental Enforcement.
The project divided into four parts, government agencies, Private enterprise, general public and gre...
0 108 2018-2019 Green Procurement and Consumption Promotion Project (2019)
This project began on October 16th, 2019, aiming to expand the amount of Green Mark’s products. 8 ma...
0 108 The 1st Year Project for Low Pollution's Green Products Expansion (2018-2019, Two-Year Project)
According to the data related to the promoting of the green public procurement from Taiwan EPA in 20...
0 108 The Project of Performance Upgrade for Green public Procurement
The main tasks of this project include, the flicker evaluations of light pollution sources, the moni...
0 108 The study on the management and petition counselling of light pollution
To make Taichung a low-carbon communities and a blissful city that people yearned for, Taichung City...
0 108 Taichung city 2019 project on promote construction of low carbon and sustainable homeland operation system
The 2019 “Environmental Analysis Laboratories Accreditation Service Program” was commenced for the E...
0 108 FY 2019 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project (Ⅱ)
The goal of this project is to establish a program and outline for the on-the-job training course fo...
0 108 108 Technical Exchange of Environmental Protection Exclusive Personnel and Service Project Work Plan.
Under the increasing needs of products’ carbon footprint calculation, the basic ability to calculate...
0 108 The Service of Carbon Information Disclosure
The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been sponsoring the "National Enterprise Envir...
0 108 2019 National Enterprise Environmental Protection Award
The purposes of this project are promoting and authorizing the Carbon Labeling and Carbon Reduction ...
0 108 Project of the Authorization and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint Labeling Scheme (The Second year)
This is the project contracted by the ROC EPA to perform an upgrade of its “Basic Guideline for the ...
0 108 The environmental analysis laboratory quality management system basic guideline internationalized Project with CNS 17025 2018 project.
The objectives of the Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration’s registered profession...
0 108 2019 Professional Environmental Engineer Certification Case Auditing Project.
The main scope of work of this project includes making two campaign videos of green consumption and ...
0 108 2019 Improving the Image of Green Products and Introducing the New Concept of Green Consumption
0 107 Promotion of greenhouse gas control and the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation system and Management and Evaluation Program for Pingtung County in 2018
Recirculation of biogas residue, biogas slurry to agricultural land...
0 107 Recirculation of biogas residue, biogas slurry to agricultural land
The most important purpose of the implementation of the 107-year Nantou County mobile pollution sour...
0 107 107 Nantong County Mobile Pollution Source Inspection and Control Plan
851/5000 The Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau set up a public health and emergency li...
0 107 107 years Taitung air pollution petition cases quickly dealt control plan
In view of the imperfect trading system in the environmental market, manage inspection agencies and...
0 107 The Quality and Management Improvement Plan of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Analysis Data
The main purpose of this project is to improve the relevant systems for the Supervision and Evaluati...
0 107 Enhance and integrate the performance management system project, 2018-2019
In line with the participation of "CPT Single Window", to examine the documents signed clearance pur...
0 107 107 annual environmental protection business clearance examination document comparison system maintenance case
In terms of data expansion and maintenance, a total of 5 data were added and revised this year, and ...
0 107 Chemical Substances Information Platform and It's Applications
During the implementation period of this project, from August 23, 2018 to December 31, 2018, the imp...
0 107 Eliminate the old two-stroke locomotive / promote the use of demonstration vehicles for electric vehicles
0 107 A Preliminary study on the development of CO2 Emission Reduction Strategies and Establishment of localization Emission Parameters for Environment-related National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Pingtung County Government entrusted Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) to build a publ...
0 107 Pingtung public bicycle rental system operation and management plan in 2018
For the purposes of resource integration between public sector and private sector, encourgemnt of pu...
0 107 Supervision and Inspection of Green Point Collection Program Project of Year 2017-2018(2nd year)
The four main tasks of the project include: “facilitating the operation across the low carbon commun...
0 107 Residential & commercial energy-saving integration and promotion in low-carbon demonstration communities, 2018
0 107 Hsinchu City’s 2018 Project on Promotion of Reduction for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Implementation of Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation System
The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched a “Green Point Progra...
0 107 2018 Green point system planning and building project plans
The Recycling Fund Management Board was established 20 years ago. Up to the present, the promotion ...
0 107 The Recycling Fund Management Board was established 20 years ago
During the annual project was conducted, two information sessions about indoor air quality (IAQ) hav...
0 107 107
The purposes of this project are promoting and authorizing the Carbon Labeling and Carbon Reduction ...
0 107 Project of the Authorization and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint Labeling Scheme (The Second year)
Hsinchu City has always attached great importance to environmental protection and diversity developm...
0 107 107 Hsinchu City Energy Saving Green Signboard Promotion and Green Roof Demonstration Project
The objective of this project is to assist The Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City Govern...
0 107 2018 to create a friendly urban and rural environment (top-level) project management plan
For 27 consecutive years since 1992, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been spon...
0 107 2018 ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Award
The objectives of this survey were to estimate the pollution abatement and control (PAC) expenditure...
0 107 2018 Survey of Pollution Prevention Expenditures
Chironomus riparius sediment toxicity testing based on the European Union's relevant sediment toxici...
0 107 Assessing the Suitability of Benthic Organisms for Evaluating Sediment Quality Guidelines
One of the project’s tasks involves the continuing collection of information regarding the implement...
0 107 Enhancement of Green Mark Program and Management of Surveillance for Environmental Protection Products
  This project was started from 6rd August 2018, aiming to rebuild the image of Green Mark and to un...
0 107 The Production And Marketing Project for The Promotion Of The Green Mark Image With The Film (2018)
The project is divided into four major directions: performing chemical commodity import management, ...
0 107 2018 The Project of Operation and Maintenance of Chemical commodity Import/Export Management System and Promotion of Relevant Affairs.
This project started from 15th January 2018, aiming to assist the preliminary plan for EPA’s environ...
0 107 Quality Management and Promotion for the 2018 TEPA’s Projects
Based on results of 2016 EPA light pollution project, this research chose two kinds of LED combo lig...
0 107 The study on the management and petition handling of light pollution
We executed in 8 cases of illicit profits from violation of environmental protection laws; six of wh...
0 107 The 2018 Project of Assistance by Interdisciplinary, Professional Consultant in Inspections and Disposals.
107 annual enhanced green transportation promotion plan in penghu county...
0 107 107 annual enhanced green transportation promotion plan in penghu county
2018 Taichung Low Carbon Sustainable City Food Forest Farming Project’s concept is food fores,Use co...
0 107 2018 Taichung Low Carbon Sustainable City Food Forest Farming Project
In recent years, many incidents and false rumors regarding food safety or chemical substances in our...
0 107 Media Communication Program Of R.O.C. Chemical Substances Safety.
0 107 The 1st Year Project for Green-living Information Platform Management and Green Mark Products' Application Guidance (2018-2019, Two-Year Project)
The project divided into three parts, policy, promotion and conference respectively. In policy, “Gre...
0 107 2018-2019 Green Procurement and Consumption Promotion Project (2018)
(1) Enforcement and control of public nuisance cases: 1. Cooperate with the Reporting Center of this...
0 107 107-year-old Taidong County air pollution and other cases of rapid investigation and control plan - central planning subsidy
The 2018 “Environmental Analysis Laboratories Accreditation Service Program” was commenced for the E...
0 107 FY 2018 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project
The aim of the project is to reclaim and reuse piggery waste and digestate efficiently as the farm a...
0 107 The application project to reclaim piggery waste and digestate
In recent years, many incidents and false rumors regarding food safety or chemical substances in our...
0 107 Analysis for chemical substance management application interactive tools and components
This project was implemented based the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-related Minis...
0 107 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group -2017
The project aimed to assist Pingtung County towards the goals of low-carbon urban and rural developm...
0 106 Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation system and Management and Evaluation Program for Pingtung County in 2017
In order to urge Kaohsiung City to put forward a complete response strategy and measures to the impa...
0 106 In response to climate change
(A) Open 24 hours a day, accepting cases of public nuisance and quickly dispatched staff to the scen...
0 106 Chiayi County carried out inspections and propaganda programs on pollution prevention and control cases
The implementation of this project was to continuously assist in operation of the Kaohsiung City Sus...
0 106 Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation system and Management and Evaluation Program for Kaohsiung City in 2017
0 106 2015 and 2016 Agreed-Upon Procedures to Implement the Environment Protection Foundations’ Operational Condition and Financial Statement Audit
The National Development Council (NDC) initiated Taiwan’s national climate change adaptation policie...
0 106 Research and promotion on national climate change adaptation policies and actions
This project was carried out from January of 2017 to December of 2018 and the object of this project...
0 106 The auditing and certification project of the regulated recyclable waste (waste vehicle - Northern area of Taiwan)
0 106 Guidance and bookkeeping examination of designated responsible manufacturing/import enterprises with small payments (Year 2017 and 2018)
First, handle the consultative team composed of scholars or experts, and assist the relevant bureau ...
0 106 2017 Chiayi City Responding to Climate Change Project
The plan was executed on May 1, 106, the contract signing date. As of April 30, 2017, the execution ...
0 106 106 years of Hualien County river dust warning, propaganda and improvement promotion plan
Environmental and food safety events have been frequently noticed by the public. The Toxic and Chem...
0 106 Toxic and Chemical Substance Risk Assessment Certification Program
The development of low-carbon cities is based on the goal of sustainable development. The core conce...
0 106 Project for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction and Low Carbon Activity of Taichung City in 2017
In order to deal with various environmental issues and keep up with international trends toward prot...
0 106 A study of environmental policy and strategies
"2017 Changhua County Air Pollution and Complaint Case Inspection Control Plan" had begun from Mar.-...
0 106 The Project of Air Pollution Petitions Inspecting Control of Changhua County in 2017
The Taoyuan ponds, from 1900~1999 have decreased in area from 11.8% to 3.8%, and considering their r...
0 106 Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Taoyuan City Ponds in 2017
The impacts of climate change are becoming more frequent and severe. At the 21st Conference of the P...
0 106 Developing Administrative Support and Related Legal Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Management Fund in Our Nation
The main tasks of this project are hosting the “2017 National Sustainable Development Awards” and it...
0 106 Promotion of the 2017 National Sustainable Development Affairs and Effectiveness
The project has completed the implementation of the work items during the period stipulated in the c...
0 106 2017 Taichung City Low Carbon Sustainable Urban Food Forest Framing
The two main tasks of this project are emphasized as follow: I. Implement and strengthen the green ...
0 106 106 year Green Consumer Promotion Project
0 106 Pingtung public bike rental system operation and management plan in 2017
0 106 106 years of low-carbon sustainable home in Chiayi City, the operation system and implementation of the effectiveness of management plans
This project was implementated between March 17, 2017 and November 30, 2017. The quantitative result...
0 106 Operational System of Yunlin County Low-Carbon sustainable Homeland and Its Executive and managerial Plan in Year 2017
(A) work core indicators: 1. Assessment counseling certification This program will be held in Marc...
0 106 106 annual Hualien County low carbon sustainable home operation system and implementation of the effectiveness of management plan
In order to urge the environmental protection authorities in all counties and cities to promote the ...
0 106 2017 Hualien County to promote low-carbon life practices and adapt performance appraisal plan
The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched a “Green Point P...
0 106 2017 Green point system planning and building project plans
This project started from 6th June 2017, aiming to develop new system for the Green-living Informati...
0 106 The Management and Promotional Project for Green-living Information Platform (2017)
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to und...
0 106 Publication of Environmental Policy Monthly and English and Spanish Multimedia Presentation in 2017
1. Assisting saving energy and improving carbon reduction For counseling of major electricity consu...
0 106 2017 Kinmen promoting energy saving and carbon reduction diagnosis project
The main aims and implementation results of this project were to assist performing illegal benefits ...
0 106 2017 Interdisciplinary professional consultation construction project of assisting investigation operating platform
Indigenous people have been living in Taiwan longer than others. They respect nature and constructed...
0 106 Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Aborigional Tribes
In order to continue to handle the regular meeting of the Hsinchu city Government's low-carbon sust...
0 106 106th year Hsinchu low-carbon sustainable homeland operation system and management plan
Abstract During the annual project was conducted, one information session about indoor air quality ...
0 106 106
In recent years, many incidents and false rumors regarding food safety or chemical substances in our...
0 106 Media Integration Program of Chemical Safety
Toxic and Chemical substances Bureau and local Environment Protection Bureau started “106 Chemical ...
0 106 106 Chemical substances of food safety risks research project
In order to integrate government and non-governmental resources, encourage procurement of green prod...
0 106 Supervision and Inspection of Green Point Collection System Project of Year 2017-2018 (1st year)
This project was carried out from June 15th to December 31st, 2017. The main task involved establish...
0 106 The project for executing Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) and planning for Circular Economy (CE)
The implementation of the seven major items in this year's platform establishment has realized the f...
0 106 2017 Inspection Management Platform Establishment Project
The Chemical Cloud is an inter-ministerial chemical substance management platform that congregates c...
0 106 Chemical Substance Information Platform
To make Taichung a low carbon sustainable homeland and a blissful city that people yearned for, Taic...
0 106 Project for Operation and Evaluating Implementation Efforts of Taichung City Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland in 2017.
ㄧ, to promote government agencies to implement measures related to greenhouse gas reduction and clim...
0 106 2017 Kinmen Responding to Climate Change Project
In response to the emerging technology of Internet of Things (IoT) that drives the rapid development...
0 106 Promotion plan for environment internet of things
0 106 12
The main works of the project include “facilitating the operation and certification of low-carbon co...
0 106 Promotion and Practical Application Project for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Communities Integration
The 2017 “Environmental Analysis Laboratories Accreditation Service Program” was commenced for the E...
0 106 FY 2017 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project
The purpose of this project is to upgrade the quality and integrate the resource of environmental te...
0 106 Quality Management and Promotion for the 2017 TEPA’s Projects
In this study, we try to add the tire powder into the road marking to replace filler, it is not only...
0 106 Reuse of Waste Tires in Multiple Technology Development-Application of Rubber Powders in Road Marking
In order to promote the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program, Environmental Protection Admini...
0 106 Promotion Plan to Construct, Operate, Certify and Classify for Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project 2017
Chemical substances registration establishes a mechanism of source control and management for Taiwan...
0 106 Assessment and Analysis of Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Information Test Method in Chemical Substance Registration, 2017
The objectives of this survey were to estimate the pollution abatement and control (PAC) expenditure...
0 106 2017 Survey of Pollution Prevention Expenditures
The main tasks of this project include conducting environmental protection product follow-up surveil...
0 106 2016-2017 Project on Surveillance of Environmental Protection Products
Based on results of 2016 EPA light pollution project, this research chose two kinds of LED combo lig...
0 106 The Study on the Impacts and Subjective Perception of Light Pollution and its Regulations
  The content of this project involves: (1) Promotion and Evaluation of Sustainable Development and ...
0 106 106 Building Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities in Taipei City
In February 2012, Taipei City Government launched Climate Change Adaptation Project with the support...
0 106 106 The Assessment Project of Climate Change Adaption for Taipei City
  Under the trend of climate change, it is essential to establish a heat warning system to protect p...
0 106 Pilot Study in Establishing Heat-Stress Index Monitoring and Forecasting Systems in Taipei City
Inquiry of Environmental Statistics...
0 106 Inquiry of Environmental Statistics
In 1998, the Recycling Fund Management Board of EPA established a hotline, “National Recycle Service...
0 105 0800-085717toll-free resource recycling service hotline project
For 26 consecutive years since 1992, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been spon...
0 105 2016、2017 ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Award
(A) Open 24 hours a day, accepting cases of public nuisance and quickly dispatched staff to the scen...
0 105 Chiayi County carried out inspections and propaganda programs on pollution prevention and control cases
2016 Kinmen promoting energy saving and carbon reduction diagnosis project In order to assis...
0 105 2016 Kinmen promoting energy saving and carbon reduction diagnosis project
Performance duration of this project is between March 4, 2016, and March 3, 2017. Main work items in...
0 105 2016 Kinmen County Stationary Pollution Source Permits And F& B Industry Pollution Controlling And Improving Plan
According to the report of World Bank Group, there are 39 national and 23 subnational jurisdictions ...
0 105 Establishment of international linkage mechanism in carbon management and the promotion of early assessments
abstracts: The contract is dated from May 1, 105 to April 30, 2006, and the implementation time is ...
0 105 Hualien river dust warning, advocacy and improvement to promote the plan-105 final report
In order to implement the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act, the goal of this pro...
0 105 Preliminary Research and Planning on Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Allocation and Administrative Measures
The 2015 Kaohsiung City Low Carbon Living Practices and Adaptation Program - Operation Building of...
0 105 The 2015 Kaohsiung City Low Carbon Living Practices and Adaptation Program - Operation Building of Low-carbon Life
In the 2016 Low-carbon City Action Plan, we have continued to promote low carbon sustainable home ce...
0 105 2016 Low-carbon City Action Plan
The implementation of this project is to continuously help operate the Sustainable Low Carbon Homela...
0 105 Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation system and Management and Evaluation Program for Kaohsiung City in 2016
The execution period of this project is from 2016/1/12 to 2016/12/31. The following work items are a...
0 105 Quality Management and Promotion for the 2016 TEPA’s Projects
This project consists of five goals, with the results summarized in the following: 1. In terms of...
0 105 Early evaluation of the verification tools for Taiwan's carbon sink
EPA setup the incentive policy to encourage people do the right way for their wasted vehicles. In 1...
0 105 Waste Vehicles Recycle Awards Application Review and approval project
Achievement details of the program from 25th July to 31st December 2016 are as below: Three batche...
0 105 105 College Students Recycling Experience Camp Project
The recycle system of the discarded vehicles in Taiwan has promoted for many years, and around 70% o...
0 105 The economic assessment of the recycle technology for the waste PU foam from the automotive shredder residue
The tasks of this project are assistance to the relevant works of handling “2016 National Sustainabl...
0 105 The Promotion on 2016 National Sustainable Development affair and Effectiveness
Hualien has earned the title of the back garden of Taiwan. It is famous for its tourism, relaxing an...
0 105 2016 Hualien Low-Carbon Sustainable Hometown Operation and Effect Evaluation Plan
105 years of low carbon sustainable homeland to promote the content is as follows:2 sessions of low-...
0 105 105 Chiayi City Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Operation and Achievement Evaluation Project
The project aims to be the official website rebuild, combining news, environmental issues, environme...
0 105 105 year Official Website Maintenance Project
In order to continue to handle the regular meeting of the Hsinchu city Government's low-carbon susta...
0 105 105th year Hsinchu low-carbon sustainable homeland operation system and management plan
This project was implemented based the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-related Minis...
0 105 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group -2016
In order to promote the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program, Environmental Protection Admini...
0 105 Promotion Plan to Construct, Operate, Certify and Classify for Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project 2016
"2016 Penghu County Low-carbon Sustainable Home Operation System and Implementation Effect Managemen...
0 105 "2016 Penghu County Low-carbon Sustainable Home Operation System and Implementation Effect Management Project”
“2016 Penghu Promotion Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction” had begun from contract award...
0 105 2016 Penghu Promotion Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction
This project aims at applying satellite imagery from FORMOSAT-2 and SPOT, as well as images from Unm...
0 105 The project on the application of remote sensing technologies to environmental monitoring and environmental inspection of year 2016
Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City(hereinafter referred to as the CYCEPB) for the tasks ...
0 105 2016 Chiayi City promote the implementation and adaptation of low-carbon life plan
Taipei city takes “shortlisted” as the standard for community participation. The project has complet...
0 105 105 Building Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities in Taipei City
The program aims to review the resilience definitions and relevant implementations by UNHabitat, UNI...
0 105 105 Establishing Resilient Cities to Promote Low-Carbon Circular Economics in Taipei City
The four key points of this project are as below, 1.Green consumption advertisement and green procu...
0 105 105 year Green Consumer Promotion Project
The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (EPA) has launched the “green po...
0 105 2016 Green point system planning and building project plans
0 105 Development of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) method for the study of heavy metals transport in soil and plant
The purpose of conducting surveillance of environmental protection products is to conduct after-mark...
0 105 2016-2017 Project on Surveillance of Environmental Protection Products
This project began on 2nd February 2016, focusing on the maintenance, management, and updating of th...
0 105 The Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan of 2016
In order to build Taichung as a low carbon sustainable homeland, the Environmental Protection Bureau...
0 105 Project for Operation and Evaluating Implementation Efforts of Taichung City Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland in 105 year.
The objective of this project is to evaluate the environmental benefits that can be attributed to th...
0 105 2016 Evaluation of Environmental Benefit of Green Mark Products.
The maintenance of ecological balance and environmental protection, along with the pursuit of sust...
0 105 Basic Environment Act Analysis and national environmental protection plan compilation
This survey aimed to calculate capital expenditures and operating costs for pollution prevention by ...
0 105 2016 Survey of Pollution Prevention Expenditures
The goal of the project is to strengthen the supervision and inspection of Green Point Collection Sy...
0 105 Green Point System Supervision and Inspection Project Work Plan of Year 105
According to official statistics, the most serious emission were from vehicles. Moreover, the major ...
0 104 2014 Hualien Diesel Power Exhaust Detection Station Inspection Project
Gaopingxi is the chief river of the largest drainage area in Taiwan; the bike path along its right s...
0 104 104 green ecological corridor planning and design of the Kaohsiung Kaoping Rive
In order to create a low-carbon city and inspire people to use public transportation to complet...
0 104 2016-2018 Kaohsiung Public Bike Rental System Operations and Services Plan
In the face of climate change problems, the people of the world must think about how to reduce carbo...
0 104 2016 Lianjiang County energy saving and carbon reduction plan
0 104 Project on guiding and auditing designated manufacturers/importers responsible for funding recycling with small payments: District I (Year 2015–2016)
Under Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Policy, Taiwan EPA started to help planning a low carbon K...
0 104 Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon Kinmen Island - Establishment and Evaluating Implementation
The main works of the project include "assist in maintaining the operation of low-carbon communities...
0 104 Promotion and Practical Application Project for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Communities
Promoting the relevant work of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), including proposing the domestic CC...
0 104 Work Plan on Promotion and Study Project of Key Greenhouse Gases Reduction Technology and Environmental Management Policy
The International Environmental Partnership (IEP) commenced in April 2014. Since then, it has expand...
0 104 Administration Support and Website Planning for International Environmental Partnership
To continue previous projects, this project focused on several perspectives -development of internat...
0 104 Establish Paragon Enterprise of Low-carbon and Carbon-neutral Promotion Project
The main objective of this project was to evaluate the construction quality of environmental protect...
0 104 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities (2013-2015)
Through the broad based global search related to the national core repository done by this project, ...
0 104 Feasibility Assessment for a National Core Repository
 The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required...
0 104 The Taichung Low Carbon City Development Promotion and Evaluation Project
For improving the convenience of recycling the "Waste Four" (refrigerators, televisions, air conditi...
0 104 The Renewal of the Four Household Appliances lucky draw Program and Resourse Recycling Promotion Program
The core tasks of this project are assistance to the relevant works of handling “2015 National Susta...
0 104 The Promotion on 2015 National Sustainable Development Information and Effectiveness
Based on the domestic conditions of Taiwan, this project aims to investigate and analyze the impacts...
0 104 Investigation of Light Pollution Impacts on Human Perception and Related Measurement Metrics and
Over the past decades economic growth, Taiwan has been transferred from agricultural society to ind...
0 104 The Application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Environmental Enforcement Evidence
This project was carried out from April 2 to December 31, 2015. The main purpose was to establish a...
0 104 Establishing the Biomass Energy Certification System and Promoting Its Usages
The goal of this project is to assess the actual environmental benefits reaped through promoting the...
0 104 2015 Evaluation of Environmental Benefit of Green Mark Products.
To build Taichung City as a low-carbon sustainable homeland, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Ta...
0 104 Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation and Effectiveness Management and Evaluation Program for Taichung City in 2015
This project was designed and implemented for the goals (shown as follows) from February 2015 to Dec...
0 104 Quality Management and Promotion for the 2015 TEPA’s Projects
1.Sophisticated supervision and environmental protection product tracking system: The project had c...
0 104 2014-2015 Certification and monitoring plan of environmental products.(2015)
This survey aimed to calculate capital expenditures and operating costs for pollution preventio...
0 104 2015 Survey of Pollution Prevention Expenditures
In this work, the hydrocyclone separation process was applied to separate the automotive shredder re...
0 104 Calcium silicate board and high-pressure manufactured bricks generated from automotive shredder resi
This auditing was designed for data quality of air pollutant analysis from January 2015 to December ...
0 104 Auditing project of the air pollutant analysis data quality
For 24 consecutive years since 1992, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been spo...
0 104 2015 ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Award
This project began on 7th April 2015, focusing on the maintenance, management, and updating of the G...
0 104 The Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan of 2015
The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (EPA) has launched the “green po...
0 104 2015 Green point system planning and building project plans
Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment have been used frequently and vastly, such as air condi...
0 104 Establish parameters for security parameters of environmental refrigerants
Whole-sediment toxicity tests are increasingly being used in ecological risk assessments of contamin...
0 104 The application of the whole sediment toxicity tests in ecological risk assessment
This study investigated the energy efficiency of syngas and aluminum recovery in gasification of tet...
0 104 Key Resource/Energy Conversion Technologies of Tetra Pak and Non-recycled Plastics from Municipal So
This project continued to promote the cross-strait exchange on the environmental sectors. Through t...
0 104 Promotion of environmental services exchange
During the gathering of relevant domestic and overseas ecolabelling information, it was observed tha...
0 104 103-104 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria.
This project was implemented in according to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-rel...
0 104 The Project on the Involvemnet of APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group-2015
The purpose of this program is to design one set of autonomous management operation strategy, aimed ...
0 104 Autonomous management evaluation program for Environmental Analysis Laboratories and Motor Vehicle E
“2014 Implementation and Planning Project of Green Energy & Low-carbon Transportation System Program...
0 103 The Green Energy & low-carbon transport systems program in Kinmen Country.
Development of Innovative and Eco-Friendly Gold Stripper Technology...
0 103 Development of Innovative and Eco-Friendly Gold Stripper Technology
Assessment of application and development of the lightweight materials manufactured from residues of...
0 103 Development and assessment on energy-saving lightweight materials by full-scale plant
The 2nd environment drama contest is focusing on the PEA vision and the main strategies: saving ener...
0 103 The 2nd environment drama contest
The objectives of this study were to (1) enhance and improve indoor environmental management capabil...
0 103 Practices in Promotion Planning of Indoor air quality improvement
0 103 2014 Project of Environmental Pre-warning and Management in Yunlin County
The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality of environmental protecti...
0 103 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities (2013-2015)
In order to mitigate global warming and climate change,Environmental Protection Administration, Exec...
0 103 2014 Changhua County Plan on Operation and Effectiveness Check of Low Carbon Sustainable Society
"103 years Taitung construction engineering pollution control plan," the project objectives are to: ...
0 103 103 years - Taitung construction engineering pollution control plan
In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental ma...
0 103 2014 Green point system planning and building project plans
This project contains main parts, including “Collect and Organize Carbon Reduction Evaluation of the...
0 103 To Create Low-Carbon Sustainable Demostration Communities and Participate the Certifying and Classif
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development(Rio+20)was held in Rio de Janeiro on June 2...
0 103 The promotion of sustainable development
In order to promote the recycling and reuse of the "Waste Four"(direlict TVs, Washing Machines, Refr...
0 103 Renewal of the Four Household Appliances Lottory Program
The purpose of project is to understand the percentage of EPA juridical enterprises joining the asso...
0 103 The survey of Current Status and Requirements for EPA Juridical Enterprises to Join the Commercial
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to unde...
0 103 Publication of Environmental Policy Monthly in 2014
In order to response to the global trend of environmental protection and mitigation of the impact of...
0 103 2014 advocacy to promote energy conservation and carbon reducti o n pl a n
Waste biomass material consist approximately 3-4% of global biomass energy source each year. Bioener...
0 103 The applications of Biomass energy use and the enhancement strategy of promotion biomass energy proj
The most well-known definition of Sustainable Development is “satisfy the present and future at the ...
0 103 Sustainability Policy Research and Analysis Project Work Plan and Citizen Participation
The objectives of Exective Yuan EPA’s registered professional environmental engineer certification c...
0 103 2013-2014 Registered professional environmental engineer certification case review and management in
There are so many annual restricted or controlled cases in the Department of Supervision Evaluation ...
0 103 103 Annual tube case tracking system maintenance service project work plan
“2014 Kinmen County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project” had begun from Jan.-21- 2014 to Dec.-20...
0 103 2014 Kinmen Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program
This project was implemented in response to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-rela...
0 103 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Marine and Fisheries Working Group -2014
This project conducted the information collection for the cross-strait environmental related activit...
0 103 Promotion of environmental services on the development of technology exchange
The objectives of this survey were to estimate the pollution abatement and control expenditures...
0 103 2014 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures
This research project is to study and analyze the legal system of the practice of hearing in Taiwan ...
0 102 The Study of the Application of the Hearing to the Decision-Making Process of Environmental Policy
"The Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)" of Kaohsiung City was executed from 2...
0 102 The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2012 and 2013.
The project includes the work plan pending inspection locomotive inspections, license plate recognit...
0 102 Mobile sources, Nantou County 102 annual inspection control plan
The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality of environmental protecti...
0 102 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities (2013-2015)
In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental ma...
0 102 2013 Green point system planning and building project plans
“2013 Tainan City Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement & converge-burning”(the p...
0 102 Tainan City 102 annual reduction centralized paper money to burn control plan
This study is to explore the risk perceptions of nanotechnology of the general population in Taiwan....
0 102 The Risk Perceptions and Policy Resaerches of Nanotechnology
There are three work projects in the plan: advanced the system of environmental protection products,...
0 102 2013 Certification and monitoring plan of environmental products
This year’s project has revised 12 product criteria: original toner cartridges, stationery and writi...
0 102 2013 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria, Certification and Product
The objectives of this survey were to estimate the pollution abatement and control expenditures by t...
0 102 2013 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures
The objectives of Exective Yuan EPA’s registered professional environmental engineer certification c...
0 102 2013-2014 Registered professional environmental engineer certification case review and management in
Completed the processing and reviews of 554 Green Mark IT product certification applications, includ...
0 102 Supplemental acquisition of certification of Environmentally Preferable Information Products of 2012
The execution of this project spans a nine-month period from April 2 to December 31, 2012. The main ...
0 101 The 2012 Project of VOC inspection in offshore industrial zones, Yunlin County
1.Collect the Act or regulation of recycling resources issued by National Development and Reform ...
0 101 Cross Strait Envionmental Service of the Recycling Resources Communication Platform
Taiwan’s Green Mark Program has been implemented since August 25, 1992, following the official promu...
0 101 2012 Green Mark General Product and Type II Environmental-Protection Product Application Review Proj
Government green procurement has a powerful role model and promote sustainable consumption for the w...
0 101 To promote Green Procurement in government and establish type II environmental labels certificate sy
Recently, perfluoro compounds (PFCs) have been widely used in a variety of industrial, commercial, a...
0 101 Technical Development for High-efficiency Catalytic Decomposition/Mineralization of Stable PFCs and
This project has successfully accomplished the following tasks: finished environmental performance a...
0 101 201 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria, Certification and Product
In addition, to effectively manage the professional engineer certification process, this program est...
0 101 2011-2012 Registered professional environmental engineer certification case review and management in
The purpose of this project is to draw up Green Mark standard for service industry, precursors of wh...
0 101 2011 Project of Drawing up Green Mark Criteria for Service Industry
The main objective of this project was to evaluate the construction quality of environmental protect...
0 101 99 ~101Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities.(101third
The objectives of this survey were to estimate the environmental protection expenditures by the gove...
0 101 2012 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures
The execution of this project spans a nine-month period from April 1 to December 31, 2011. The tasks...
0 100 The 2011 Project of VOC inspection in offshore industrial zones, Yunlin County
In recent years, people are more aware of environmental consciousness; it means that it is not only ...
0 100 Book publishing project of Environmental Protection
The three missions in this project include: A.Build the international network of private-public par...
0 100 The scenario building and strategic planning of Taiwan's meaningful participation in the post-kyoto
Since the promotion of Taiwan’s industrialization in the 1950’s, the resulting environmental polluti...
0 100 The Project of Compiling for Major Environmental Policy of EPA
The goals of this project are: (1) to review the current status of the institutional green procureme...
0 100 The Improvement Project for Institutional Green Procurement and Greenmark system
For the purpose of evaluating environmental, social and economic impact of policies, the research pr...
0 100 Research of Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) Establishment
The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality of environment protection...
0 100 99-101 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities(2nd year)
Sustainable development is defined as the development that meets the needs of the present, without c...
0 100 Taichung City Sustainable Development Plan
The so-called green products can be represented by products which are “clean, recyclable and resourc...
0 100 2011 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria, Certification and Product
The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to unde...
0 100 2011 Publication of Environmental Policy Monthly